

1、To gather(fabric) into folds.『4words』

2、This garden table folds flat.『5words』

3、A bird folds its wings.『5words』

4、She folds the paper twice.『5words』

5、The curtain hung in heavy folds.『6words』

6、a dress hanging in loose folds『6words』

7、Signed Original Commercial Invoice in 5 folds『7words』

8、To gather into small wrinkles or folds.『7words』

9、Sorts, counts, folds, marks, or carries linens.『7words』

10、Arranged in folds like those of a fan;pleated.『8words』



11、Signed Original Commercial Invoice in five (5) folds『8words』

12、Relax in the luxuriant folds of your magnificent robe.『9words』

13、A hinged tray folds out to hold a candle.『9words』

14、The folds of a great cloak encompassed her person.『9words』

15、The vocal folds vibrate to create sound for vowels and voiced consonants.『12words』

16、This folding tub is full-sized, yet folds compactly for storage or travel.『12words』

17、The individual variation inmost of pharmacokinetic parameters is more than 8 folds.『12words』

18、The mucosa was thinned、 flattened, rugal folds became flattened, surface of mucosa appeared fine granular.『15words』

19、“It is this, " I answered, producing a trowel from beneath the folds of my roquelaire.『16words』

20、They said that there was likely to be oil in the crests of folds of rock layers.『17words』

21、(4)The synsedimentary deformation structures are common in eolian dunes, such as brecciated foresets, drag folds and overturned folds.『18words』

22、Mother always irons out the folds in new sheets, so that they are more comfortable to sleep in.『18words』

23、Water folds have super fecundity. I witnessed a few folds in an instant, and those are continuing to breed.『19words』

24、Also, you can wet the folds in the fab ric and place it in the microwave for 30 seconds.『19words』

25、The tectonic patters of south margin of Junggar basin are composed of the composition of faults and folds mostly.『19words』

26、Research on hook folds is conducive to restoration of folded form of large folds and original occurrence of metamorphic rocks.『20words』

27、This process continues until the polypeptide chain is complete; the chain is then released and folds into a functional protein.『20words』

28、Under sustained stretching stress, extensional forced folds were formed in the overlying formations of salt beds due to their differential subsidence.『21words』

29、The roof is a fabric affair that folds up under the engine compartment in about 20 seconds, leaving a slinky profile.『21words』

30、The mother bee neatly folds in the inner layer of petals, smears a paper-thin mud layer and then folds the outer petals.『22words』



31、The structural deformation has experienced the evolution from trough like folds to "two anticlines with one fault", and finally formed ejective folds.『22words』

32、The woods arose in folds, like drapery of awakened mountains, stately with a depth of awe, and memory of the tempests (2).『22words』

33、This transformation is attained by engendering a series of geometric operations at different scales that provide a reiterative sequencing of folds and patterns.『23words』

34、For example, they can create a hinge that folds 90 degrees for a cube, or a hinge that folds 120 degrees for a pyramid.『24words』

35、She found that the coarse folds, equivalent to the largest folds in a crumpled piece of paper, develop earlier and more slowly than fine-grained folds.『25words』

36、There are folds formed by superposition of two period folds, in the folded basement of the Zhongposhan area, the western segment of the Beishan tectonic belt.『26words』

37、The slimline defect was formed by the folds forced in the surface which was generated by the inhomogeneity of edge and corner elongation in rolling process.『26words』

38、With the trade volume increasing by over 100 folds more than the time when the two sides established diplomatic ties, bilateral economic and trade cooperation has witnessed outstanding progress.『29words』

39、The bricks of the Ming Dynasty, the tiles of the Qing Dynasty, in the folds of the moss, all whispered to me about the stale sesame and rotten millet.『29words』

40、Results the aqueous solubility of quercetin was greatly increased (about 37 folds) by inclusion technique, and the initial dissolution rate was markedly improved (10 folds) in the first 5 min.『30words』

41、In the Western part the deformation was weak only EW-trending open folds occurred while in the Eastern part deformation was stronger but some NE folds and thrusts superposed on the EW folds.『32words』

42、Fed and feeding brains about me: under glowlamps, impaled, with faintly beating feelers: and in my mind's darkness a sloth of the underworld, reluctant, shy of brightness, shifting her dragon scaly folds.『32words』

43、He it is who weaves the web of this Maya in evanescent hues of gold and silver, blue and green, and lets peep out through the folds his feet, at whose touch I forget myself.『35words』

44、 Just the afternoon before yesterday, the woman in her fifties folded the last catty of mustard by three folds. She went into Ruisheng Pharmacy by rickets and bought two bottles of anti-inflammatory eye drops.『35words』

45、He squeezes an entire bathroom into the area of a shower stall; the sink folds up to reveal the toilet, which somehow is also hinged so that it folds back into the wall when one wants to shower.『38words』

46、Folder:(1)A mechanical device for producing one or more folds in a sheet or web.This can be an integral part of the printing machine or a separate unit.(2)A printed piece with one or more folds,each panel of the fold presents a complete page.『42words』

47、When I get old, all the causes and effects are the folds of memories, grey hair, human feelings have dispersed, fate has gone, only to know that, along the way, it is not easy to live, it is not easy to wait.『42words』

48、Camellia has a strong stem, which grows from a thick, brown bamboo pole with several green leaves. Most of them are full of water. There are often small droplets of water on the leaf surface, which are crystal clear and shiny with folds.『43words』

49、The threadlike Branches are often woven together to form a velvety Body sometimes longer than 12 in. (30 cm). In some species the Body has visible Branches; in others it folds in on itself like intestines. Codium is the favourite food of some sea slugs.『45words』

50、Zhuge Liang once had "Making steel Kai religion" spread to later generations. In this article, there are sentences "Making steel Kai with 50 folds and 10 folds spear with 10 folds in the comparison department" which show that making armour with stir-fried steel was more common at that time.『49words』



51、One hundred thousand stars, one hundred thousand stars, one hundred thousand souls, two changes. If you ask how many people have broken the future, write stories in the crossing of life and death, one hides clothes, two hides dreams, and scatters and folds people's souls to cultivate their minds.『49words』

