benefit from造句,用benefit from怎么造句子(57句)

benefit from造句,用benefit from怎么造句子

1、To benefit from something『4words』

2、right to benefit from『4words』

3、They won't benefit from treatment.『5words』

4、Both parties benefit from something.『5words』

5、You will benefit from experience.『5words』

6、We benefit from daily exercises.『5words』

7、They hope to benefit from your experience.『7words』

8、Two trading partners can benefit from trade.『7words』

9、Readers should benefit from the greater variety.『7words』

10、Africa should benefit from all this activity.『7words』

benefit from造句,用benefit from怎么造句子(57句)

benefit from造句,用benefit from怎么造句子

11、Our whole life can benefit from them!『7words』

12、Many concurrent applications will benefit from their use.『8words』

13、Prisoners benefit from dietary supplements; prisons might benefit, too.『9words』

14、You will benefit from this experience in the end.『9words』

15、The hosts stand to benefit from the funds' capital.『9words』

16、Urban wildlife also benefit from the shelter provided by trees.『10words』

17、Eventually, the benefit from two pairs of eyes becomes negligible.『10words』

18、Most women benefit from polygyny, while most men benefit from monogamy.『11words』

19、Many countries benefit from ongoing advice and assistance from international observers.『11words』

20、Most applications will benefit from the 2.6 kernel level NUMA support.『11words』

21、TBR makers also benefit from the way big vehicles quickly wear out tires.『13words』

22、When Gen Ys become over-emotional, they benefit from being reminded of the big picture.『14words』

23、How does the system vendor benefit from using SATA technology in servers and NAS?『14words』

24、By asserting yourself to the benefit of others, you'll benefit from their loyalty, admiration and trust.『16words』

25、As you can see from these examples many people could benefit from a flexible work schedule.『16words』

26、First, the liar may benefit from the lie by escaping from the pressure of unnecessary embarrassment.『16words』

27、Here, forheart month, are important findings from the past year that you can acton—and benefit from—now.『16words』

28、This will benefit both the Yen and Dollar as they continue to benefit from their haven status.『17words』

29、In addition, the bearings benefit from improved kinematics, optimised surfaces and are made from higher performance materials.『17words』

30、First, the liar itself will benefit from the lie by escaping from the pressure of unnecessary embarrassment.『17words』

benefit from造句,用benefit from怎么造句子(57句)

benefit from造句,用benefit from怎么造句子

31、The second way is to learn from doing so that we can benefit from our valuable experience.『17words』

32、That is, companies are assumed to be socially responsible because they anticipate a benefit from these actions.『17words』

33、Yesterday, shares of real estate market trends and benefit from this move has become a hot news.『17words』

34、There are four key areas in your organization that can benefit from working in an Enterprise Modernization Sandbox.『18words』

35、People whose blindness results from a range of causes, including retinitis pigmentos and macular degeneration could benefit from it.『19words』

36、The great question is who should benefit from the analysis of all the data that our lives now generate.『19words』

37、So, the ants benefit from the energy-rich secretions produced by the caterpillars, and the caterpillars benefit from the ants' protection.『20words』

38、That has not stopped many from proposing taxes that would penalise exports from countries that benefit from low carbon prices.『20words』

39、High Performance Computing (HPC) and Life Science developers will benefit from the availability of common applications, for example NCBI applications.『20words』

40、In an uplifted society sharing is quite normal, as the desire exists to help all people to benefit from any discoveries.『21words』

41、But they also benefit from the welfare state more than before, through child benefit (increased by new Labour) and new tax credits.『22words』

42、But after a sudden 8% gain on August 20th, an even more tantalizing idea emerged: could they benefit from a post-Olympic bounce?『22words』

43、Yes, librarians benefit from “ALA Accredited Degree or Equivalent” requirements, but it's silly to attribute that benefit as a primary or sole motivation.『23words』

44、Rich and poor pupils would benefit from the same resources; slow learners would profit from contact with quicker ones without holding them back.『23words』

45、We may not fully benefit from planting trees for the time being, but we must continue doing so, since it will benefit later generations.『24words』

46、He also promised that small shopkeepers would be able to buy from Reliance on a wholesale basis, and so benefit from its supply chain.『24words』

47、One might wonder whether all of Hitachi's 900-odd units, which manufacture everything from washing machines to nuclear-power plants, would benefit from a similar separation.『24words』

48、The economy will continue to benefit from aid from the IMF and other international sources and from new foreign investment in food processing and mining.『25words』

49、UIs for graphical selection and manipulation of pointcuts will benefit from a common set of heuristics that can turn selections and search results into pointcuts.『25words』

50、Baby names from the professional reputation of high, convenient quick and easy, staying at home to help your baby from a good name, benefit from the life.『27words』

benefit from造句,用benefit from怎么造句子(57句)

benefit from造句,用benefit from怎么造句子

51、Mr Grinstein himself is foregoing any payout from Delta's emergence from bankruptcy, citing a "tacit understanding" that he would not benefit from sacrifices made by the staff.『27words』

52、Each year, more than 6 000 young people from child and youth centres, institutions for the handicapped, outreach teams and schools benefit from the training programmes offered.『27words』

53、Shamanism (Elemental passive) now causes Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, and Lava Burst spells to gain an additional 32% benefit from the shaman's spell power, up from 20%.『27words』

54、About half of buyers in these areas are from overseas, meaning those converting their funds from other major currencies will also benefit from sterling's decline since the vote.『28words』

55、When women benefit fully from the right to employment, they are more likely to benefit from protective legislation, access to employer-based health insurance and other measures of social protection.『29words』

56、This woman is going to benefit more from carrying a small clutch bag, for example, than she's going to benefit from carrying a big, clutch bag, which would just add volume to her body.『34words』

57、When you are in contact with anyone, ask yourself often, what do I have for him? Make him benefit. If I can't benefit from the power of personal morality and discipline, I owe a debt.『35words』

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