

1、Bio-degradable, non-persistent wastes『3words』

2、composting of solid wastes『4words』

3、desert wastes, sands, etc『4words』

4、low level liquid wastes『4words』

5、marine disposal (of hazardous wastes)『5words』

6、to change wastes into valuables『5words』

7、building materials from solid wastes『5words』

8、deep-well injection (of hazardous wastes)『5words』

9、dumping at sea (of hazardous wastes)『6words』

10、They use industrial wastes as sculpture materials.『7words』



11、War wastes the blood at a nation.『7words』

12、He always wastes his time doing nothing.『7words』

13、Resetting hundreds of property weight values wastes time.『8words』

14、What can we do with dangerous radioactive wastes『8words』

15、Wastes from farms include animal wastes, fertilizers, and pesticides.『9words』

16、One who wastes, especially one who wastes money;a profligate.『9words』

17、All this wastes fuel and causes congestion and delays.『9words』

18、A disease that gradually weakens or wastes the body.『9words』

19、It is essential to isolate reusable components from other wastes.『10words』

20、Production of value-added products using biological wastes under solid-state fermentation conditions『11words』

21、It is forbidden to mix hazardous wastes with non hazardous wastes in storage.『13words』

22、This interrupts our workflow, wastes time and creates a habit of being disappointed.『13words』

23、He doesn't seem to carry his load, wastes time socializing and misses deadlines.『13words』

24、Green-eject to store a wastes, purify the body makes of the clearness is clean.『14words』

25、The methods to recycle and reuse the thermosetting FRP wastes are introduced in this paper.『15words』

26、Toyota, Wal-Mart, DuPont, M&S and General Electric have made tackling environmental wastes a key economic driver.『16words』

27、The disposal of other industrial wastes may not cause pollution damage to fishing areas and shipping channels.『17words』

28、Biological hydrogen production is a process of applying anaerobic biological fermentation method to produce hydrogen from organic wastes.『18words』

29、Manages the production materials, ensures that the material is in consistent with the list, and abates the wastes.『18words』

30、Proper disposal of organic wastes. All wastes should be collected, cleared away and treated promptly to prevent propagation of pests.『20words』



31、Any imported wastes without the Certificate of Approval for import of wastes may not be stored in the bonded warehouse.『20words』

32、Years later when King David does the same thing, the Lord wastes no time in smiting him for his trouble.『20words』

33、Forty percent of that powers old-fashioned incandescent light bulbs—a 19th-century technology that wastes most of the power it consumes on unwanted heat.『22words』

34、Searching for cheaper ways to get rid of the wastes, toxic traders began shipping hazardous wastes to developing countries and to Eastern Europe.『23words』

35、We should ram the soft ground with heavy rammer awarding to certain distance, fill up the pit with construction wastes, and tamp again.『23words』

36、The experiment wastes in half minim qualitative analysis methods are not in great number, but their components are complex and of great toxicity.『23words』

37、The present paper introduces two different methods for treatment of the metallurgical wastes, namely the cold bonding pellet and pelletization in min-shaft furnace.『23words』

38、Gossip wastes time, jealousy wastes eyes. If you add it up, you will not be able to enjoy the beautiful scenery on the road.『24words』

39、We have contracted with an environ-mental engineering company to advise us on any possible problems as well as solutions including legal disposal of all hazardous wastes.『26words』

40、Party to the Basel Convention shall not permit hazardous wastes or other wastes to be exported to a non- Party or to be imported from a non-Party.『27words』

41、An entity which intends to dump wastes at sea shall make an application to the Competent Authority by filling in an application form for dumping wastes as required『28words』

42、Section 307 also provides for pretreatment standards for wastes--especially industrial wastes-that are to be introduced into municipal treatment systems rather than being discharged directly into the nation's waterways.『28words』

43、As one of the most popular ways for the disposal of municipal solid wastes, the fully-containing sanitary landfill meets with many problems and difficulties in its practical application.『28words』

44、At the same time, it causes prolonging and accumulation of many cases, increases legal cost, wastes legal resources, and impedes the normal litigation activities of the judicatory organs seriously.『29words』

45、“For insect control, some farmers now release ladybugs in the fields. They remove weeds by hand, and for fertilizers they plough dead plants and animal wastes into the soil."『29words』

46、Article 33 it is prohibited to discharge into the sea such wastes as oils, acid liquids, alkaline liquids, hypertoxic waste liquids and waste water with high or medium radioactivity.『29words』

47、“Rest gives the body time to get rid of left-over wastes. The brain also gets tired. It, too, collects wastes during activity. The brain cannot relax while you are awake."『30words』

48、Offshore oil rigs, drilling platforms and oil extraction platforms may not dispose oil-polluted industrial wastes into the sea. The disposal of other industrial wastes may not cause pollution damage to fishing areas and shipping channels.『35words』

49、Looking at the world's love tears, the end of the story is just the guardianship of fate, love began to burn, and finally unable to recover, how many days and wastes, are a person's paintings for the prison.『38words』

50、By 2005, all domestic wastes in the urban area and in the satellite cities will be treated, and a strict system for the control of hazardous wastes will be established to ensure that all the hazardous wastes are safely disposed.『40words』



51、SHBS has contracted tens of project items home and abroad since its establishment, including the equipment design, project construction and operations of fertilizer, fine chemical products, medicine, electricity, gases, and treatment of the three wastes (waste gas, waste water, industrial residue).『41words』

52、The school had held many activities such as talent shows, fun games about wastes, lectures and speeches of the experts and professionals, field trips, open houses and so on to claim for the concepts of the recycling, trash reduction and something else.『42words』

53、To the extent economically and technically feasible, enterprises shall recover and utilize their own wastes or wasted heat generated from the processes of production and/or provision of services or transfer these wastes to other enterprises or persons with the ability to do so.『43words』

54、Lu Zuofu was appointed Director of the Construction Department of Sichuan Province, just after the chaos of the warlords had ended, he was at the extreme of his sight, devastated and left a hundred wastes to be revived, which added to his burden.『43words』

55、Baking-free brick was made by using fly ash, sand, cement and other industrial wastes, which makes the cost of material low.Furthermore, when it was made, the degree of mechanization is very high, using few workers, production cycle is short, thus the cost was lowered.『44words』

56、That thou among the wastes of time must go, Since sweets and beauties do themselves for sake And die as fast as they see others grow; And nothing’gainst Time’s scythe can make defence Save breed, to brave him when he takes thee hence. 终有天你要加入时光的废堆, 既然美和芳菲都把自己抛弃, 眼看着别人生长自己却枯萎; 没什么抵挡得住时光的毒手 , 除了生育,当他来要把你拘走。 (辜正坤译本)『50words』


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