

1、The blooming idiot!『3words』

2、She's in blooming health.『4words』

3、The roses are blooming『4words』

4、What blooming awful weather!『4words』

5、Jane is blooming with beauty.『5words』

6、She looks blooming and healthy.『5words』

7、the blooming of spring flowers,『5words』

8、You look healthy and blooming.『5words』

9、Spring is a flower blooming season.『6words』

10、Daphne was a lovely blooming fairy maiden.『7words』



11、They'll look at Madeleine, blooming and lovely.『7words』

12、Spring is coming. The flowers are blooming.『7words』

13、Hundreds of flowers are blooming in profusion.『7words』

14、May your road ahead paved with blooming flowers.『8words』

15、Your graceful skirts are the blooming rose red.『8words』

16、Don't nip any stalks off till the plant's through blooming.『10words』

17、If they were blooming with confidence they wouldn't need me.『10words』

18、It's springtime. Flowers were blooming (blossoming) all over the island.『10words』

19、All the trees, grass, vines, are blooming tender green buds, lovely.『11words』

20、The red flowers, blooming like burning fire, light up her world.『11words』

21、late-spring-blooming rhododendron of eastern North America having rosy to pink-purple flowers.『11words』

22、One type of seed-bearing plant, the angiosperm, includes all forms of blooming vegetation.『13words』

23、The seeds of grasses, flowers, and blooming trees made the long trips to these islands.『15words』

24、Robinia pseudoacacia flowers are slightly greenish before blooming, and then a pure white color after blooming.『16words』

25、Flowers are big and small, tall and short, full-blooming and half-blooming. They are all so beautiful.『16words』

26、The tears are tiny, and the flowers are still blooming on the branches, safe, enchanting and blooming.『17words』

27、And the blooming traits, leaf anatomic structure and photosynthetic characteristics can be used as heat-tolerance evaluation indexes.『17words』

28、Yu Guanghua's heart is like a peony blooming, more than a single man once married his daughter-in-law.『17words』

29、The flowers blooming direction and the one about them toward the sea, loneliness, the shadow of sunshine mourner.『18words』

30、The Badaguan near Juyongguan Road in Qingdao is a place where cherry blossoms are concentrated and blooming brilliantly.『18words』



31、Just like fireworks, burning all life, just for that instant amazing blooming, that instant blooming aesthetic, aesthetic somewhat sad.『19words』

32、I always believe that I have a deep feeling with you, just like a blooming flower, blooming deeply and shallowly.『20words』

33、Just walk over and don't linger to gather flowers to keep them, because flowers will keep blooming all the way.『20words』

34、The beauty and joy of blooming, the brilliance and chic of blooming all contain the wisdom of life of cherry blossoms.『21words』

35、The flowers blooming and the roots are wriggling in the dirty soil, and the petals are blooming on the beautiful green leaves.『22words』

36、When it comes days of " spring weather" in winter, these mume flower trees will go through a pretty good blooming period.『22words』

37、With a graceful and beautiful blooming, it is not only in the coldest season, but also in the heart of a spring.『22words』

38、Losing is a kind of delicate love, getting is a kind of sunshine blooming, only flowers blooming, is also a kind of complaint.『23words』

39、Standing at the gate of the garden, looking at it, some of the newly blooming cherry blossoms are budding, others are already blooming brilliantly.『24words』

40、Photo of the Day: Best of March 2008 A rainbow arcs over trees blooming on a hillside in the West Indies island of Dominica.『24words』



41、 Through those slowly dispersed smoke, I seem to see that the beginning of time, memory is full of cicadas and birds, flowers blooming childhood.『25words』

42、Traveling deep into the village, there are many unique houses, a clean and simple courtyard, and several peach blossoms bloomingblooming like brocade, red like fire.『26words』

43、When hot water brews, the wrapped tea slowly opens, and the Calendula blossoms like a newly blooming flower, blooming slowly, blooming in clusters, neat and harmonious, wonderful.『27words』

44、Lily stands for the holiness and purity. Flowers blooming near the Easter Day seem to tell us the good news that Jesus has resurrected from the death.『27words』

45、 Is love blooming only because of the appearance of a person, or has it been blooming there lonely and without ownership, just waiting for the appearance of a person?『30words』

46、A period of loss, a period of belief, a period of miss, hiding strong feelings, hiding flowers blooming and falling, just a fading, a lonely, hiding uncertainties, hiding flowers blooming and falling.『32words』

47、Spring is the season of love, but also the season of blooming. I track the pace of spring, tracking the voice of blooming flowers, the beautiful shadows scattered by flowers, the intoxicating fragrance of flower condensation.『36words』

48、Although the pasture is withered and yellow, the autumn of the grassland is getting stronger and stronger, but the Gesang flowers blooming in the pasture are blooming, as if unwilling to say goodbye to this beautiful season.『37words』

49、So quiet, just a flower blooming and falling, so unrelated, just a flower blooming each other, if asked how much love in the afterlife, just a reason to wait, watching the flower blooming, is just a merciless indifference.『38words』

50、Look at the flowers blooming, want to blossom, the wonderful flowers blooming, life waiting silently, watching the sadness in the heart, watching the life do not understand, there is a sentimental tears, hiding a helpless sea of bitterness.『38words』

