

1、Let us pray, brethren.『4words』

2、When should we pray『4words』

3、I'll pray for you.『4words』

4、Why don't you pray『4words』

5、We asked Spencer to pray.『5words』

6、So, when you pray, relax.『5words』

7、Don't you pray every night?『5words』

8、I pray for desperate destruction.『5words』

9、What should you pray for?『5words』

10、Fear often causes non-believers to pray.『6words』



11、When something uncalled-for befalls, you pray.『6words』

12、Now, pray say no more about it.『7words』

13、Many come and pray on the mountainside.『7words』

14、Oh no, I don't pray any more.『7words』

15、Others pray for you, which is equally comforting.『8words』

16、Not, one must pray, on its sovereign debt.『8words』

17、Let's pray we don't get bought by Wall street.『9words』

18、Pray I will pray to God for your safe return.『10words』

19、I cautiously approached him, like a lion stalking his pray.『10words』

20、You'd better pray that will come out of the carpet.『10words』

21、I pray fervently for everyone I've failed to pray for in weeks.『12words』

22、So if you publish the transcription, I pray to you so much.『12words』

23、And I pray that this family will become a happy family in my sight.『14words』

24、Pray with blessing for your happiness and goodness, Teacher I pray for you forever more.『15words』

25、As I pray, I learn to pray, to believe, and to expect with increasing boldness.『15words』

26、I pray for these poor animals who live and die in fear and in pain!『15words』

27、I just hope, I pray, that he may forget his diabolical prudence and kill me!『15words』

28、There is no solace above or below.Only us...small,solitary,striving,battling one another.I pray to myself.I pray for myself.『16words』

29、The Word teaches me how to pray-with strong desire, with a firm faith, and with constant perseverance.『17words』

30、I pray and call out time and again hoping in tears that there will be a miracle.『17words』



31、The crowd came to pray over his tomb, and the air was filled with groans and lamentation.『17words』

32、Pray accept my sincere felicitations on the New Year/pray accept my best and sincerest wishes for New Year.『18words』

33、If pray homage Buddha image that matches the day of birth, it makes prosperous life and progress in work.『19words』

34、For these and all those who have braved the depths of the interior life, to breathe is to pray.『19words』

35、Pray that police and security officials will stop torturing prisoners, and pray those who do will be brought to justice.『20words』

36、“When you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen." Matthew 6:6.『20words』

37、For many of the ancients, the summer solstice wasn't just an excuse to party or pray-it was essential to their well-being.『21words』

38、Depart not hence, I pray thee, until I come unto thee, and bring forth my present, and set it before thee.『21words』

39、We pray for strength and humility, and some messenger of Satan torments us until we lie in the dust crying for its removal.『23words』

40、Pray for the remaining Algerian churches to be able to stay open, to preach the Word, and pray for the salvation of the Algerians.『24words』



41、Due to the inclement weather, all activities at OCM Grace Church are cancelled. Please continue to pray for church ministries at home. Thank you.『24words』

42、Please pray for this event, and pray especially for our youth and children. May God lead them in the path and direction of their lives.『25words』

43、When you pray, do you pray to get God to help you with your own purpose or do you pray to align yourself with God's purpose?『26words』

44、Before the imperial court, he was extremely anxious about it. After ordering local officials to pray for rain, he decided to pray to the heavens himself.『26words』

45、And he said, Speak, I pray thee, unto Solomon the king, (for he will not say thee nay,) that he give me Abishag the Shunammite to wife.『27words』

46、And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men.『29words』

47、Pray for those who do not yet know the Lord as their Saviour. Make a list of the names of those whom God has laid upon your heart, and pray for their conversion.『33words』

48、We can pray that our children will bring others to Christ regularly: "I pray not only for them, but also for those who will believe in me because of their message" (John 17:20 TEV).『34words』

49、He knelt down and prayed one of the most simple prayers, and when he had finished I was going to pray; but he put his hand on my shoulder, and told me not to pray.『35words』

50、Mt. 6:5 And when you pray, you shall not be like the hypocrites, because they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners, so that they may be seen by men.『35words』

