

1、consumptive thirst during pregnancy『4words』

2、thirst for; yearn for『4words』

3、It doesn't quench your thirst.『5words』

4、quench one's thirst with beer『5words』

5、She was dying of thirst.『5words』

6、Hunger and thirst could wait.『5words』

7、This thirst proved a scourge.『5words』

8、drink poison to quench one's thirst『6words』

9、An intense thirst is one diabetes symptom.『7words』

10、They died of thirst on the voyage.『7words』



11、to gratify a child's thirst for knowledge『7words』

12、She has a strong thirst for knowledge.『7words』

13、Fame is a great thirst of the young.『8words』

14、“Give me drink," said he: "I thirst--I burn!"『8words』

15、Can we be parched with thirst for God?『8words』

16、Maybe it's a thirst for life that's not yet satisfied.『10words』

17、Our allies are the millions who hunger and thirst after righteousness.『11words』

18、Not every tree can stand thirst, but alamo can do it.『11words』

19、I hunger for success. I thirst for happiness and peace of mind.『12words』

20、On Necessity to form concepts of thirst for abitity and thirst for blazing new trails;『15words』

21、We need health programmes that show a thirst for efficiency and an intolerance of waste.『15words』

22、Travel far away, day and night, the mood is urgent, thirst for knowledge is like thirst.『16words』

23、All that's said, who is going to quench the global thirst for oil in the future?『16words』

24、Elsewhere in the book, Leslie writes: "Google aims to save you from the thirst of curiosity altogether."『17words』

25、In the study, researchers found that hunger outweighed other physical drives, including fear, thirst and social needs.『17words』

26、These factors raise our thirst and the tendency to consume beverages, including teas and colas, which contain sugar.『18words』

27、They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat.『19words』

28、The Samaritan woman in today's story had a thirst that needed to be quenched. The thirst was in her soul.『20words』

29、Then suddenly, when the Ant was almost ready to die of thirst, a large drop of water fell on it.『20words』

30、To imitate, was enough to make one drool and forget his thirst, as though her skin were a piece of delicious fruit.『22words』



31、The relationships between thirst for knowledge, thirst for ability and thirst for blazing new trails are intersect and their administrative levels increasing progressively.『23words』

32、Beyond the east the sun rise, beyond the west the sea,and the east and west the wonder thirst that will not let me be.东方红日出,西方白浪翻,就东难舍西,我心欲狂乱。『24words』

33、Tea bushes thirst for more than twice London's annual rainfall, and cloud cover combined with high humidity is perfect for keeping their vivid green leaves pliant.『26words』

34、 In the horrible hot sun, the eyes will be dry, wrinkled, congested, an indescribable thirst will always penetrate the lungs, people will always thirst for water.『27words』

35、In their thirst for evidence on this issue, commentators seized on the recent report by the Census Bureau, which found that average household income rose by 5.『27words』

36、I began to thirst for knowledge. At the same time, I became interested in the magic and mystery of the stream and wanted to trace its origin.『27words』

37、And Ye Xing often used this point, as if Cao Cao in order to help the army borrow thirst, hereby come up with a look Mei quench thirst.『28words』

38、Yet I know the endless thirst in your heart fo sight of me , the thirst that cries at my door in the repeated knockings of sunrise .『28words』

39、Jin Laoying has officially taken a holiday at home, so he naturally regards newspapers as a good antidote to hunger and thirst when he has nothing to do.『28words』

40、“All day long she roamed beyond the Sphere of Parting Sorrow, staying her hunger with the fruit Secret Love and quenching her thirst at the Sea of Brimming Grief."『29words』



41、He was brave enough to devote himself to hard work. He loved learning like hunger and thirst. He was jealous like hatred. He did not dare to challenge the evil.『30words』

42、When the soldiers stand leaning on their spears,they are faint from want of food. If those who are sent to draw water Begin by drinking themselves, the army is suffering from thirst.『32words』

43、I have a strong thirst for knowledge made me forget the four years of toilsome. Furthermore plan in the pursue advanced studies and to win even more fructification the road to accept more challenges.『34words』

44、The beauty of the human body stimulates artist's thirst for creation, and the work of art of the human body also has an extremely strong guiding meaning to the beauty appreciation of the human body.『35words』

45、it is human to have thirst for knowledge and thirst for water, to love a good idea and a good dish of pork with bamboo shoots, and to admire a beautiful saying and a beautiful woman.『36words』

46、He wanted to look at it, and keep on looking at it; he couldn't seem to get enough of it to quench the thirst of his eye, but he shrank from touching it as if it had been something too sacred for poor common clay to handle『47words』

47、Each time he saw a well he went over to have an- other drink, not so much to quench his thirst as to savour the coolness of the water. Trickling down his throat to his stomach it made him shiver, his pores suddenly contracting in a most refreshing way.『49words』

48、At the outset, the wealth of both borrowers and lenders tends to be very similar. However, when borrowers are in urgent need of such loans with very high interest rates to quench their thirst, in most cases it is difficult to extricate themselves, and the mortgaged property is taken over by the lenders.『53words』

49、She answered, I am Maid Maleen, who for your sake was imprisoned seven years in the darkness, who suffered hunger and thirst, and has lived so long in want and poverty. Today, however, the sun is shining on me once more. I was married to you in the church, and I am your lawful wife.『55words』

