


2、These brushes are thick.『4words』

3、Here are some brushes.『4words』

4、He brushes his teeth at 6:40.『6words』

5、paint, brushes, ladders, lamps, et cetera.『6words』

6、Try different brushes at different places.『6words』

7、Children are taught to write with brushes.『7words』

8、He brushes the snow off his windows.『7words』

9、Brushes of the Warring States and modern brushes.『8words』

10、Probably he would lay down his brushes and palette.『9words』



11、Obama brushes aside the notion that his rhetoric is insubstantial.『10words』

12、Master Gu's statue stands quietly and solemnly within the brushes.『10words』

13、She likes feminine things like brushes, lipsticks, scarves and jewellery.『10words』

14、There are two classes of water brushes: watercolor brushes and airbrushes.『11words』

15、Yet Iran brushes off council action in its own case as "illegal".『12words』

16、The artists painted with fingers, brushes made from hair, or bird bones.『12words』

17、What do you want, Eddie and Danny? We want some brushes, please.『12words』

18、The members of Lanting Calligraphy Club are writing Chinese characters with traditional brushes.『13words』

19、As you know, soft brushes are the blurry ones and hard brushes are more solid.『15words』

20、Father, break off for me the first twig that brushes against your hat on your way home.『17words』

21、These guys hang their bushy bottle brushes overhead like some kind of parasol to keep the sun off.『18words』

22、Taobao brushes aside such criticism, saying it has a new program that is effectively cracking down on counterfeits.『18words』

23、 Hasegawa had ordered people to prepare brushes, inkstones, brushes, wash rice paper and put them on the table.『19words』

24、Spring breeze brushes the field, wheat seedlings return to green, although weak, but infinite vitality, bathed in sunshine, quietly grow.『20words』

25、Fancy how he felt when he noticed that overnight those two dainty organs had become as long as shoe brushes『20words』

26、Escalator safety brushes - a gentle, yet effective reminder to escalator passengers to mind the gap between the step and the balustrade.『22words』

27、On Mondays, eight servants, including an extra gardener, toiled all day with scrubbing-brushes and hammer and garden-shears, repairing the ravages of the night before.『24words』

28、The brush, Bathes brushes, the massage brushes, the shoe brush, washes the hand scrubber, brushes cleanly, the wood brushes, the pig long neck hair brushes.『25words』

29、In the taping of the 26 new episodes, Jenkins endorses cruelty-free brushes, walnut oil to clean the brushes, and only works with environmentally responsible products.『25words』

30、The next day he began to make soft brushes from the hairs of different animals and stiff brushes from the hair of the horses' tails.『25words』



31、The fibre is made into ropes and twines for marine, agricultural, shipping, and general industrial use, as well as into matting, rugs, hats, and brushes.『25words』

32、W: Ten sheets of rice paper, 25 brushes, two boxes of oil color and two boxes of water color. All these come up to $35.50, sir.『26words』

33、If, however, Andrew brushes someone else's teeth beside his own, then it would be very important to let your listener know that by stressing whose teeth he brushes.『28words』

34、Sony used racoon hair brushes to daub magnetic powder over the paper to produce what it cally "soni tape", starting its history as an audio - video products maker.『29words』

35、A soldier from Task Force "No Fear" of the 2-27 Infantry brushes his teeth between machine guns at his post in the bunker of Outpost Bari Alai in Kunar.『29words』

36、Writing brushes are traditional writing tools in china . the first writing brush was invented by general meng tian of kingdom qin in 223bc . writing brushes have many types now.『31words』

37、Brand new on a desk were an ink stone, ink stick, a few calligraphy brushes, a small bottle of water, a few books and paper with vertical lines or big squares.『31words』

38、In the bathroom, the family toothbrush holder can also harbor bacteria; if you have to all share the same one, don't allow the brushes to touch each other, the CDC recommends.『31words』

39、The sheer number of brushes that look exactly the same is overwhelming, so it's easy to understand why you might just give up and use the brushes that came with your makeup.『32words』

40、Aesthetic brushes, sad autumn, is a memory, but also the illusion of life, is helpless, but also the last sentiment, but people go to the empty, just distracted, but people are cold.『32words』



41、Every Ameri-can woman has at least one hair dryer, and usually a curling iron and electric rollers besides, not to men-tion styling brushes, smoothing brushes, holding combs, barrettes, clips, bands, and other decora-tiom.『33words』

42、Guangrao is also known as home to the Qi type of writing brushes. Due to their exquisite craftsmanship, the writing brushes made here are regarded as one of the top four brands in China.『34words』

43、“1# spray brushing device is equipped with 4 groups of brushes and 4 rows of sprayers. The medium pressure is 0.2~0.4Mpa, temperature of medium is about 80 c. The alkali concentration of the medium is 3~5% with PH 10~12."『39words』

44、Chinese arts and crafts include many kinds, like sandal wood fans, cloisonné articles, carved works (such as, stone carving, wood carving, ivory carving, shell carving, jade carving, etc.), woven wares, bamboo-work, porcelain, traditional Chinese paintings, ink slabs, ink brushes, and so on..『42words』

45、If you can't see your good, why should you trade your heart for your sadness? At last, there is only cold heart left. This is the customer who brushes shoulders. Why should you pay attention to the recovery of indifference, and finally only ignore it?『45words』

46、After I arrived in Beijing, he wrote me a letter, in which he says, "I' m all right except for a severe pain in my arm. I even have trouble using chopsticks or writing brushes. Perhaps it won't be long now before I depart this life."『46words』

47、In both academies, women are often seen sitting at small tables and copying small portraits with flower brushes dipped in powder. This small portrait copies famous paintings on a rectangular or oval piece of paper, which is placed in a small glass frame for desk use.『46words』

