



3、或者你可以使用任何Atom感知的公共工具或库,如. NETWCFSyndication去读或写这些基于云服务的feeds『2words』

4、赞助商品牌将被放置在搜索结果旁边,而不会被直接植入到Twitter feeds中-------------这样就将对用户的不利影响降到最低限度。『2words』

5、This dish feeds six.『4words』

6、Prejudice feeds on ignorance.『4words』

7、The dragonfly feeds on flies.『5words』

8、Visit your foursquare feeds page.『5words』

9、He feeds on the hope.『5words』

10、Intranet sites with RSS feeds.『5words』



11、mixture of ground animal feeds.『5words』

12、Headstock provides two step of feeds.『6words』

13、He feeds oats to his cattle.『6words』

14、 updates will be reflected through feeds.『6words』

15、The returned feeds are 2.0 compliant.『6words』

16、Don't Bite the hand that feeds you『7words』

17、Microsoft is also touting support for ATOM-based feeds.『8words』

18、It is a neurosis which feeds upon itself.『8words』

19、Nah, I really need to re-sort my RSS feeds.『9words』

20、Self-referential feeds that help to ease the subscription process.『9words』

21、We also get individual library catalogs and commercial data feeds.『10words』

22、If you run the Firefox browser, then your browser supports RSS feeds natively.『13words』

23、The most common problem is the Mealy bug, which feeds on plant SAP.『13words』

24、The ability to mix and transform information feeds into new feeds calls data mashups.『14words』

25、Talk is of a virtuous circle in which growth feeds expertise, which feeds investment.『14words』

26、The moving belt feeds the machine with raw material/feeds raw material into the machine.『14words』

27、A zookeeper feeds milk to a newborn giraffe at the zoo in Duisburg, Germany.『14words』

28、Some del.icio.us JSON feeds are similar to the Web feeds used earlier in this article.『15words』

29、And the new media junkies can channel information from all their feeds into the site.『15words』

30、Worse, if that feeds into expectations the world will be depressingly similar to the 1970s.『15words』



31、But these widgets are usually basic apps such as calendar, E-mail or integrated social-networking feeds.『15words』

32、Therefore, it is generally recommended to use higher feeds for roughing operations and finer feeds for finishing operations.『18words』

33、Codependence is also a nonphysical dance in which one feeds off another or consumes another for chi and love.『19words』

34、The widening gap between the Labour productivity increase and the consumption preference leads to the excess liquidity that feeds bubbles.『20words』

35、FastSOA may federate news analysis articles published on a Web site with late breaking news stories from several RSS feeds.『20words』

36、For rookies or veterans, guarding Bryant can become a humiliating undressing in a sport that feeds off boasting and bravado.『20words』

37、Rats in model group were fed with AOAC-modified low-dosage iron feeds to establish IDA models by blooding at caudal vein.『20words』

38、The main products comprise premium feeds for EEL, turtle, bullfrog, shrimp, crab, sturgeon, and snack feeds for pet fishes, pets, and baits.『22words』

39、We all have an inner jerk that feeds us negative thoughts about us, but we don't have to listen to its nasty comments.『23words』

40、A single 52mm throttle body sits atop a plastic intake manifold and feeds a common chamber, which in turn feeds six long intake runners.『24words』

41、Spreadsheet feeds, such as worksheet, list, and cell feeds, might even be accessed without authentication, depending on the security settings of the corresponding spreadsheet.『24words』

42、Finer feeds produce better surface finish, whereas higher feeds reduce the machining time during which the tool is in direct contact with the workpiece.『24words』

43、The article reports the concentration of chloride in feeds by ion-selective electrode. The results of testing indicate that the method is simple, accurate and rapid.『25words』

44、Researchers at Indiana University in Bloomington have come up with a way to track Twitter feeds and sniff out those tweets that might be lies.『25words』

45、The effects of various feeds on antenna gain in coverage area are compared so that the advantage of the cross septum feed is confirmed further.『25words』

46、The only really wicked men i have ever known were those who started as idealists. That is what depravity feeds on:illusions and idealism and love gone wrong.据我所知,唯有那些一开始是理想主义者的人才是真正邪恶的人。助长堕落的不外乎幻想和理想破灭以及爱情失败。『27words』

47、Our business includes:1 Bioactivity animal feed additives;2 Pre-mixed compound feeds for ruminants;3 Biologic protein feeds;4 By-pass products;5 Testing series for Ruminant: Ketone test paper and Ultrasonic instruments Vet.『28words』

48、Once a predetermined steel level is attained in the tundish, nozzles are opened and the molten steel feeds the open-ended mould set in a frame with internal water-cooling.『28words』

49、All sorts of services can provide GData feeds, from public services like blog feeds or news syndication feeds to personalized data like email or calendar events or task-list items.『29words』

50、The company manufactures over ninety kinds of rich and diverse feeds, including mixed, concentrated and premixes feeds ingredient for poultry and livestock, as well as mixed aquatic baits ingredients.『29words』



51、The product can promote the popularization and the application of total mixed diet granulated feeds for the meat sheep and improve the economic benefit of the meat sheep breeding industry.『30words』

52、for sinking feeds are sturgeons, ayu, flatfish, rock fish, and red fish; for powder feeds are eel, turtle and sea fish; for particle feeds are prawn, tilapia, crab, grass carp and abalone.『32words』

53、This situation can arise, for example, when a transconductance amplifier feeds an output current i0 to a load resistor RL, but the overall circuit is considered to give a voltage gain VL/Vi.『32words』

54、The feed reader in the back-end is currently mostly for managing the feeds in the ticker, but with a bit of additional work, it could also become a great reader in its own right.『34words』

55、Apart from threatening to plunge the simultaneous translators into meltdown, such language feeds the image overseas of Mr Bush as a hopelessly inarticulate, trigger-happy cowboy, one that Tony Blair was at pains to say this week he regards as a parody.『41words』

56、“Various fatty acids pairs distinguish the various lecithins. Commercial lecithin, a wetting and emulsifying agent used in animal feeds, baking products and mixes, chocolate, cosmetics and soap, insecticides, paint, and plastics, is a mixture of lecithins and other phospholipids in an edible oil. "『44words』

57、Ephemera can absolutely live for two years. Ephemera pupae lies dormant on the river bank for two years. It breathes through tiny gills and feeds on small animals and plants. Only then can it have thin wings and gather into a spectacular summer scenery.『44words』

58、40 male SD rats were fed on lard oil (L) or maize oil (M) feeds respectively. After the hyperlipomia models were induced, Na2SeO3 was supplemented in the feeds (L-Se, M-Se )The content of serum Cu, Zn, Ca and Mg was determined in 4 groups of rats.『46words』

59、“It was once used to treat and prevent rickets, but the widespread fortification of milk with vitamin D. It is still used as a remedy for joint pain caused by arthritis and as a preventive of cardiovascular disease. It is also used in feeds for poultry and other animals. "『50words』


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