to lose造句,用to lose怎么造句子(56句)

to lose造句,用to lose怎么造句子

1、to lose color; to fade『5words』

2、to lose more than win『5words』

3、No one likes to lose.『5words』

4、Fiat has little to lose.『5words』

5、encourage sb to lose weight『5words』

6、It's better than continuing to lose.『6words』

7、To cause to lose affection or loyalty.『7words』

8、However, Wesley doesn't want to lose him.『7words』

9、It is impossible to lose or lose heart.『8words』

10、She went on a diet to lose weight.『8words』

to lose造句,用to lose怎么造句子(56句)

to lose造句,用to lose怎么造句子

11、Lose anything, but can't afford to lose a smile!『9words』

12、He appealed to his countrymen not to lose heart.『9words』

13、S. to lose, only speculators to engage in one lost.『10words』

14、Fred didn't want to lose out to the other salesman.『10words』

15、We hate to lose, especially hate to lose against each other.『11words』

16、It is better to lose freedom than to lose the truth.『11words』

17、The fastest way to lose love is to gasp it tightly.『11words』

18、The hardest thing to learn is not to lose your temper.『11words』

19、LooKs like onE to lose the cHild to lOse in the cRowD.『12words』

20、So Americans are wrong to think their "pre-eminence is America's to lose".『12words』

21、But Cho refused to accept that, not wanting to lose the protectorate.『12words』

22、Otherwise I'll lose. I don't think you want me to lose money in business.『14words』

23、My wife must arrange to lose time at work and not lose the job.『14words』

24、lose or cause to lose liquid by vaporization leaving a more concentrated residue;evaporate milk.『14words』

25、Silence. I’m starting to lose my patience, so I decide to change the subject.『14words』

26、When treated with leptin, their appetites decreased and metabolism increased, causing them to lose weight.『15words』

27、We are still undefeated and we didn't lose a game tonight we didn't deserve to lose.『16words』

28、To be a man is to lose money. Life is not to be brought to life.『16words』

29、83. To have misconceptions and to be caught unawares may mean to lose superiority and initiative.『16words』

30、If you want to lose electron, you have to find someplace for that electron to go.『16words』

to lose造句,用to lose怎么造句子(56句)

to lose造句,用to lose怎么造句子

31、To sit next to you, "he replied gallantly, would cause any man to lose his appetite."『16words』

32、So, if you want to lose fat on your face, the main objective is to lose weight.『17words』

33、He always asked her to lose, so her only requirement was that he was not allowed to lose.『18words』

34、to lose one's temper; to flare up; to work oneself into a rage; to rage; to bridle at『18words』

35、Those who talk nonsense learn to avoid others, to be lonely, to lose virtue and to forget conscience.『18words』

36、People can not lose themselves because of their feelings, nor can they lose their feelings in order to lose.『19words』

37、Learn to put down, learn to forget, do yourself well, not to lose the future, not to lose yourself.『19words』

38、If you want to lose weight, you need to exercise more. Drugs are the only way to lose weight.『19words』

39、Sometimes we can't afford to lose. If we lose something, we lose completely. What we lose is never found again.『20words』

40、One of the reasons I work so hard not to lose myself. is’cause I fear I would also lose you.『20words』

41、And if you lose that, you're not just dislocated physically, but you start to lose a sense of who you are.『21words』

42、The worst thing in life is not to lose someone you love, but to lose yourself because you love someone too much.『22words』

43、Such individuals—who get on and then off Atkins—are often the people who need to lose 40 pounds but lose interest at 28.『22words』

44、Life is like tea, a lot of things to do, many things to lose, everything to loseto lose, to know life and death.『24words』

45、Maturity is to turn resentment into a smiling face and to make sadness sad. There is no way to lose or lose in life.『24words』

46、No city government, easy to lose, easy to lose a mess, easy to invite people not to see, speak straight, honest, easy to annoy, annoying.『25words』

47、To be a person who understands himself, to be a person who understands himself, not to lose the future, not to lose all living beings.『25words』

48、People are lazy, difficult to behave, poor, hard to behave, dumb, negligent, too talkative, easy to lose identity, too much to see, easy to lose credibility.『26words』

49、It is a strange desire, to seek power and to lose liberty: or to seek power over others, and to lose power over a man's self.『26words』

50、But that always leads us to ask the question "When you say that you need to lose weight, what particular weight do you need to lose?"『26words』

to lose造句,用to lose怎么造句子(56句)

to lose造句,用to lose怎么造句子

51、No one wants to lose face, or cause others to lose face, and a vague approach is the best way to ensure that no face is lost.『27words』

52、Why are you afraid to lose? You don't have to lose! Anyway, I can't lose again, so I can't be stupid anymore, so I won't lose even if I lose.『30words』

53、Don't be too pretentious, low-key will not lose personality, rave talk, easy to lose dignity, heavy talk, easy to lose courtesy, say derogatory words, easy to be looked down upon.『30words』

54、If you don't use it, you tend to lose it. Evolution often takes away rather than adding. For instance, cave fish lose their eyes, while parasites like tapeworms lose their guts.『31words』

55、There is no real perfection, something is doomed to lose. The important thing is to lose the value, and to weigh this kind of value, is it to lose the exchange or to retain that original sustenance.『37words』

56、What kind of loss can people bear, I can not afford to lose relatives, lose friends, lose love, lose personality and dignity, nor lose strength and courage. Only things are the only way I can lose, and only lose courage to take risks.『43words』

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