

1、You are stealing concept.『4words』

2、a proclivity toward stealing things『5words』

3、They are stealing the show.『5words』

4、In the habit of stealing『5words』

5、Hunger reduced them to stealing.『5words』

6、He was run in for stealing.『6words』

7、throwing, base running and stealing bases.『6words』

8、Lying, stealing, dishonesty and cruelty are sins.『7words』

9、How come she has descended to stealing『7words』

10、The cat shuts its eyes when stealing.『7words』



11、He was sent to prison for stealing money.『8words』

12、The morning light was stealing through the shutters.『8words』

13、Are you tired of others stealing your coffee cup?『9words』

14、Compared with stealing money, stealing book was the lesser evil.『10words』

15、The thieves quarrelled about the division of their stealing goods『10words』

16、The last week a fright has been stealing upon me.『10words』

17、The best part of stealing someone's identity is that you control everything.『12words』

18、These boys were in bad odor because they were suspected of stealing.『12words』

19、Two employees that Chris hired were stealing, and he had to fire them.『13words』

20、So that makes my stripper name Olympia Dukakis. Hope I'm not stealing that from anyone.『15words』

21、stopping and stealing or stealing from a vehicle in transit: hijacking gangs after truckloads of cigarettes.『16words』

22、The idea of stealing a person is plagiarism. The idea of stealing many people is to study.『17words』

23、Start by stealing some code from the hangman generator from Part 1 — namely, the letter array.『17words』

24、They include stealing others' seats, eating or drinking, handing out advertisements, and not paying for the tickets.『17words』

25、Xiaofen's skill of singing chickens and stealing dogs does not make it to the hall of elegance.『17words』

26、The police explode a bombshell when they arrested the old banker for stealing money from the bank.『17words』

27、It was a deliberate act of stealing. He is nothing less than a juvenile delinquent who commits deleterious acts.『19words』

28、Two men who were caught stealing property after it grew dark have appeared before the local Magistrates' court this morning.『20words』

29、“He was definitely a combative guy," Segar said, adding that Zhu also recently accused the leasing staff of stealing his shoes.『21words』

30、The quote above really stuck out at me, and made me realize stealing an “idea” is a lot like stealing a snapshot.『22words』



31、“We must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries making our products, stealing our companies, and destroying our jobs," he said.『23words』

32、It's not stealing, it's not stealing, it's stealing, it's just taking without telling, and it's not returning, but it's not often happening at first.『24words』

33、Whoever illegally obtains the aforesaid information by stealing or any other means shall, if the circumstances are serious, be punished under the preceding paragraph.『24words』

34、Whether collecting evidence can success and whether the evidence can be regularized after collecting evidence successfully are decisive factors to check and affirm electricity power stealing.『26words』

35、Parents of very young children know this: You catch your child in the act of stealing the cookie the evidence of candy written on his or her face.『28words』

36、Years later, John M. Martini, who is on death row in New Jersey for another murder, was convicted of killing Duval after stealing her profits from a house sale.『29words』

37、He assumed the dinosaur was stealing the eggs, so he named it Oviraptor that means egg thief in Latin, which fueled the generally negative public image of such dinosaurs.『29words』

38、Local police say that pregnant women account for a large proportion of those arrested for stealing e-bikes. Last year, one police station alone caught about 20 pregnant women stealing e-bikes.『30words』

39、It's been suggested in fact that jays, corvids known for stealing each other's food, may hide their food precisely because they are projecting their own tendency to steal onto other jays.『31words』

40、Samsung counters that Apple is doing the stealing and that some of the technology at issue, such as the rounded rectangular designs of smart phones and tablets, have been industry standards for years.『33words』



41、The Cox Report inflammatorily accuses China of "stealing'' secret information on the most advanced thermonuclear warheads possessed by the United States, including the seven types of W-88, W-87, W-78, W-76, W-70, W-62 and W-56.『34words』

42、You see I used to think time was a thief, stealing everything I loved. But I see now you give before you take. And every day is a gift, every hour, every minute, every second.总以为时间是个小偷,将我们拥有的一切偷走,从不曾给我们机会。但我们错了,他总是先给予再拿走。每一天,每一分,每一秒,都是馈赠。『35words』

43、“When the London banks, during the stealing crisis of 1957, were prohibited from using stealing funds to finance non-British trade, they offered high interest rates to attract dollar deposits from both non-american and american holders of dollars."『37words』

44、The mine switch lock with two precautions can prevent the behaviors of transmitting power and opening the cap without authority and stealing the electrical elements in order to avoid the gas explosion accident within the coal mine.『37words』

45、When a husband or wife is "stolen" by another person,that husband or wife was already ripe for the stealing,was al-ready predisposed toward a new partner.The "love bandit" was only taking what was waiting to be taken,what wanted to be taken.『40words』

46、A large number of criminal cases of stealing, illegal buying and selling or addiction of pethidine and other narcotic drugs have been investigated and severely dealt with in Heilongjiang, Shanxi and Shaanxi provinces and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in the northern part of China.『45words』

47、There is a kind of scenery, called hiding one's ears and stealing bells, there is a kind of indifference, called bridging in water, helpless life, it is difficult to follow one's fate, what goes with nature, but deceives oneself, forgetting yesterday's good, thinking of a person's good.『47words』

