

1、hillside farming『2words』

2、farming techniques『2words』

3、dryland(s) farming『2words』

4、industrial fish farming『3words』

5、intensive agriculture [farming]『3words』

6、He lives by farming.『4words』

7、Tractors have revolutionized farming.『4words』

8、Do not interfere with farming『5words』

9、Irrigation is important for farming.『5words』

10、Organic farming is expanding everywhere.『5words』



11、Changed farming to require a Hoe.『6words』

12、Many blamed the outbreak on intensive farming.『7words』

13、The land was not suitable for farming.『7words』

14、Because people use new methods of farming.『7words』

15、That is encouraging. So is the farming.『7words』

16、Low-level slash and burn farming doesn't harm rainforest.『8words』

17、I'm sick to see some ignorant posts here.『8words』

18、We have changes in farming and in land ownership.『9words』

19、The way forward is to switch to organic farming.『9words』

20、Two thirds of the swampland has been reclaimed for farming.『10words』

21、Used as a starting fodder in the aquaculture( industrial fish-farming, shellfish-farming).『11words』

22、These floating gardens are proof that the Aztec invented hydroponic farming.『11words』

23、fishing and subsistence farming, by contrast, are reminders of a backward past.『12words』

24、In China today, the utilization efficiency of farming water is about 30-40 percent.『13words』

25、The farming system approach is divided into farming system analysis and farming system research.『14words』

26、Compared with the conventional farming system, the yield of organic farming system decreased 11.『14words』

27、Potassium manuring may be less critical in continuous grass farming than in ley farming.『14words』

28、There are river valleys suitable for farming, pastureland for grazing, half-farming and half-grazing area and forestry.『16words』

29、We're bringing new blood into the old, conventional farming ecosystem, which is really cool to see.『16words』

30、The practice is also believed to be a way of keeping farming land in the family.『16words』



31、Farming materials company is glad to deliver goods to the countryside for farmers during the farming season.『17words』

32、Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival, the cultural symbol, helps to show China's long farming culture to the world.『17words』

33、But current farming land solicit system is not reasonable, and disadvantage in Protecting solicited land peasant's benefit.『17words』

34、dry farming; dryland farming: A system of producing crops in arid and semiarid regions without the use of irrigation.『19words』

35、The high efficiency cultivation technique for upland farming is probed into the upland farming model and cultivation technique aspects.『19words』

36、Though they call it farming, what Mr Azzopardi and his competitors are engaged in is actually more like ranching.『19words』

37、Much of rural North America, up until that time, had been relegated to farming, ranching and other resource extraction activities.『20words』

38、There are mainly six farming types in Britain. They are arable farming, dairy farming, stock farming, mixed farming, hill farming and market gardening.『23words』

39、Dais follows nature rules and carries the ideas of nature farming profoundly to create unique farming culture in the long-term practice of agriculture.『23words』

40、The price fluctuation mechanism of farming land resources. farming land resources are influenced by rental, discount rate, supply and demand condition, and inflation rate.『24words』



41、For those of us who inherit a civilization of farming for thousands of years, we all have an idyll of farming culture in our hearts.『25words』

42、Hainan, the virgin land gathering farming culture, lies in the legend of farming, from the Chuantong Temple in Caixing Village to the Liuhe Tower in Mogu Village.『27words』

43、“China is divided by the Qingling mountain into two regions in farming. The north can only support dry farming, the south is good for paddy-rice and economic crops."『28words』

44、Lift the synthetical production capacity of farming, Strengthen the marketing in farming produce marketplace, Supporting the non-agricultural industries to await is the countermove that construct in the fresh countryside.『29words』

45、The experience of others in learning the knowledge, the Lo to expand the area to the ten-acre farming, his farming career gradually began to walk on the right track.『29words』

46、Intensive livestock farming is an important cause of agro-environment pollution in China. The Sino-German ESIA program helps to develop environment-friendly livestock farming systems, in particular, animal waste management systems.『29words』

47、Apart from farming, his father had hardly made any achievements in his career, and those acres of thin land became his closest companions. Farming was the whole of his life's work.『31words』

48、Through the study of the farming idea and farming knowledge, we find the relationships between the other farming books and the Confucianism are also like the instance of Qi min Yao Shu.『32words』

49、Originating in unclear ownership of farming land, the bottle-neck of developing Chinese intensive farming consists of low agricultural productive forces, unique channel for farmers seeking Job, and deep-rooted awareness of small-scale farming by individual owners.『35words』

