

1、Don't go yet, comrades.『4words』

2、Fall into line, comrades『4words』

3、Fall into line, please, comrades.『5words』

4、Now then, pull up, comrades『5words』

5、They were old army comrades.『5words』

6、It's time to pack up, comrades.『6words』

7、Can such comrades withstand revolutionary storms?『6words』

8、Veteran comrades must emancipate their minds.『6words』

9、He is never brusque with his comrades.『7words』

10、This is the wish of many old comrades.『8words』



11、And remember, comrades, your resolution must never falter.『8words』

12、We always consider these people as our true comrades.『9words』

13、Certainly he wasn't going to involve the other comrades.『9words』

14、He has been branded a traitor by his former comrades.『10words』

15、Instead of bludgeoning our erring comrades, we should help them with criticism.『12words』

16、Now you be wise and accept the offer; we shall travel as comrades『13words』

17、She always bears her comrades in mind; scarcely does she ever think of herself.『14words』

18、A holy field medic, these padres roam the battlefield curing the wounds of fallen comrades.『15words』

19、In June its guerrillas stormed a prison in Aden and freed an unknown number of comrades.『16words』

20、Now, comrades, I will sing an old song that came into my dream last night to you.『17words』

21、The selection of successors is a new task and a responsibility for our veteran comrades and high-level cadres.『18words』

22、Soldiering is a dangerous profession, invariably underpaid but generously rewarded by the courage and constancy of one’s comrades.『18words』

23、Flowers, the American flag and his VFW comrades surround him, paying tribute to him as the man really was.『19words』

24、To help comrades who have made mistakes, we should adopt the approach of "curing the sickness to save the patient".『20words』

25、If there was a tear, I would wager that it was for fallen comrades and for the massacre that surrounded them.『21words』

26、Yet now I seem to see a still more awful Nemesis approaching Number 10, to do me in, and with me, comrades, you.『23words』

27、Comrades Li Xiannian, Chen Yun, Xu Xiangqian, Wang Zhen and I will cease to serve concurrently as Vice-Premiers so that more energetic comrades can take over;『26words』

28、A great number of our comrades and friends in literary and art circles resisted or fought against Lin Biao and the Gang with dignity and honour.『26words』

29、Fifth, it is essential to advocate the attitude of "saying all you know and saying it without reserve" to one's comrades and superiors, and to oneself.『26words』

30、The 12 men are also facing further charges of desecration of corpses, illegal possession of photos of corpses, drug abuse and acts of bodily injury against comrades.『27words』



31、This draft was revised on the basis of the discussion by 4,000 comrades and the recent discussion by more than 40 comrades. Many good suggestions have been incorporated.『28words』

32、The leading comrades in charge of local Party and Youth League committees at various levels should apply themselves to studying the work of agricultural co-operation and become expert at it.『30words』

33、Some comrades may think, "Well, I had better continue writing for the readers in the Great Rear Area; [10] it is a job I know well and has 'national significance'."『30words』

34、Its proper use is among huddled comrades, gathered in a sacramental hush in park or field, on the beach, in the wilderness, or the enfolding darkness of an urban den.『30words』

35、In the higher-level organs we should consider, as the first step, promoting younger comrades to the second and third senior posts, while the veteran comrades remain in overall charge for some time.『32words』

36、A good many comrades who are present here joined the revolution during the war years.Is there any one of you who was not specialized to one degree or another in military affairs?『32words』

37、So far as the Party as a whole is concerned, some comrades are digging deep into their jobs while others are not, and this is true of the comrades present at this conference.『33words』

38、And I joined the army with old classmates Li Runsheng cried... days later, after doctors, health workers and class of treatment under the care of his comrades, where I finally come back from death!『34words』

39、If the Archaeological Institute sends people and local comrades to form an excavation team, the leader of the team should be the local comrades. At most, the comrades of the Archaeological Institute can only hold a deputy post.『38words』

40、I hope all our comrades, and veteran comrades most of all, will, so to speak, tuck their tails between their legs rather than stick them up, guard against conceit and rashness, always remain modest and keep forging ahead.『38words』



41、It is of great strategic importance for us to ensure the continuity and stability of the correct leadership of our Party and state by having younger comrades take the "front-line" posts while the older comrades give them the necessary advice and support.『42words』

42、 As deputy commander of the army, because of the revolution, there has been no chance to fall in love till now. Now there are so many female comrades in Yan'an. These old revolutionary comrades should also fall in love and get married.『43words』

43、We hope that comrades at all levels, and at the grass-roots level in particular, will carry forward our glorious traditions, unite as one, work hard and uncomplainingly, share the burdens of the Party, the state and the people, and never slacken their efforts.『43words』

44、This applies not only to newcomers to Yenan; even among comrades who have been to the front and worked for a number of years in our base areas and in the Eighth Route and New Fourth Armies, many have not completely solved this problem.『44words』

45、I should like to give the comrades concerned a bit of advice: when you are showered with praise, stop to think who it is that is applauding you, from what viewpoint and for what purpose, and put your work to the test of practice too.『45words』

46、Some comrades consider only the interests of their own small group and ignore the general interest. Although on the surface this does not seem to be the pursuit of personal interests, in reality it exemplifies the narrowest individualism and has a strong corrosive and centrifugal effect.『46words』

47、I should like comrades from each major region of the country to consider whether or not we should change the managerial system of enterprises, establish trusts and put the big industrial cities directly under the jurisdiction of the Central Government. We should try to find out the problems.『48words』

