

1、An awful person?『3words』

2、It's awful, isn't it?『4words』

3、What blooming awful weather!『4words』

4、But it smells awful.『4words』

5、“Oh, Su-su! How awful『4words』

6、The play was simply awful.『5words』

7、I had an awful feeling.『5words』

8、Well, it sounds really awful.『5words』

9、An awful accident has happened.『5words』

10、I felt awful and stayed in bed.『7words』



11、What an awful world to live in!『7words』

12、The children were making an awful din.『7words』

13、It's awful to be tied up so.『7words』

14、Barker subjected his victim to awful abuse.『7words』

15、Oh, and the food is so awful, mummy.『8words』

16、They're great for germs, but disposable, awful things.『8words』

17、An awful flicker of doubt appeared in her eyes.『9words』

18、There's an awful lot of misunderstanding about living frugally .『10words』

19、I sometimes sew awful queer when I 'm just tired.『10words』

20、An awful road, full of potholes, enough to take this carriage.『11words』

21、Then I had an awful premonition. 'Why isn't mummy here with us?'『12words』

22、But as I learned on that awful day, depression crowds out rationality with a vengeance.『15words』

23、In spite of the awful overall condition and repulsive smell, the building looks quite beautiful.『15words』

24、The Law of Hedonic AsymmetryThere are certain awful circumstances to which we can never become accustomed.『16words』

25、inasmuch as three hundred years ago amusing meant amazing, awful meant awe-inspiring, and artificial meant artistic.『16words』

26、He listened intently, but the stillness was profound and solemn--awful, even, and depressing to the spirits.『16words』

27、you did an awful thingit doesnt mean you are an awful person just be the person you wanna be.『19words』

28、So complimenting a friend's awful haircut or telling a creditor that the check is in the mail both qualify.『19words』

29、The next day the foreign ambassadors came, with their gorgeous trains; and Tom, throned in awful state, received them.『19words』

30、The most awful defect of traditional accountant profit target lays in neglecting the confirmation and measurement about equity capital cost.『20words』



31、A great example is soy sauce: the ubiquitous flavoring is so high in added salt that it's awful for your blood pressure.『22words』

32、Then Richard Parker, companion of my torment, awful, fierce thing that kept me alive, moved forward and disappeared forever from my life. 然后,那个让我生存下来的理查德·帕克,那个让我痛苦、使我害怕的凶*的伙伴,径直向前走没有回头,永远消失在我的生命里。『23words』

33、When something really awful happens to you, like a death in the family, a good neighbor will volunteer to help in any way he can.『25words』

34、He is committed by his biology not to conform, and herein lies the paramount reason for the awful tension he experiences today in relation to society.『26words』

35、Paula? Sorry to call you so late, but I really feel awful about what happened tonight. I wanted to apologize for embarrassing you in the restaurant.『26words』

36、The fumes are awful ; you may actually smell that in the first row; it's very awful and the battery works only maybe for a few minutes.『27words』

37、The problem with being a grownup is that there's an awful lot of serious stuff to deal with—work, mortgage payments, figuring out what to cook for dinner.『27words』

38、And it was now, about little Lucie's sixth birthday, that they began to have an awful sound, as of a great storm in France with a dreadful sea rising.『29words』

39、我忽然觉得自己如此渺小,就像被卷入战争大漩涡的一粒沙砾。I get the awful feeling of being pitifully small, just a tiny particle,caught up in the gigantic whirlpool of war. from History Channel World War ⅡIn HD(film) 3 出自纪录片高清二战第三集-----【纪念二战70周年】【历史频道】 高清二战(10集全)【中英字幕】【缅怀历史】(3)_其他_科技_bilibili_哔哩哔哩*幕视频网『30words』

40、Before you brush this argument aside as rubbish, or think of joy as an unaffordable luxury in a nation where there is awful poverty, low academic achievement, and high dropout rates, think again.『33words』



41、If you have an awful day by accident, you will come home to a bed that is made that you made and a made bed gives you encouragement that tomorrow will be better.『33words』

42、After all, the junta's awful old guard under the cruel eye of Senior General Than Shwe looks as if it will cede much of the country's running to a perhaps less awful younger guard.『34words』

43、In 2009 we are farther in time from the end of the Second World War than they were from the Civil War; families still felt the loss of loved ones from that awful national trauma.『35words』

44、He walked on the other side of it and protected it to the courtyard of the house where the afflicted heart--so happy in the memorable time when he had revealed his own desolate heart to it--outwatched the awful night.『39words』

45、It is not awful for the People's Republic of China to seek consulting advices but as far as hiring high profile American lobbyists and public relations firms,I do not know the answer right now,but I think that maybe a little premature.『41words』

46、New York is an amazing city; the Grand Canyon is an awe-inspiring sight; the awesome complexity of the universe; this sea, whose gently awful stirrings seem to speak of some hidden soul beneath- Melville; Westminster Hall's awing majesty, so vast, so high, so silent.『44words』

47、No matter good or bad things happen, life moves on. Nothing lasts forever so even though things might be amazing or awful, life goes on and I must move on. I have to improve, become better, become who I want to be, overcome failure .不管发生什么事情,生活都还是会继续。不管情况有多好,没什么能持续到永远,生活还会继续,我们也会向前看。我得有进步,要变得更好,能够成为那个我想成为的人,战胜失败。『45words』

48、the awful war; an awful risk; dire news; a career or vengeance so direful that London was shocked; the dread presence of the headmaster; polio is no longer the dreaded disease it once was; a dreadful storm; a fearful howling; horrendous explosions shook the city; a terrible curse.『48words』

49、As a child, I took art classes at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, carved animals from bars of soap at summer camp, made awful jewelry for my mother and sewed clothing for myself by hand that I was too embarrassed to wear outside my bedroom.『48words』

