


2、corrupt public morals『3words』

3、They have no morals.『4words』

4、To guide them with morals『5words』

5、a self-appointed guardian of public morals.『6words』

6、He's never done anything injurious to morals.『7words』

7、His ideas on morals are really prehistoric.『7words』

8、To reform the corrupt morals of the church.『8words』

9、The man's morals are rotten to the core.『8words』

10、Children begin to learn basic morals in the kindergarten.『9words』



11、Mind does not understand why the morals have changed.『9words』

12、In him, good manners and good morals were as one.『10words』

13、We should strive to safeguard public morals and improve social climate.『11words』

14、Finiteness and process are the characteristics of the legislation of morals.『11words』

15、THE recession has taken its toll on morals as well as profits.『12words』

16、I did not think I in the morals am an unprincipled person.『12words』

17、The morals are formed by the code of ethic and ethical value.『12words』

18、If your morals make you dreary. depend upon it, they are wrong.『12words』

19、It is not this newspaper's job to be guardian of the nation's morals.『13words』

20、Systematicness, objectivity, process, fuzziness, and practicality are the basic characteristics of social morals conduct.『14words』

21、Social morals conduct is the main form of morals conduct, and its main subjective ex.『15words』

22、In the life, should strengthen the life moral education, form the good life morals environment.『15words』

23、He is a widower with a roving eye and the morals of a stray dog.『15words』

24、Nothing can substitute for the dancing art of the culture to uphold spirits, beliefs, ideas and morals.『17words』

25、Li Bai was abstracted in the thoughts, morals, Life, writing of the poets in Zhong Rong's ShiPin.『17words』

26、Likewise, a university's accord development cannot leave all teachers and students staff thought morals quality the enhancement.『17words』

27、How to believe confirmedly in the world where all rules can be broken and all morals dissipates slowly?『18words』

28、It contains moral value and people's morals adjudicate as soon as system of social security come into being.『18words』

29、Parents should take responsibility of their children and teach them teh basics of life like manners, morals and cleanliness.『19words』

30、Russell argues that as robots take on more complicated tasks, it's necessary to translate our morals into AI language.『19words』



31、Its task is to find a balance between primitive drives, morals, and reality while satisfying the id and superego.『19words』

32、All these explain the sequence of character and education. One must first develop morals and integrity before studying academically. Mr.『20words』

33、If ethics and morals go together, you have to hone your skills at reasoning critically about ethical and moral issues.『20words』

34、Rule by virtue should be realized by enhancing cadres party morals and political respect, raising peoples morals and strengthening construction ruled by low.『23words』

35、Since the main form of Chinese public morality today is citizen's morals, the building- up of citizen's morals is supposed to be strengthened.『23words』

36、Preserve The Traditional Moral Culture To Advance Moral Cultivation Among University Students ---On relationship between Confucian morals and moral cultivation of university students『23words』

37、Born in 1732 into a Virginia planter family, he learned the morals, manners, and body of knowledge requisite for an 18th century Virginia gentleman.『24words』

38、“The loyal road" the connotation is rich, the significance is profound, regardless to human body morals development, has the important value to social morals' progress.『25words』

39、After medico's moral direct relation they step onto the medical practice post, profession morals, also will bring the immediate influence to morality of entire society.『25words』

40、Because most laws are the codification of the society's values, beliefs and morals, they are generally based on the notion of justice and fair play.『25words』

41、These are my principles, like it is for people to be honest and compassionate - I don't see myself ditching my morals any time soon.『25words』

42、At contemporary Chinas, governed by law morals foundation support governed by law social morals environment, legislative morals, judicial morals and abide by the law the morals form together.『28words』

43、Acting as "the university of social conscience" is the important strength of guiding social morals advance, it is duty-bound on the good morals behavior of training college student.『28words』

44、《Hong Fan》 was the outline and summary of general plan of running the country,contrast with the morals times based on the agricultural stability at later periods of history.『28words』

45、Regulating laws with morals or moral legislation in the socialism moral building is such a result that Our Party pays attention to the function of keeping morals with laws.『29words』

46、Even if in a legal society, the morals can be replaced by nothing on adjusting people's behavior and relation, Good social morals is the performance of a national civilization progress.『30words』

47、Even if in a legal society, the morals can be replaced by nothing on adjusting people's behavior and relation, Good social morals is the performance of a national civilization progress.『30words』

48、The social allocation system and morals are dispensable to social system; and the justice of social allocation is a part of social morals, so it plays a important role of morals.『31words』

49、Modern morals are characterized by the loss of moral bottom line, which causes the inefficiency of morals in ruling human being′s behavior and leads to the moral crisis in modern society.『31words』

50、Morals and Benefits, the two basic opposite group of Western views on benefit and morals, are both useful in constructing our modern market economy morals, the contribution from the latter is larger.『32words』



51、Madman is a singular and complicated figure portrayed by the author. His spiritual character and morals have the features of a sober enlightener and an anti-feudal fighter full of valour and vigour.『32words』

52、Morals of officials (namely morals of cadres of administration and the Communist Party) both can be defined from the level of professional ethics, and can be grasped from the level of roles' ethics.『33words』

53、The reason is the lack of a perfect system of laws, an efficient mechanism of the estimate of research item, the normal management of technical market and the lack of the restriction of morals.『34words』

54、On culture, he impulsed the development imperial examination and was strict with the abilities and morals of the talents avoiding the interfusion of crafty sycophants to bureaucracy when he chose scholars as officials and awarded officers.『36words』

55、Arts education and sci-tech education both are important components ofthe modem educational system. One the one hand, arts education can imbue theeducated with the healthy inner harmonious esthetical psychology and morals, andenhance their imaginativeness and creativity.『36words』

56、Law conduct and actions is a kind of balance, digest a self-contradict art, the factor which influences its success or failure to a large extent return and the lawyer's personal character, occupation morals, conducting philosophy etc. the character have relation to.『41words』

57、Without apparel men would go in shameful nudity which would surely lead to the corruption of morals; and without etiquette society would be in a pitiable state and the necessary intercourse between its members would be interfered with by needless offences and troubles.『43words』

58、Abay's didacticism thought has a system of its own, that is to start with "breaking with the connatural foul habits of the nationality" and take "erecting national character and morals" as the main goal, advocate science and democracy and seek the renascence of the nationality.『45words』


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