

1、We like cute cats.『4words』

2、All babies are cute.『4words』

3、Because they're very cute.『4words』

4、Some foxes are cute.『4words』

5、The mustee is cute.『4words』

6、His fingernails are so cute.『5words』

7、He has cute chubby cheeks.『5words』

8、Don you think shes cute『5words』

9、She wore a cute dress.『5words』

10、How cute the bunny is!『5words』



11、The yellow duckling is so cute.『6words』

12、Old Navy sells very cute socks.『6words』

13、Repeat, I am a cute, pistachio.『6words』

14、She's cute, but she is a shrimp.『7words』

15、Mention the cute thing the dog did.『7words』

16、A cute Kisser enjoys being sweet and charming.『8words』

17、Linux has a cute penguin for its mascot.『8words』

18、You are not so cute as you think.『8words』

19、Baby car: wer are cute cars on road.『8words』

20、Your boyfriend is cute! 6. What a cute apartment!『9words』

21、Peter Jackson's children appear as "cute Rohan refugee children".『9words』

22、The cute aspect that she read the cartoon book fascinate me.『11words』

23、Beautiful cute excellent talent, I live on various ebullience, you obtain understanding.『12words』

24、a cute kid with pigtails; a cute little apartment; cunning kittens; a cunning baby.『14words』

25、On the living room carpet, there was a cute cat playing with a ball.『14words』

26、It’s from the textile designer Vera Neumann and has her cute ladybug signature at the bottom.『16words』

27、Brad keeps telling me it's not a very good computer, but I think it's totally cute.『16words』

28、Taking advantage of the intrinsic romance in cute things obviously depends upon recognizing which things are cute.『17words』

29、And often see girls coming out for jogging with cute big dog, German Shepherd or Siberian Husky.『17words』

30、Sniffer dogs are friendly and cute, so they don't scare people as they sniff through the crowds.『17words』



31、Either way, next time you see a cute little marmoset, forget “oooh” or “awwww” or “ee-ee-ee。”Try shhhh。『17words』

32、smart 知*的funny 古灵精怪的sexy *感的cute 可爱的据说用上面四个词来形容一个人,每人最多占两项因为 sexy 和 cute 属于 looks column,而 smart 和 funny 属于 temperament column,一个人不可能同时拥有两种类型。『17words』

33、smart 知*的 funny 古灵精怪的 cute 可爱的 据说用上面四个词来形容一个人,每人最多占两项 因为 cute 属于 looks column,而 smart 和 funny 属于 temperament column,一个人不可能同时拥有两种类型。『18words』

34、It was cute of the boy to bring it to me.= The boy was cute to bring it to me.『20words』

35、My name is XueChenggong. I 'm13. I like watching TV. I like dogs very much. Because they are very cute.『20words』

36、But when the manager saw the cake, he said it was too cute to cut and decided to raffle it.『20words』

37、At least some mice will be stirring before Christmas if you include these too-cute treats on your holiday cookie platter.『20words』

38、The idea is basically a steam punk robot named P-N01 on emergency repair by a cute techy girl named Lucy.『20words』

39、“Cute bacteria bathing suit", the story of the eruption of bacteria was used in the image of all sorts of cute bacteria.『22words』

40、Even lolcats, even cute pictures of kittens made even cuter with the addition of cute captions, hold out an invitation to participation.『22words』

41、On one side there are cool names, such as Leon and Kotarou, and on the other, cute names like Choco and Moca.『22words』

42、Fast-food chains should also stop offering "inducements" such as toys, cute animals, and mobile phone credit to lure young customers, Stephenson said.『22words』

43、Bowser's Inside Story features Mario and Luigi exploring the cavernous — but cute, always cute — stomach and intestines of Mario nemesis Bowser.『23words』

44、My daughter is cute and cute when she is young, and she always likes to whisper around her like a chicken pecking rice.『23words』

45、Polar bears have evolved unique features for Arctic life, including furred feet that have good traction on ice and totally cute and cuddly.『23words』

46、Probably the worst thing about being a penguin is after you're in an argument you'll try to waddle away angrily but still look adorably cute.身为企鹅最可悲的一点也许是,一场激烈的争吵后,你迈着坚毅的步伐愤然离开,而在别人眼中却是一个摇摇摆摆卖萌的小可爱。『25words』

47、We kids really don't need too many toys. Just add some creativity, even a simple balloon and an egg carton can become a fun train or a cute puppy!『29words』

48、Dogs are cute in their own little way and sometimes when I look at Olay, I feel that I have to take care of her the best that I can.『30words』

49、A cute puppy, to quiet him, he will smile at you, his glasses is a yellow diamond set into, the body can be seen in his total set with five blue diamonds!『32words』

50、 It was two babies who drove the car. One was wearing a red coat and the other was wearing a green coat. They looked exactly the same. They were very cute.『32words』



51、Super cutecute fighting game of the VB, the game is open source, cross the border with the basic elements of fighting games, like the friends of these games can be downloaded under study.『33words』

52、The second child Wu Born was quite a cute girl, very cute. Empress Wang was also very fond of this girl, and she often went to see her, and every time when Gaozong came, Wang would leave first.『38words』

53、Walk in wutong road, pieces of heap wutong leaves on the ground, the north wind blowing, they are like a group of naughty cute dog skipped by the road, the north wind also shot to shot in my clothes.『39words』

54、不要愁老之将至,你老了一定很可爱。而且,假如你老了十岁,我当然也同样老了十岁,世界也老了十岁,上帝也老了十岁,一切都是一样。 Don't worry about the old age old, you must be very cute. And, if you are ten years old, of course I am ten years old, and the world is ten years old, and God is ten years old.『40words』

55、The handicraft is exquisite red. The leaves made of green velvet, the trunks made of brown cardboard and a super cute model car remind Yunyuan of the bus he used to ride in school. Looking at it carefully, it's really super-similar.『41words』

56、There are so many people around you to understand a few of them. Don't tell me, I am a good person, I am very cute, I am very lively. I am just an ordinary person who will feel inferior, sad and cautious.『42words』

57、It has a long and white hair. It has a pair of black and round eyes, a flat nose, a big mouth, long ears, its four legs are very short, its tail warps like an antenna, walking up and twisting his butt, very cute.『44words』


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