1、rewards and penalties『3words』
2、Extrinsic rewards and punishments.『4words』
3、The rewards would be enormous.『5words』
4、His bad behaviour rewards attention.『5words』
5、New markets may bring greater rewards.『6words』
6、Outstanding people will receive cash rewards.『6words』
7、Credit CARDS give me awesome rewards.『6words』
8、Humor and laughter provide so many rewards.『7words』
9、The rewards shall be paid with RMB.『7words』
10、Win a medal, and financial rewards will follow.『8words』
11、Managers need to make rewards contingent on performance.『8words』
12、Yet psychologists have long known that rewards are overrated.『9words』
13、The company is now reaping the rewards of their investments.『10words』
14、To grant special rewards to the soldiers died in Battles『10words』
15、Deployed properly, they bring the rewards of status and better mating opportunities.『12words』
16、All in all, parents should give children more mental rewards, instead of material rewards.『14words』
17、Ulysses is not difficult to read, and it richly rewards each reader in wisdom and pleasure.『16words』
18、Consistent with maximising the impact of rewards, managers should look for ways to increase their visibility.『16words』
19、As a result, we're better able to shrug off the visceral emotional pull of immediate rewards.『16words』
20、With indirect compensation, employees receive the tangible value of the rewards without receiving the actual cash.『16words』
21、Procter & Gamble has a Corporate Innovation Fund which offers big rewards for high-risk ideas that succeed.『17words』
22、My research revealed that the rewards go well beyond replacing stress and anxiety with the satisfaction of creation.『18words』
23、If you have the capability and interest, a research career can bring rewards unequaled in any other profession.『18words』
24、It helps to write down appropriate rewards for each step, so that you can look forward to those rewards.『19words』
25、But it's easy to kill creativity by giving rewards for poor performance or creating too much anticipation for rewards.『19words』
26、If it is to have substantial results, there must be a workable system of inspection, with rewards and penalties.『19words』
27、There are usually two kinds of rewards for the staff members of a Chinese company: material rewards and spiritual rewards.『20words』
28、to take credit and seek rewards for someone else's achievements; to seek rewards by reporting other's achievement as one's o『20words』
29、Becoming not only an early adopter but an early discarder, you will realize greater status rewards than you ever imagined.『20words』
30、When people know this, they say that good has good rewards, evil has bad rewards, and that Brahman deserves bad luck.『21words』
31、“All members will be advised about changes to the accrual of benefits and rewards through communications with JetBlue..." the airline says.『21words』
32、Every superstar franchise starts as a new brand. Entrepreneurs who get in on the ground floor can potentially reap great rewards.『21words』
33、Mice were trained to push levers to get either of two rewards. Press one lever, out comes a drop of sugar water.『22words』
34、But the job is more challenging than most run-of-the-mill careers and the rewards are more of a satisfaction rather than just money.『22words』
35、The way rewards are distributed should be transparent so that employees perceive that rewards or outcomes are equitable and equal to the inputs given.『24words』
36、You are still free to choose, but can you really want the rewards of the ego in the presence of the rewards of God?『24words』
37、To be skillful and creative, they had to have inner spiritual concentration and put aside concern with externals, such as monetary rewards, fame, and praise.『25words』
38、Good-hearted people often do good to others and sacrifice themselves to others. They will generally get good rewards from others, at least not bad rewards from others.『27words』
39、Your home colleagues—your family—have no clear rewards for their labor; they need to be talked into it, or if they're teenagers, threatened with complete removal of all electronic devices.『29words』
40、According to a new study from Cornell University's Food and Brand Lab, small non-food rewards—like the toys in McDonald's Happy Meals—stimulate the same reward centers in the brain as food does.『31words』
41、Leading managers have low salaries and often let stock options expire even when they are in the money, which suggests that rewards are not closely tied to creating value for shareholders.『31words』
42、Godin's point is that we live in a highly specialised economy where there are big rewards to people who are the best in their area and no rewards to those who aren't.『32words』
43、Even his neighbors and neighbors came to congratulate him. The Xu family sent a greeting ceremony to him. Xu felt that he had a bright face and was generous in giving rewards.『32words』
44、Pay has risen sharply for the highly educated, and those people continue to reap rich rewards into old age because these days the educated elderly are more productive than the preceding generation.『32words』
45、If trust is about the distribution of rewards -about learning to expect bonuses from others -then it's going to be a lot harder to share those rewards in an age of scarcity and deficits.『34words』
46、Since the same areas of the brain seem to be involved in processing various types of rewards, could one type of reward perhaps be substituted for another and thus satisfy people's need for rewards?『34words』
47、To those who introduce foreign investors who invest or contribute to Luohe, the rewards will be given at the actual foreign investment ratio, details in“ the Rewards Stipulation on Introducing Foreign Investment in Luohe”.『34words』
48、The people's government of all levels may grant rewards to the attractors of funds for the important projects at the same level in a different way from the rewards granted to the attractors of funds for projects above a certain scale.『41words』
49、We cannot defend the DPP in general or the President in particular in so far as they have taken the easier route of continuing past habits, trying to buy off the obstacles, and perhaps even lining their own pockets with unearned rewards.『42words』
50、“He whose ways are true, and whose words are upright; he who gives no thought to the profits of false acts, whose hands have not taken rewards, who will have no part in putting men to death, and whose eyes are shut against evil;"『44words』
51、That is one of the rewards of competition: you can drop down a couple of notches on the food chain to be as brutal , unsympathetic , selfish and inhuman as you wish in the name of competition because success supposedly justifies any actions.--Howard Mel『45words』
52、Surely I would do no injustice to the other noble achievements of the war, which have reflected such honor on both arms of the service, and have entitled the armies and the navy of the United States, their officers and men, to the warmest thanks and richest rewards which a grateful people can pay.『54words』