

1、hypogonad obesity『2words』

2、endocrine osteoporotic obesity『3words』

3、What is obesity『3words』

4、Is obesity contagious?『3words』

5、So why is obesity happening?『5words』

6、What is overweight and obesity『5words』

7、What are overweight and obesity『5words』

8、Perfect men struggle with obesity.『5words』

9、Glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide and obesity『5words』

10、RAAS is activated in obesity children.『6words』



11、Societal reasons for the childhood obesity epidemic.『7words』

12、In both instances, the result is obesity.『7words』

13、Now there is an epidemic of obesity.『7words』

14、Ginseng is great for people suffering from obesity.『8words』

15、Increasingly sedentary lifestyle causes laziness and possibility of obesity.『9words』

16、We see severe malnutrition and stunting side-by-side with obesity.『9words』

17、Human plasma resistin level relate to insulin resistance and obesity『10words』

18、Quite apart from anything else, obesity will cripple the NHS.『10words』

19、It is usually discussed under the rubric of 'functional obesity '.『11words』

20、One of the bravest patients will say, "My obesity gives me an excuse."『13words』

21、The new rules will be introduced as a part of an anti-obesity campaign.『13words』

22、These people are part of what is without exaggeration an epidemic of obesity.『13words』

23、You mean"obesity"specially refers to an excess amount of body fat. How is obesity measured?『14words』

24、Related columns: obesity and laxity; obesity and stigma; girth control; the global explosion of fat.『15words』

25、The relationship between mood disorders and obesity and between anxiety disorders and obesity was significant.『15words』

26、Study on PPARγ and aP2 mRNA expression of adipose tissues in obesity and obesity resistant rats『16words』

27、The main culprits are diseases linked to smoking or obesity, such as lung cancer and diabetes.『16words』

28、When people think about obesity they look at morbid obesity, which represents a tiny minority of cases.『17words』

29、Obesity, which can cause increased C-peptide levels because of the increased production of insulin associated with obesity.『17words』

30、It is well accepted that unhealthy eating patterns are partly responsible for the increase in childhood obesity.『17words』



31、Appropriate to the crowd: simple obesity, post-natal obesity, adolescent obesity and the need to maintain the slim person.『18words』

32、Differential expression of adiponectin in different Chinese medicine syndrome of central obesity and its correlation with obesity character『18words』

33、Many studies have linked obesity to watching television and that link is likely due to inactivity, Hirsch said.『18words』

34、Conclusion acupuncture combined with electroacupuncture, ear point tapping, TDP radiation has a better therapeutic effect on central obesity.『18words』

35、Conclusion it can improve significantly negative shap pediatric intravenous infusion rate, especially for obesity, dehydration, peripheral circulation undesirable person.『19words』

36、Parentss often must balance on a tightrope between giving too much and too little attention to their child's obesity.『19words』

37、It examines the epidemiology of obesity, the role of behavioural factors, socio-cultural factors and environmental factors in the obesity epidemic.『20words』

38、Yet the same logic applies to attempts to justify taxes on obesity because of any medical costs obesity imposes on taxpayers.『21words』

39、Objective to study the effect of acupuncture -massage on obesity patients with Stomach-intestine Excessive Heat Type and improve the curative effect on obesity.『23words』

40、One drawback is that children become fixated and immersed in their screen time and become reluctant to exercise, resulting in problems such as obesity.『24words』



41、Group of China Obesity Task Force. Body mass index reference norm for screening overweight and obesity in Chinese children and adolescents[J]. Chinese Journal of Epidemiology, 2004,25(2):97-102.『26words』

42、Methods According to body mass index(BMI) and waist to hip circumference(W/H), the subjects were classified into three groups: intra abdominal obesity, subcutaneous obesity and non obesity group.『27words』

43、High-fat diets have been linked to obesity, and obesity is a known risk factor for a number of cancers, including postmenopausal breast, colon, kidney, and esophageal cancers.『27words』

44、They are also looking into how changing certain gut bacteria may prevent obesity by remodelling intestinal tissue and thereby decreasing the absorption of nutrients in the gut.『27words』

45、While we're at it, undiagnosed depression, anxiety or any number of other mental disorders could also be interfering with your sleeping habits. So could obesity or menopause.『27words』

46、Although the exact role of obesity is poorly understood at present, obesity and especially morbid obesity have been present in a large portion of severe and fatal cases.『28words』

47、Visible, in body fat and waist circumference were measured by standard rate of obesity was significantly higher than that of only to BMI standards for the overweight and obesity rate.『30words』

48、I believe that the obesity epidemic must be due in in part to the ignorance of many consumers, especially if they are poorly educated, of the causes and consequences of obesity.『31words』

49、Many of these markers are in or near genes not previously connected to obesity, and by learning what these genes do, scientists may find causes of obesity in different people, the researchers said.『33words』

