

1、You won't be bored『4words』

2、You are bored too!『4words』

3、He always bored me.『4words』

4、I got really bored.『4words』

5、Shopping makes me bored.『4words』

6、The boys were getting bored.『5words』

7、Let's go out. I'm bored.『5words』

8、He pretended to be bored.『5words』

9、Robots will never get bored.『5words』

10、You're bored with the gym?『5words』



11、He is never bored with football.『6words』

12、We're bored of staying at home.『6words』

13、“Are you getting bored yet?" she joked.『7words』

14、I am never bored in this job!『7words』

15、The Countess Gemini was often extremely bored.『7words』

16、Do you feel bored with the upcoming summer?『8words』

17、If it isn't engaging, kids will be bored.『8words』

18、He was bored by the children's constant questioning.『8words』

19、Even when you're bored, you're not bored with him.『9words』

20、The application of post-injecting method in bored pile engineering『9words』

21、I get bored with them. They get bored with me.『10words』

22、The students were bored, and the teacher was bored, too.『10words』

23、The culprits may be computer geeks, vandals or bored teenagers.『10words』

24、He that can read and meditate will not feel bored or bored.『12words』

25、It will also help prevent you from getting bored on the treadmill.『12words』

26、She began college as a biology major but found she was "really bored with bacteria".『15words』

27、After a couple of years, Ross grew bored with TACT and went into finance instead.『15words』

28、Ada’s part in the play came at the tag end, and she got bored waiting.『15words』

29、I'm not your second choice nor your backup plan. So don't text me when you're bored.『16words』

30、He retired at home and suddenly released himself from his intense work. Instead, he felt bored and bored.『18words』



31、After becoming bored with Repeaters and HTs, I decided to make one last attempt to master the code.『18words』

32、If you're bored, admit to yourself that you're bored and find something energetic to do instead of lighting up.『19words』

33、an offshore platform (floating or fixed to the sea bed) from which many oil wells can be bored radially.『19words』

34、Xiang Liang taught Xiang Yu to read books, but he was bored and bored with it for a few days.『20words』

35、When women are really bored at home, they can spend their bored time in other ways besides surfing the Internet.『20words』

36、Of course, I translated a little when I felt a little bored after having relaxed myself for so long time!『20words』

37、Fig2. Weiwu: Maybe she is bored with me, a man without social intercourse only watching TV then sleeping after work.『20words』

38、Our phones are like cigarettes—something to do when we're anxious, bored or when our fingers need something to toy with.『20words』

39、She was bored and bored as a receptionist, often feeling bored and irritable, but now she is in a relaxed mood.『21words』

40、When confronted by his manager, ted said he was just trying to make the code more interesting because he was bored.『21words』



41、The bored pile by churning drive and bored pile with slurry wall protection are widely adopted in loess foundation in recent years.『22words』

42、 People who are still idling around on the Internet at 3 a.m. are usually just bored and not bored with the world.『23words』

43、Some women today find themselves in the same grind, sticking to careers they've outgrown, feeling trapped, bored, tired . . . and old.『23words』

44、This is a great way to add variety to your desktop, show off somepictures you’ve taken, or just mess around with while you’re bored atwork.『25words』

45、The firm's building sets are expensive, but they give parents lots of "play value", which means children play with them for a long time without getting bored.『27words』

46、Lovers always talk a lot of silly things and do some silly things. Happiness is that you are bored with someone. It's rare that neither of you is bored.『29words』

47、Aiming at the characteristics of bored cast-in-place pile, the paper concludes and summarizes the effective measures to enhance the bearing capacity of bored cast-in-place pile in soft soil ground.『29words』

48、Combining the experience of bored cast-in-situ concrete pile construction for an approach bridge, this paper discusses the construction control measures for bored cast-in-situ concrete pile in deep soft soil.『29words』

49、In those days, the children first felt fresh and interesting. After seven days, they were bored and bored. The mountain had been playing enough, and the Zhai Zhai was afraid to eat.『32words』

50、Who has turned the Yuefu desolation? The wind is also Xiao Xiao, the rain is also Xiao Xiao. I don't know what's going on in my arms. I'm awake and bored, drunk and bored.『34words』

