


2、Shylock epitomizes greed.『3words』

3、ambition differs from greed.『4words』

4、Insatiable greed of covetousness『4words』

5、rabid hate, greed, etc『4words』

6、The president condemns their greed.『5words』

7、The president berates their greed.『5words』

8、excite envy, admiration, greed, etc『5words』

9、Criminality habitually goes with greed.『5words』

10、The real problem is greed.『5words』



11、I repressed greed, it became pride.『6words』

12、Turning beauty into filth and greed.『6words』

13、Malevolent: Fear, anger, greed and hatred.『6words』

14、Germans have reason to resent state greed.『7words』

15、To have one's head turned by greed『7words』

16、He has uncontrollable greed for fame and wealth.『8words』

17、and that is enongh,to want more would be greed『9words』

18、The law become the weapon of every kind of greed『10words』

19、What does ignorance have to do with greed and fear?『10words』

20、Indeed they are as deep-rooted as human gullibility and greed.『10words』

21、Human nature is greed, but without greed society will not progress.『11words』

22、We have a - greed the budget for next year .『11words』

23、They will lie in the dust, mutilated by our shameless greed.『11words』

24、Personal greed. - Don't let greed and deceit get the best of you.『13words』

25、Foreign bankers are plentiful, competition and greed is rampant, and regulation is lax.『13words』

26、Even more philosophically, have human beings become infallible enough to shun greed and power?『14words』

27、People make money from it due to human weakness, human greed and human gullibility .『15words』

28、When business goes up a notch, there must be no greed, not to mention the insatiable greed.『17words』

29、Must he not abandon both greed and non-greed to be above and beyond the influence of both?『17words』

30、Your job is to just say no to laziness, lust, greed, drug use and the other sins.『17words』



31、It's good for entrepreneurs to have ambition, but ambition and greed are often separated by one wall.『17words』

32、“Rich dad said it differently: "Guilt is worse than greed. For guilt robs the body of its soul.""『18words』

33、To enjoy happiness and happiness, we must get rid of the greed in our hearts and remove our distractions.『19words』

34、Personal greed. - Don't let greed and deceit get the best of you. Greed will bury even the lucky eventually.『20words』

35、No voice, no complaint, no greed, no love, contentment and happiness, ease and calmness, once read down, ease of mind.『20words』

36、The point is, ladies and gentleman, that greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right, greed works.『21words』

37、Honour honesty, enjoy it endlessly, shame on greed, protect your family and yourself, support honesty, and have no regrets for life.『21words』

38、When I was away, that's what they are, it seemed like greed got greedier with a little bit of envy mixed in.『22words』

39、Greed was necessary but insufficient; in any case, we are as likely to eliminate greed from our national character as we are lust and envy.『25words』

40、The basic substance of price change is human emotion. Panic, fear, greed, insecurity, anxiety, stress, and uncertainty are the primary sources of short-term price change.『25words』

41、It is from that source that souls anywhere in this universe who have proclivity toward greed, ruthlessness and lust for power become puppets of that abject darkness.『27words』

42、The day's events marked a coda in the saga of Mr. Madoff, whose name has become shorthand for an entire era of greed and deceit on Wall Street.『28words』

43、Whatever faults various authorities find in the "decade of greed," which was followed by another decade of greed, it marked the start of 25 years of exceptional prosperity and opportunity.『30words』

44、We can test the distinction between greed and enterprise by substituting the word "enterprise" for "greed" in the fictional character Gordon Gecko's famous speech from the 1987 movie Wall street.『30words』

45、Buddhism was originally intended to extradite all living beings to give up greed and strive for transcendence. Many places have turned the other way and worshipped Buddha out of greed.『30words』

46、Michael Joo, a New York artist of Korean extraction who participated in one of Mr Hirst's earliest shows and also contributed to the RED auction, says:"This is not vampire-like, life-draining greed;"『31words』

47、人*最最丑陋,繁衍罪恶之处,焦点集中体现在,日思夜想的贪得无厌; 绞尽脑汁的贪婪无度。The most ugly ,breed evil and the prince of darkness of Human nature,it spread repeatably and focus centred on,day and night are insatiably avaricious; brain is fulfiled by huge of greed.『32words』

48、Now, I'm far from perfect in that I only go after “pure” goals, because I get sucked into greed over and over again, and sometimes that's exactly the nudge I need to stay on track.『35words』

49、For the Holy Grail triggered by last battle is about to begin, in order to protect his father David and Stella and heroic sacrifice, and the mother to pay for their greed with their lives.『35words』

50、Perhaps all our troubles - all the violence, obesity, illness, depression, and greed we can't overcome - began when we stopped living as Running People. Deny your nature, and it will erupt in some other, uglier way. 或许我们无法克服的所有问题——*、肥胖、疾病、抑郁和贪婪,都是从我们停止奔跑的那一刻开始的。压抑天*,只会让天*以更讨厌的方式爆发出来。『38words』



51、When you are conscious, you should look around more, when you are unconscious, you should think more about yourself. The highest level of life is not greed, but to maintain conscience and be a person with morality and virtue.『39words』

52、When the rice came, he cooked and mixed the rest of the fork. Several brothers beside him looked at me with envious greed, but they couldn't muster up the courage to learn Jackie Chan to order more than a bowl of rice.『42words』

53、Finally, a fuller picture of the ring has emerged, suggesting that after years of double dealing, million-dollar Swiss bank accounts and the avoidance of detection through code words, couriers and mail drops, the network was done in by its own greed and complacency.『43words』

54、Some things are born with cold and warm seasons, unable to see the soul, blindly taste the greed of the outside world, blindly taste the life of the unknown, unable to perceive their own life, unable to perceive the fate of a lifetime.『43words』

55、 More desire leads to greed, more selfishness leads to wrong, and the crime is born. The fear of punishment by the people, the fear of misfortune by the officials, or the restraint of action, but it is hard to predict the organic change.『44words』

56、All one's life, those who do not greed others, have a clear conscience. In a word, they do not hurt people's hearts, have a sense of well-being. People have conscience, they do not deceive others, and they do not fail others. They must have a good future.『47words』

57、that greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right, greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind『48words』

58、Walk today's road, live the present life, do not admire the flourishing, do not carve, be simple to people, do not be too stingy, do not be too stingy, do not be too stingy, know how to choose, learn to give, learn to pay, not to bear the mind, not to disguise the spirit, let the footsteps light, not the greed, not the self, the『65words』

59、The plate of life, some need to break through, some must adhere to, when the choice of degree, go in and out, if greed to go forward, the trap as a pie, as strong as a powerful, grabbed the things that do not belong, then easy to go south, after all. It is more important to keep pace than to move forward. Staying is the best dir『67words』

