cope with造句,用cope with怎么造句子(60句)

cope with造句,用cope with怎么造句子

1、How you cope with setbacks?『5words』

2、He couldn't cope with that.『5words』

3、How to cope with these dangers?『6words』

4、Mr. Wyburd will cope with the visitors.『7words』

5、He can cope with the present situation.『7words』

6、He was scarcely able to cope with the situation.『9words』

7、We don't know how to cope with the situation.『9words』

8、Learn to tolerate ambiguity and cope with soft data.『9words』

9、a machine with the ability to cope with large loads『10words』

10、A Novel method to cope with the acoustic compatibility problem『10words』

cope with造句,用cope with怎么造句子(60句)

cope with造句,用cope with怎么造句子

11、It is more difficult to cope with early spring cold.『10words』

12、These are things fast-food firms have learnt to cope with.『10words』

13、The security forces can barely cope without resorting to violence.『10words』

14、Yes, I'm not sure how I'm going to cope with the work.『12words』

15、With confidence we can certainly cope with any task we are faced with.『13words』

16、Many scientists, therefore, believe that crying somehow helps us cope with emotional situations.『13words』

17、Bookstores now abound with manuals describing how to manage time and cope with stress.『14words』

18、With a glimpse, this matter is seemly easy to cope with but complicated actually.『14words』

19、Despite vigorous attempts by fraudsters, the public has largely learned to cope with online rackets.『15words』

20、I couldn't cope with the added burden of being a cop as well as a victim.『16words』

21、Instead of using nicotine to help cope with stress, you'll need to learn new ways to cope.『17words』

22、Then, out of the blue, he said, "And I'm going to help other kids cope with loss."『17words』

23、If there is any religion that would cope with modern scientific needs, it would be Buddhism. 若问哪种宗教可以应付现代科学进展的需求,那么这个宗教便是佛教。『17words』

24、Recent Indians who were more familiar with broad-based, interior-maritime adaptation, intensified this strategy to cope with the Dorset.『18words』

25、Their action is like is the police inside body same, with will cope with ab extra virus, bacterium.『18words』

26、The centrists' creed was that government should not interfere with the market, but help workers cope with the consequences.『19words』

27、They often leave the prison with no expertise and are not able to cope with life and work outside.『19words』

28、OBJECTIVE: to raise the exigency capacity of drug system to cope with the unexpected events of public heal_ th.『19words』

29、I think there should be equal concern for those who are unable to cope with simple mental arithmetic—particularly girls.『19words』

30、Then came the Indian army, led by British and Indian officers, who were fully armed to cope with any emergency.『20words』

cope with造句,用cope with怎么造句子(60句)

cope with造句,用cope with怎么造句子

31、All major airports have now reopened and airlines are beginning to cope with the backlog of thousands of stranded passengers.『20words』

32、Keepers at the Oregon Zoo had to come up with a way to help Eddie the Sea Otter cope with arthritis.『21words』

33、“They not only have to cope with their own injuries, but have to cope with the loss of loved ones," he said.『22words』

34、It's much better to be prepared so we can cope with changes as they happen-with grace and poise-and stay focused on moving forward.『23words』

35、It can forge better relationships and help you cope with life, or it can be corrosive eating away your self-esteem and irritating others.『23words』

36、The traditional way of metaphysic thinking is a kind of one-side substantial thinking. It cannot cope with the relationship between human and world.『23words』

37、Some researchers have suggested that assuming the role of a sick person is one way in which certain people try to cope with stress.『24words』

38、With time, the loving support of family and friends, and your own positive actions, you can find ways to cope with even the deepest loss.『25words』

39、Support and encouragement were also required to help teachers in the program cope with aspects of their professional life with which they were not comfortable.『25words』

40、A 2008 British study found that compared to getting more nighttime sleep, a mid-day nap was the best way to cope with the mid-afternoon sleepiness.『25words』

41、The prevention of this type of fraud is no easy task, and a new field of computer science is developing to cope with security issues.『25words』

42、The focus of crisis management is the prevention of crisis. The key point to cope with crisis is how to deal with the relationship with medium.『26words』

43、Then its minister Wangang introduced the progression in coping with climate change and said developing new-energy cars is an important job to cope with climate change.『26words』

44、It's impossible for everyone to cope with all kinds of people on the pitch, but you can understand their kind of people so that you can cope with them calmly.『30words』

45、Since that is very much the approach of America’s new president, the contrarian blogger may soon have to cope with an unsettling new life as part of the new orthodoxy.『30words』

46、You can see that in many Asian countries where rate of urbanization and the absolute magnitude of populations means that the sewerage systems, the energy systems just can't cope with the pressure.『32words』

47、Through the railings of the prison car, countless pavilions and pavilions have no time to cope with, palaces are interlaced with dogs and teeth, and red glaze emits mottled light in the sunlight.『33words』

48、As two biggest economies in the world, the US and China should work with the G20 members to boost world economic recovery and cope with climate change and other global and regional issues.『33words』

49、A proper set of values is vital for the new generation to handle challenges and to cope with both successes and adversities : trust, love and respect for our family and our elders;『33words』

50、After all, it is often more acceptably in our society to be sick and to seek medical help than it is to admit that one can not cope with the stresses of life.『33words』

cope with造句,用cope with怎么造句子(60句)

cope with造句,用cope with怎么造句子

51、(to a certain extent, relate... to..., cope with) to a certain extent the speed of reading is closely related to reading skills, and with reading skills you can cope with outside class reading better.『34words』

52、You will begin by descending deeper into the depths: expulsion, crime and prison - nothing really to do with being gay, but everything to do with love and your inability to cope with it.『34words』

53、It's a hobby that I've stuck with, and it continues to help me cope with stress at work, provide a sense of order in hectic days, and allow my brain time to solve problems.『34words』

54、Consumers are struggling to cope with the impact of that on their wealth and with the effect of higher fuel and food prices on their wallets; a rise in interest rates may push them over the edge.『37words』

55、 The pits and holes of the rubble pavement in the street are covered with thick ice, especially in the days after the snow. Passers-by try to cope with all kinds of snow and ice on the road.『38words』

56、Because we have been carrying out the reform and opening for eleven or twelve years. As we go further with the reform and open wider to the outside world, we shall be better able to cope with problems if they arise.『41words』

57、As soon as you enter the shopping mall, you can see all kinds of Lantern couplets appearing in front of you. Commodities are also being discounted and promoted. There are so many kinds of goods that you can't cope with them.『41words』

58、In Uygur shops, there are a great variety of national characteristics commodities, which can not cope with, eat, use, see, have not seen, call names, do not know what everything, the air is filled with bursts of fragrance of melons and fruits.『42words』

59、If asked how to cope with a great host of the enemy in orderly array and on the point of marching to the attack, I should say: "Begin by seizing something which your opponent holds dear; then he will be amenable to your will."『44words』

60、At the same time, his own problem preoccupied him so that he felt unable to cope with both at once. The thought of one made him forget the other, and then with a start he would tingle like a child coming out with prickly heat in summer.『47words』

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