

1、It's a touching song!『4words』

2、Her story was touching.『4words』

3、Their knees were touching.『4words』

4、emotional, touching, etc reunions『4words』

5、No touching allowed while watching.『5words』

6、The speedometer was touching 90.『5words』

7、That's a touching, good story.『5words』

8、That movie was very touching.『5words』

9、To stimulate by touching lightly;tickle.『5words』

10、Lizard love may also be touching.『6words』



11、It's a touching scene. It's really enviable.『7words』

12、There is a sobbing and touching story.『7words』

13、Thank you for touching up my poetry.『7words』

14、PLC whole procedure control and touching screen interface.『8words』

15、Tornados are touching down all over the place.『8words』

16、She will give a touching valediction at graduation.『8words』

17、Then decades passed without my touching a knitting needle.『9words』

18、Emotion is its' bond, touching students' hearts, permeating educational nature.『10words』

19、To straighten up, imagine that your head is touching the sky.『11words』

20、They kept each other going. It's such a touching love story.『11words』

21、Objective to explore the influence of swimming and touching on neonates.『11words』

22、Life is about touching nails, touching nails once, gaining insight and experience.『12words』

23、Open QQ to see there are many touching congratulations ah (aha), deeply touching.『13words』

24、She'd been in a meeting with superiors, frequently emphasizing points by touching one on the hand.『16words』

25、Attaching fabrics an unique natural touching feeling of coolness, breathable with an excellent sense of pendant.『16words』

26、Countless touching and touching scenes constitute a moving picture of the great unity and cooperation of socialism.『17words』

27、THE MORNING'S SUN rose clear and resplendent, touching the foamy waves into a network of ruby-tinted light.『17words』

28、diminish the likelihood of a brain freeze by letting things warm up a bit before touching your palate.『18words』

29、These touching portraits encourage us to see them as agents rather than simply colonial subjects or paid employees.『18words』

30、Blue stone wall, like the ring of the old street, touching it, like touching the memory of the old street!『20words』



31、Season or the sadness of life, but the touching of life, missed the initial hope, lost the touching of life.『20words』

32、One respondent to the survey believed that there is no true emotional bonding without touching and smelling a loved one.『20words』

33、N'deh makes a curious gesture with his hand, touching one finger to his forehead and flicking it gracefully toward Josh.『20words』

34、Greek wrestling was a popular form of martial art in which points were awarded for touching a competitor's back to the ground.『22words』

35、This time we want to show you 35 images which express the feeling of beautifulness, touching and says what they want to.『22words』

36、Touching control pen is utilized to touch and control electronic equipment having a touching control faceplate and to point information in remote place.『23words』

37、This is another reason to go into Eight Limb pose (knees touching aiding in support) instead of Four Limb pose (without the knees touching).『24words』

38、Man's beginning is man's distance, man's departure, man's fragility, man's prestige, man's touching, is the beginning, is humble, is touching, is also the unforgettable years.『25words』

39、Lost heart, hidden the way of life, helpless feelings, hidden the touching of life, the last dream, erase the touching of life, lost a person's landscape.『26words』

40、Love from ancient times hate departure, more sad to be lonely. But I still can't help touching and touching the broken bits that are related to you.『27words』



41、Whenever this song sounded, and that the outflow from the strings touching, soulful melodies, they began a long thought, pushing Qinghui faint moonlight, the minds of man.『27words』

42、It turned out that I was excluded from touching his head, because that way of touching his head was like touching a puppy. This logic, I said nothing.『28words』

43、With their own goodness, touching their hearts, with their dreams, touching their future, with the most true feelings, indulge in the meeting of this life, pay, forget the past.『29words』

44、Love is a sentence, but also a kind of touching, vicissitudes of life goodbye, looking back on parting, is a kind of touching, but also a kind of fate.『29words』

45、A person's story, a person's voice, how many mistakes, become the Vagrancy of life, how many different departments, just the touching of life, helpless comfort, just a kind of touching.『30words』

46、Time is the touching of life, giving is the motive of life, is also a kind of touching fate, the first person, always so charming, the last helpless, always lonely soul.『31words』

47、Memory, the heart of an old man, but the prosperity of life, how many closing curtain, is only a person's touching, love is so sad, the mood is so hurt, but the touching of life, so rich.『37words』

48、There is a kind of listening, beautiful, there is a kind of touching, no news, only to know that touching oneself is easy, touching life is very bitter, understand the wrong, only to know that there is a future.『39words』

