

1、overstrain one's nerves『3words』

2、My nerves are terrible.『4words』

3、His nerves remind him.『4words』

4、That'll astonish Timothy's weak nerves.『5words』

5、It can help one's nerves.『5words』

6、Already our nerves are fraying.『5words』

7、You're getting on my nerves.『5words』

8、My nerves were constantly on edge.『6words』

9、The children's screams jarred my nerves.『6words』

10、a severe pain in the nerves『6words』



11、Regional anatomy of dorsal nerves of penis『7words』

12、The child 's screams jarred my nerves.『7words』

13、Stop whistling! It's/You're getting on my nerves『7words』

14、Phosphorus is essential for healthy skin, hair and nerves.『9words』

15、replenish qi, nourish the Blood and calm the nerves『9words』

16、What he said at the meeting strung her nerves up.『10words』

17、One poison ACTS on the nerves, the other on the blood.『11words』

18、He could forgive attacks of nerves, panic, bad unexplainable actions, all sorts of lapses.『14words』

19、Imagine doing that to an entire neuron, then an entire circuit with thousands of nerves.『15words』

20、At The same time, someone think I have a quick temper and be very nerves.『15words』

21、Objective To discuss the surgical treatment of sacral fractures and the injury of sacral nerves.『15words』

22、The NOS positive nerves were arranged confused and disorderly, staining clouding and the quantity of nerves were reduced.『18words』

23、Objective to explore relations between arteries, anastomotic branches and cranial nerves root entry zones on ventrolateral medulla oblongata.『18words』

24、The policy may jangle inflationary nerves but it is in fact designed to combat deflation, the new bogeyman.『18words』

25、The two halves are linked by a trunkline of between 200 and 300 million nerves, the corpus callosum.『18words』

26、The soft palate is controlled by cranial nerves—in other words, nerves that do not pass through the spinal cord.『19words』

27、Lord Henry's casual questioning had made him lose his nerves for the moment, and he wanted his nerves still.『19words』

28、With maturity comes suspicion, and some aloofness toward strangers is perfectly acceptable and not a symptom of bad nerves.『19words』

29、It's a way of tricking the nerves, diverting attention from the place that hurts. It makes a lot of sense.『20words』

30、Each facet joint contains small nerves, called medial branch nerves, that carry pain signals from the facet joints to the brain.『21words』



31、Epstein opened his spine, exposing the opaque gray film covering the nerves, and cut through that to reach the nerves themselves.『21words』

32、Aged by the events of the past few days, Feng Yunching felt that his tormented nerves could stand no more worry.『21words』

33、There are communicating branches among the temporal branches, the zygomatic branches and the supraorbital and lacrimal nerves of the ophthalmic nerve.『21words』

34、The neurotomies include 11 musculocutaneous nerves, 15 median nerves, 37 tibial nerves, 6 obturator nerves, 11 sciatic nerves, 2 profound peroneal nerves.『22words』

35、The authors recommend a simple approach: clean the area, and use a cold pack to tamp down inflammation and numb the nerves.『22words』

36、Objective Through research of anatomy of nerves dominating pectoral muscle and intercostobrachial nerves, In design a reasonable mode of operation of curing mastocarcinoma.『23words』

37、In all flatfish the optic nerves cross, so that the right optic nerve is joined to the brain's left side and vice versa.『23words』

38、Angelicae sinensis and fructus schizandrae in it can recuperate nerve cell in cardiac muscle , then relieve the fatigue caused by nerves' overstress.『23words』

39、In non-dipper group patients, sympathetic nerve damaged during daytime. And both sympathetic nerves and vagus nerves of patients in Non-dipper group damaged at night.『24words』

40、The mixture of titanium powder and adhesive was smeared on the surface of the major branches of L4 and L5 nerves, lumbosacral trunk, femoral nerves and obturator nerves.『28words』

41、The nutrient arteries of abducens nerves were originated from the dorsal meningeal arteries, and 83 3% of them traversed Dorellos canal by one stem, medially to abducens nerves.『28words』

42、It does this via the spinal cord, which runs from the brain down through the back and contains threadlike nerves that branch out to every organ and body part.『29words』

43、Peripheral neuropathy is the term for damage to nerves of the peripheral nervous system, which transmits information from the brain and spinal cord to every other part of the body.『30words』

44、“Symptoms-tingling, Burning, or stabbing pains with sensory nerves and anything from muscle weakness to paralysis with motor nerves-are usually confined to the part of the Body served by the inflamed nerve."『31words』

45、Results The amplitude, the latency and conductive velocity of the M-waves of the ulnar nerves and the tibial nerves were unchanged at times 1 week and 12~16 weeks after BTX-A injection.『31words』

46、At last sheer physical weariness conquered the feverish agitation of his nerves, and he lay down to sleep in a calm and peaceful mood, free from all unquiet or disturbing thoughts.『31words』

47、Care must be taken not to penetrate nor instrument the sinus in its lateral portion, as trauma may be caused to the optic nerves situated superiorly, or to the internal corroded inferiorly.『32words』

48、The Ancient One: How did you get to reattach severed nerves and put a human spine back together bone by bone? 古一:你是怎么做到把切断的神经重新连接,把人类脊椎骨一块一块拼凑还原成完整脊椎的? Dr. Stephen Strange: Study and practice, years of it. 奇异博士:勤学苦练,年复一年。『32words』

49、“and 'pain nerves react to great amounts of heat and cold, great pressure, and other strong stimuli. The skin has many of these pain nerves. Deeper areas inside the body have fewer oain nerves."『34words』

50、WINNIPEG, Manitoba( Reuters)-- Some landlocked Canadian cows are enjoying a little seafood with their hay and grain so they can produce a new kind of milk being touted for its benefits for the brain, eyes and nerves.『37words』



51、Results Postcontrast FLAIR was sensitive to the enhancement of adjacent parenchyma,intracranial nerves and cerebrospinal fluid. The pitfalls of postcontrast T1WI that enhancement of the meningeal vessels intend to confuse with the lesions could be overcome on the postcontrast FLAIR images.『40words』

52、Problems with photoreception or the nerves that relay images to the brain cause a constant degree of deviation (comitant); defects in the nerves that control the muscles that move the eyes cause deviation that varies with the direction of gaze (noncomitant).『41words』

53、“The somatic portion of the peripheral nervous system regulate muscles that move at will. Spinal nerves carry "messages"from the sense organs to the spinal cord and the brain, and from the brain and spinal cord to the muscles of the body."『41words』

54、Autumn rain dripping down, more violent than ever, slanting from the windowsill into the skin, a trace of cool, a trace of chill, a trigger the whole body, nerves seem to move, the bottom of the heart surge with an inexplicable sadness.『42words』


上一篇:on Monday造句,用on Monday怎么造句子(54句)