do not造句,用do not怎么造句子(67句)

do not造句,用do not怎么造句子

1、SCARLETT: I do not.『4words』

2、Facts do not lie.『4words』

3、Demonstrate, do not explicate.『4words』

4、Contradictions do not exist.『4words』

5、Mama, do not cry!『4words』

6、I do not permit insubordination.『5words』

7、Please do not leave litter.『5words』

8、But do not expect miracles.『5words』

9、I do not speak Urdu.『5words』

10、Try not. Do or do not.『6words』

do not造句,用do not怎么造句子(67句)

do not造句,用do not怎么造句子

11、Really? I do not know .『6words』

12、Emerging markets do not have those.『6words』

13、We do not do homework at weekends.『7words』

14、Company officers: I do not do tomorrow.『7words』

15、Can not, do not eat scallops things.『7words』

16、Unfortunately monitors do not work that way.『7words』

17、Bedbug bites do not usually require treatment.『7words』

18、Such situations do not offer obvious parallels.『7words』

19、Therefore they do not support human interaction.『7words』

20、So baby, do notdo not believe in love.『8words』

21、Do not censure what you do not understand.『8words』

22、Whatever you do, do not blink.They're like grizzlies.『8words』

23、Do or do not. There is no try.『8words』

24、Technology focused initiatives typically do not do this.『8words』

25、Please, Lord, do not do this to us.『8words』

26、Only do not want to do, not can not do.『10words』

27、More do not want to, do not get do not.『10words』

28、Do not know this calculates do not be beguiling consumer.『10words』

29、Do not be afraid to say you do not understand.『10words』

30、Tell yourself: why do not want to, do notdo not.『10words』

do not造句,用do not怎么造句子(67句)

do not造句,用do not怎么造句子

31、Life is not long, do not fade, lose not decadent.『10words』

32、If you are hesitating about something, do not do it.『10words』

33、“ do not drop " ; " not to is drop ".『12words』

34、I do not care what you do or do not like, missy!『12words』

35、Do not be a merciless person, do not do the best thing!『12words』

36、“ do not drop " ; " not to be drop " .『13words』

37、“What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others--Confucius"『13words』

38、Yes.Today, people do not want to do. Tomorrow, do things others can not do.『14words』

39、Do not ask that do not say, all in do not call the turn.『14words』

40、Do not harm oneself, do not injure another person, be not harmed by other.『14words』

41、Do not do to others what you do not want others to do to you.『15words』

42、“what you do not want to be done unto yourself, do not do unto others."『15words』

43、Optimism, confusion, do not want to think, do not want, can not get, do not want.『16words』

44、Do not smoke, to prohibit access, do not discount flowers, do not trample on the lawn.『16words』

45、My mouth I overbearing, do not forgive, I do not protect themselves, protect me, do you?『16words』

46、Do not stand at my grave and cry. I am not there, I do not die.『16words』

47、Do not do evil, do good deeds, do not do good and small, do not do evil.『17words』

48、If you do not like the assignment, just do not do them, but do not scamp them.『17words』

49、If you do what people do not do today, you will do what people cannot do tomorrow!『17words』

50、“If it is not right, do not do it; if it is not true, do not say it"『18words』

do not造句,用do not怎么造句子(67句)

do not造句,用do not怎么造句子

51、Do not trust others' hearsay, do not believe in rumors, and do not rely on books in general.『18words』

52、Strangers do not have long hair and waist, no dream teenagers, do not read, do not love, strangers.『18words』

53、Today I do what others do not want to do, tomorrow I can do what others can not do.『19words』

54、Do not talk or laugh loudly; do not smoke or eat; do not litter the floor with waste paper.『19words』

55、Do not linger under the trees, do not contemplate in the rain, do not shed tears in the darkness.『19words』

56、Do a good job of their own, do the most real person, do not lose heart, do not lose conscience.『20words』

57、I am very good, do not quarrel, do not show off, do not complain, do not laugh at, do not need others to know.『24words』

58、You do not know me, do not know me, do not understand me, I do not blame you, because know the responsibility, do not know innocence.『26words』

59、Sometimes I do not understand, but I do not want to understand, sometimes I do not understand, but I do not know how to do it.『26words』

60、I think you do not understand, that is, I do not understand, I do not understand maybe you understand, you do not understand I do not understand.『27words』

61、Some things do not care, but do not want to say, some people are not hurt, but do not mind, some love is not missing, but not.『27words』

62、We do not want to encourage growth. Of course, I do not say that I do not like them, nor do I say I do not trust them.『28words』

63、Do not shout pain, do not have no feeling. Do not ask, not necessarily do not expect. No tears, no scar. Do not speak, do not have no heart.『29words』

64、People's hearts, do not see do not know cold, human feelings, do not detect do not know terrible, popularity, do not speak, do not know a few kilograms or two.『30words』

65、People, do not write clearly, do notdo notdo not be confused, three shallow life, work, seven minutes to stay, give others opportunities, give their own steps, do not delay, do not waste.『32words』

66、 What people, what life, not willing to, no, do not know, it has been unable to understand, do not do, you can not do a lifetime, do not ask, do not know for a lifetime.『36words』

67、Some things, not do not know, but do not want to know, some words, not do not say, but do not have to say, some injuries, not pain, but not pain, some people, not love, but not love.『38words』

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