

1、a score-keeper, score-sheet『3words』

2、What's the score『3words』

3、What's the score, Jenny?『4words』

4、What's the score now?『4words』

5、I'll keep (the) score.『4words』

6、Who's going to score『4words』

7、Dynamo have not score yet.『5words』

8、Did you score last night?『5words』

9、keep score, as in games.『5words』

10、The low score depressed Helen.『5words』



11、Assessing bleeds clinically: what's the score『6words』

12、An average IQ score is 100.『6words』

13、The two teams leveled the score.『6words』

14、Skaters score extra points for technical complexity.『7words』

15、No score, no game over, no distractions.『7words』

16、Main Outcome Measures LOD score, STR, linkage analysis.『8words』

17、Keep cumulative score~~Remembers the score from game to game.『9words』

18、Our adroit passing enabled us to score four touchdowns.『9words』

19、Vancouver's average score was 98, 0.8 less than last year.『10words』

20、It seemed a matter of time before Parma would score.『10words』

21、Welford cut through the defence to score the winning goal.『10words』

22、Difficult texts record a positive score and simple ones score negative numbers.『12words』

23、The average EPI score for Cuba's income peer group is 65.7.10. Colombia.『12words』

24、There are two popular score applications in the world:original score and standard score.『13words』

25、Total Score equals sum of the AVERAGE PERFORMANCE score plus the AVERAGE INTERVIEW score.『14words』

26、The basis of title to be: test will score a perfect score will be.『14words』

27、A Study of Learning Strategies Used by High-score and Low-score Listeners of College Students;『14words』

28、I did so bad on the exam, my score was like a negative number.『14words』

29、Objective:To explore relationship between negative emotion and ischemic score in patients with mild cognitive impairment(MCI).『15words』

30、His IQ test score was merely average at 104, and his deportment was sometimes poor.『15words』



31、Do the high score group and the low score group differ in their individual affective factors?『16words』

32、After awarding, the awarded score shall be deducted from the cumulative score in the Co-branded Card.『16words』

33、If the topic is very simple the very good score which depends on the high spot.『16words』

34、 A horizontal demarcation on a scorecard in bridge dividing the honor score from the trick score.『17words』

35、A value analysis matrix is provided to score the answers and advise actions for certain score ranges.『17words』

36、There were significant negative correlations between score of hope and score of uncertainty as well as its sub-factors(P『18words』

37、The Experiment on Error Pattern Made by High-score Students and Low-score Students of Primary School in Serial Tasks;『18words』

38、With different weighting strategies, the optimal efficiency score, the worst efficiency score, and the most possible efficiency score are obtained.『20words』

39、Results The clinical nurses' total score, total average score, positive items number, positive symptom score were higher than normal ones;『20words』

40、If you got a high score, you are valuable as a person. If your score is low, you are not.『20words』



41、There was a significant correlation (Ptest score of psychomotor function and part test score of intelligence whose test intention are same.『21words』

42、IRT true score equating and IRT observed score equating in common-item non-equivalent group design based on the item response theory were compared.『22words』

43、The scores of the acute physiology score(APS) and year score(YS) in the death group were higher obviously than those of the surviving group(both P0 01).『25words』

44、Results The SCL-90 total score, total mean score, positive symptom items, somatization, anxiety, hostile, phobia, paranoia, psychsis subscale in primary school teachers were higher than the norm.『27words』

45、No significant difference was observed in the mortality rate among dietary treatments (Table 4). Fecal Score is also expressed as an average of score throughout the experimental period.『28words』

46、With some unlucky timing, both will pass the test of "is new score higher than existing high score," and both will enter the block that updates the high score.『29words』

47、Even so, on a scale where 10 was most truthful, native English speakers got a score of 7.5, people with mild accents a score of 6.95 and people with heavy accents a score of 6.84.『35words』

48、“It doesn't matter how many points I score, if we go out there and they get the edge over us," Duncan said. "It's just great to get the victory whether I score 40 or I score two."『37words』


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