aware that造句,用aware that怎么造句子(48句)

aware that造句,用aware that怎么造句子

1、I was aware that she was trembling.『7words』

2、Were you aware that something was wrong?『7words』

3、I soon became aware that campaigning is useless.『8words』

4、You are not, perhaps, aware that I am your namesake?『10words』

5、He was not aware that he had committed an offence.『10words』

6、Most women are not aware that candida infection is a common disease.『12words』

7、Firms, aware that credit is drying up, are striving to raise cash.『12words』

8、Being aware that we only have one life to live also reinforces that conviction.『14words』

9、The system relies on paravirtualization, so that guest operating systems are aware that they are virtualized.『16words』

10、I am aware that some will argue that the fetus has an inalienable right to life.『16words』

aware that造句,用aware that怎么造句子(48句)

aware that造句,用aware that怎么造句子

11、She worked at a radio station for a year, always aware that her body was degenerating.『16words』

12、Patients taking TNF blockers should be aware that they are more susceptible to serious fungal infections.『16words』

13、Researchers are aware that cells on flat surfaces hae skewed metabolisms, gene expression and growing patterns.『16words』

14、I don't think that many are aware that BEA is also interested in fostering open source development.『17words』

15、“Telling someone who is not self aware that they aren't self aware is generally not helpful," McKee explains.『18words』

16、LabVIEW makes parallelism so easy that you may not even be aware that you're writing a parallel program.『18words』

17、At the same time, we are well aware that China remains the biggest developing country in the world.『18words』

18、was aware of his opponent's hostility; became aware of her surroundings; aware that he had exceeded the speed limit.『19words』

19、Dorchester County is aware that some beekeepers in the area that was sprayed on Sunday lost their bee colonies.『19words』

20、You are not, perhaps, aware that I am your namesake? — that I was christened St. John Eyre Rivers?『19words』

21、With that in mind, be aware that an arty strike at a certain location may end up hitting nothing.『19words』

22、Be aware that the referrer is completely forge-able: some browsers will refuse to provide it, and some will lie.『19words』

23、Set SSLFIPS (YES) if FIPS compliance is an issue, but be aware that this does not disable non-SSL channels.『19words』

24、“As a public figure, the defendant should be aware that fans might imitate his behaviour," said Judge Singgih Budi Prakoso.『20words』

25、She aware that some people will see her interest in boxing as an attempt to capitalize on her father's name.『20words』

26、We are all aware that, sometime between 1920 and the present, General Motors acquired a commanding position in the automobile industry.『21words』

27、Charles added that "we know that older people are increasingly aware that the time they have left in life is growing shorter."『22words』

28、However, rate of reading was not affected, so that many students were not aware that they were affected by the background distractor.『22words』

29、We didn't feel nervous, we were well aware that things weren't going right, so you just try your best to rectify that.『22words』

30、You will instantly be aware that you are reading something that has endured almost three hundred years for a very good reason.『22words』

aware that造句,用aware that怎么造句子(48句)

aware that造句,用aware that怎么造句子

31、We should be aware that our imagination has this built-in feature, the blind spot, which makes our predictions fall short of reality.『22words』

32、When we visit another society whose norms are different, we quickly become aware that things we do this way, they do that way.『23words』

33、Customers in this globalized world are also increasingly aware that unrealistically low prices may also come with unrealistically high environmental damage and low quality.『24words』

34、Are you aware that your mind is always occupied with thoughts? Are you aware that thoughts constantly demand your attention, dictate your behavior and reactions?『25words』

35、Lesson 8: All embassies in Rome are well aware that petty crime is a huge problem and can often replace passports with a few hour's notice.『26words』

36、I am fully aware that this is a major test for China. But I also want to assure you that the fundamentals of the Chinese economy are sound.『28words』

37、I'm aware of the rough directions of letters. They're almost similar to the seasons. I'm aware that clouds float with the autumn wind, from the sea towards the land.『29words』

38、Heroism means transcending life; it is a fatal leap into nothingness, even though the hero may not be aware that his energy springs from a life deprived of its normal supports.『31words』

39、That is to say, he is in a certain sense book - and language-determined, and he's obscurely aware that this is his problem even as it's a source of pride for him.『32words』

40、He had a deadpan humor and this sense of himself that seemed to say, 'Yes, I am fully aware that I might be mad, but I also might be on to something.'『32words』

aware that造句,用aware that怎么造句子(48句)

aware that造句,用aware that怎么造句子

41、By that time scientists were well aware that most of the land underlying the thick ice in West Antarctica sits far below sea level and once constituted the floor of an ocean.『32words』

42、So when I contemplate a physical object I'm aware that it is necessarily extended and I am also aware that it is not essential to its being that it be a thinking thing.『33words』

43、It is important that Eligible Clients are aware that their risks are not limited to the deposit and that by making a trade it is possible to lose more than the initial deposit.『33words』

44、(Yes I am aware that everyone says that, but it's true.) you could die tomorrow on your way to work or school, so make the best out of the situation that stands before you today.『35words』

45、All the time that he gazed upward to the zenith, he was, nevertheless, perfectly aware that little Pearl was hinting her finger towards old Roger Chillingworth, who stood at no great distance from the scaffold.『35words』

46、I am aware that I will have to DECLARE THE GOODS TO CUSTOMS ON MY RETURN TO AUSTRALIA if the total value of the declarable goods in my possession at that time exceeds the tax free concession.『37words』

47、It is assumed in the following discussion that students are aware that they should initiate the application procedure a year in advance. The counselor should ensure, through publicity to schools and in newspaper advertisements, that this is widely known.『39words』

48、“If an agent is aware that the matters entrusted are illegal But still carries them out, or if a principal is aware that his agent's acts are illegal But fails to object to them, the principal and the agent shall Be held jointly liable."『44words』

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