


2、'Almost eighteen years.'『3words』

3、an eighteen-hole golf-course『3words』

4、There are eighteen turnips.『4words』

5、My classmate is eighteen.『4words』

6、Is nineteen more than eighteen『5words』

7、I'll be eighteen next year.『5words』

8、I wasn't bad at eighteen.『5words』

9、So I am twice eighteen.『5words』

10、Our team was thrashed eighteen-nil.『5words』



11、Youths under eighteen cannot muster in.『6words』

12、He enlisted when he was eighteen.『6words』

13、I guess you are just eighteen.『6words』

14、Such reports had been routine for eighteen months.『8words』

15、Honduras media reported eighteen cases of suspected baby stealing.『9words』

16、eighteen drugs certain combinations of which result in toxicity『9words』

17、The girl can work for the newspaper for eighteen months.『10words』

18、Answer: It gives eighteen year olds the right to vote.『10words』

19、I lived for eighteen years, eighteen years unworthy of revolutionary martyrs.『11words』

20、By eighteen seventy, Rockefeller and his partners formed the Standard Oil Company.『12words』

21、The grassland looks like a green carpet, giving people a pleasant enjoyment.『12words』

22、It happened when I was about eighteen or nineteen years old (began Dr. Simsen).『14words』

23、There are eighteen floors in the building, and he lives on the fifteenth floor.『14words』

24、A medieval manuscript called L contains all eighteen extant tragedies by the Greek playwright Euripides.『15words』

25、More than eighteen hundred people have been celebrating the memory of the former first lady.『15words』

26、“I was in the Seventh Infantry until June nineteen-eighteen. I knew I'd seen you somewhere before."『16words』

27、Nowadays, citizens who have reached the age of eighteen or over eighteen have the right to vote.『17words』

28、 Yes, eighteen-year-old youth, red as peaches in August, with a layer of peach Antler on it.『17words』

29、Some studies say simple tasks require eighteen days to condition, or more specifically, thirty to forty repetitions.『17words』

30、Vladimir Lensky remained his friend. At eighteen Vladimir was still romantic and filled with illusions of life and love.『19words』



31、One who instigates a person under the age of eighteen to commit a crime shall be given a heavier punishment.『20words』

32、This ungallant statement sent her flying to the mirror to see if she really did look twenty-eight instead of eighteen.『20words』

33、“When this melody for the flageolet was made by Lady Cai, When long ago one by one she sang its eighteen stanzas,"『22words』

34、Cases of sati are very rare; the last high-profile incident was in 1987 in Rajasthan, when an eighteen-year-old woman was burned to death.『23words』

35、As the election of eighteen forty drew closer, the Whig Party felt more and more hopeful that it could put its candidate in the White House.『26words』

36、Gao Baofa was not particularly visible among the numerous migrant workers. At that time, he was only eighteen years old, and his life at eighteen was not mature.『28words』

37、How wonderful! Every thirty years a drink becomes eighteen, a thousand times a drink is good enough to drink thirty thousand years, a thousand times eighteen, that's wonderful!『28words』

38、a beefy wrestler; had a tall burly frame; clothing sizes for husky boys; a strapping boy of eighteen; (`buirdly' is a Scottish term; a buirdly lad of twelve).『28words』

39、He was not suspected or brought in question, any more than if he had indeed been recalled to life some eighteen years before, or were a Spirit moving among mortals.『30words』

40、 From eighteen to twenty-three, in the best years of youth, time is like an hourglass, sifting away those laughter and tears, sifting away those old events, leaving behind only you.『31words』



41、“Three or four smartly dressed lads of seventeen or eighteen picked up the chair and, followed by the maids, carded it to a gate decorated with over hanging flowery patterns carved in wood."『33words』

42、Originating from Scotland in the 15th century, the game involves whacking a small white ball around a large field and trying to make it land in a series of eighteen tiny holes in the ground.『35words』

43、Xingqing Palace is eighteen miles round. There is a deep moat around the city. There are two gates in the north and south, one in the East and one in the west, and a tower on the gate.『38words』

44、 An eighteen-year-old young man with an umbrella in one hand and a cotton-padded gown in the other turned around and looked behind him. His round face was red with cold and his nose was covered with gold glasses.『39words』

45、I paid out every penny of eighteen thousand dollars for a post as an inspector of taxes. They assured me it was a cushy job with plenty of pickings, and my superiors sent about a dozen relatives of theirs to be clerks in my office.『45words』

46、“Where, after receiving an application for a patent for invention, the Patent Office, upon preliminary examination, finds the application to be in conformity with the requirements of this Law, it shall publish the application promptly after the expiration of eighteen months from the date of filing."『46words』

47、The Khan Mountains are not very high. The position of Mongolian Yuan in Yanshan Mountain on the top of the mountain can be called the eighteen portraits of the Khan Emperor. The largest one is Genghis Khan. The smaller one in front is Kublai Khan, and the Mongolian Army Front is below the mountain.『54words』


上一篇:kind of造句,用kind of怎么造句子(47句)