

1、Economic lever (/leverage)『3words』

2、hand chain lever hoist『4words』

3、engages a rocking lever.『4words』

4、Single lever arm oedometer『4words』

5、Wood / leather shift lever『5words』

6、They just pressed the lever.『5words』

7、switch operating lever stem knob『5words』

8、hand brake lever operating stop『5words』

9、The action of a lever.『5words』

10、hand brake lever grip spring『5words』



11、diaphragm-adjusting lever for compound optical microscopes『6words』

12、It must be the gearshift lever.『6words』

13、high-speed controller and lever safety valve『6words』

14、They managed to lever the door open.『7words』

15、Pity is a lever for quickening love.『7words』

16、a compound lever used to crack nuts open.『8words』

17、From the mightiest lever to the tiniest pinion.『8words』

18、a hand operated lever that controls the throttle valve.『9words』

19、The seat tilts forward, when you press this lever.『9words』

20、A rod or lever transmitting motion in a machine.『9words』

21、Position lever assembly on floorpan and install lever mounting bolts.『10words』

22、rarely reach the stratospheric lever of stardom that basketball players enjoy.『11words』

23、The threat of sanctions is our most powerful lever for peace.『11words』

24、However, the shorter length lever shall have some affect on the overall Ackerman.『13words』

25、“Throw open your lever," yelled one of the officers, grabbing at the handle himself.『14words』

26、After completing adjustments, tighten the lock nut and replace the fast fill lever cap.『14words』

27、It was called the anchor escapement, which was a lever-based device shaped like a ship's anchor.『16words』

28、The linkage from the diaphragm to the chock-valve lever rides freely in a slot in the lever.『17words』

29、Here I am getting the bail drive lever ready for my arch Nemesis... the 'M3 Ammonia Connector'.『17words』

30、Designed taking into account the operating lever of the fitting and the shaft support, easier to install.『17words』



31、In addition, the brake lever must be bent so that it can clear the steering arm weldment.『17words』

32、Students in university towns may also have access to another lever for involvement in accelerated math: math circles.『18words』

33、Planning documents pledged that the great legacy of the Games would be to lever a nation of sports lovers away from their couches.『23words』

34、This copy is identified as a true copy of the original prior to issuance to BPS for filing in uniquely identified lever arch files.『24words』

35、Note: on pump discharge, the preferred check valves are an in - line spring loaded, swing design with lever and weight or lever and spring.『25words』

36、Step down the bottom rocker rail and move the stop lever rightwards. The stop lever will lock rocker and you can easily lift the wringer.『25words』

37、The lever gets them out of the box, but after more and more trials, they stopped scratching at the bars and pushing at the ceiling.『25words』

38、The white exterior will be matched with a red leather interior and complimented by unique red colouring for stitching on the gear lever gaiter .『25words』

39、Lever-type safety valve lever to rely mainly on the weight of the work force, but the lever-type safety valve size often limit the choice of scope.『26words』

40、NIBCO swing check valves are available with an outside lever and weight. The lever and weight arrangement is used to maintain exterior control over disc movement.『26words』

41、Make sure there are no suspended air bubbles in the water when you are backing the lever out. The lever actuation must be slow and smooth here.『27words』

42、If you want to become rich and not be a victim of global changes, it is important that you develop the greatest lever of all: your mind.『27words』

43、In this paper, we analysis the current situation of land use in Shijiazhuang proper, and suggest using politics, Law and economic lever, using extension and intension increasing land use.『29words』

44、The model of bilevel linear programming which upper lever has without constraint is discussed in this paper, the algorithm which can find all vertexes of the programming is given.『29words』

45、There are two notches in the lever, so we should use the lever twice to open the bottle. There is also teflon on the top of the corkscrew to reduce friction.『31words』

46、Through the economic lever, land is promoted to flow, and an effective land supply mechanism can be formed, which takes market as a leading factor and based on land storage system.『31words』

47、The levers and light were set up in exactly the same way except that this time it was only Doris who could see the light indicating which lever to press first.『31words』

48、Extend a finger to press the lever down to shift into higher gears, and uncurl a finger or two from the bar to bat the lever upwards to shift into smaller gears.『32words』

49、According to condensed water and steam density difference, the valve automatically rise or fall along with the change of water level, opev or close the valve hole through lever driving valve core.『32words』

50、The shell is divided into orthogonal or oblique crossing girder systems, which make up a space rigid frame structure, then an analysis is made of the endogen force of the shell structure based on the curved lever space rigid frame structure.『41words』



51、Long-term and efficient work safety mechanism must be established in high risky industries such as coal mine industry, in which the concept of scientific development must be insisted, economic rule must be obeyed, and economic lever must be brought into full play.『42words』

52、Many interactive products put controls for constantly used functions directly adjacent to never-used controls. You can easily find menus offering simple, harmless functions adjacent to irreversible ejector-seat-lever expert functions. It’s like seating you at a dining table right next to an open grill.『43words』

53、After ten minutes' labor the wall gave way, and a hole large enough to insert the arm was opened. Dantès went and cut the strongest olive-tree he could find, stripped off its branches, inserted it in the hole, and used it as a lever.『44words』

