must be造句,用must be怎么造句子(49句)

must be造句,用must be怎么造句子

1、It must be nurtured.『4words』

2、It must be cloudy.『4words』

3、Marriage must be consensual.『4words』

4、Kidnaping must be extirpated.『4words』

5、Christensen must be gloating.『4words』

6、No, that must be immorality.『5words』

7、Modern multilateralism must be practical.『5words』

8、All arrays must be bounded.『5words』

9、It must be activated first.『5words』

10、Still, we must be statistical.『5words』

must be造句,用must be怎么造句子(49句)

must be造句,用must be怎么造句子

11、What must be done, must be done.『7words』

12、Drive must be, must not speak falsehood.『7words』

13、They must be interested, enthused and involved.『7words』

14、Safety of health facilities must be ensured.『7words』

15、Meanwhile, Pakistan's foreign debt must be serviced.『7words』

16、Finally, the majors risks must be understood.『7words』

17、Gestures must be adapted to the audience.『7words』

18、In prosperity must be cautious, must endure adversity.『8words』

19、Travel to be happy, must be traveling light.『8words』

20、Well, it must be understandable and must be repetitive.『9words』

21、Labour must be valued and so must able personnel.『9words』

22、You must have inventiveness, but it must be disciplined.『9words』

23、Rules must be binding.Violations must be punished.Words must mean something.『10words』

24、We must be well prepared; there must be no slips.『10words』

25、Shoes must not be worn, and heads must be covered.『10words』

26、Theological knowledge cannot be fallible: it must be beyond doubt.『10words』

27、People are not to be indifferently, but must be it.『10words』

28、 Oil must be refined before it can be used.『10words』

29、The service must be started before it can be paused.『10words』

30、People live, the reservation must be well preserved, the abandonment must also be abandoned.『14words』

must be造句,用must be怎么造句子(49句)

must be造句,用must be怎么造句子

31、There is no rule of who must love, who must hurt, who must be indefinite.『15words』

32、Not only must there be a comprehensive test suite available, all tests must be passable.『15words』

33、Remember they are case sensitive and model names must be singular (controllers must be plural).『15words』

34、But the led must not be coerced, the must be able to choose their leader.『15words』

35、5. Management of funds must be strictly controlled and allocation of counterpart funds must be ensured.『16words』

36、On Miss Lucas's persevering, however, she added, "Very well; if it must be so, it must."『16words』

37、But we must also recognize that other factors are involved, which can and must be corrected.『16words』

38、Before you can run with desire, your vision must be plain, it must be clear, it must be exciting.『19words』

39、The teaching ideas must be converted, pilot projects must be launched and the application must be done in time;『19words』

40、Teenagers, some things must be experienced personally, some emotions must be conscientiously experienced, some beautiful must be found by themselves.『20words』

must be造句,用must be怎么造句子(49句)

must be造句,用must be怎么造句子

41、If you want to be rich, you must know how to buy and sell, you must be economic, be polite.『20words』

42、There must be laws to go by, the laws must be observed and strictly enforced, and law-breakers must be prosecuted.『20words』

43、Low and grovelling thoughts of God must be given up; doubting and despairing must be removed; and self-seeking and carnal delights must be forsaken.『24words』

44、We must be careful of those who are not in the right way. We must also be alert. We must not be greedy about money.『25words』

45、I am going to make three points: the law must be observed, counter-revolutionaries must be eliminated, and our achievements in eliminating counter-revolutionaries must be affirmed.『25words』

46、Gives a present delivers both must be beautiful, and must be natural, must be economical, also the visitor likes very much product must belong to he!『26words』

47、To be generous, selfless, regardless of past suspicions, impartial and dignified, commands are like mountains, words must be believed, deeds must be done, orders must be prohibited.『27words』

48、With conscience, there must be a future, there must be sincerity, there must be good returns, there must be treasure, there must be good luck, there must be responsibility, there must be hope.『33words』

49、There are roads which must not be followed, armies which must be not attacked, towns which must be besieged, positions which must not be contested, commands of the sovereign which must not be obeyed.『34words』

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