

1、welfare benefits『2words』

2、(13) social welfare『3words』

3、social welfare functional constituency『4words』

4、community and welfare premises『4words』

5、It concerns his welfare.『4words』

6、The public good or welfare.『5words』

7、The subject touches our welfare.『5words』

8、axiom for social welfare function『5words』

9、basic economic and welfare aspect『5words』

10、The welfare example is well known.『6words』



11、contrary to your interests or welfare.『6words』

12、transfer of retained earning to staff welfare『7words』

13、We are concerned about the child's welfare.『7words』

14、My principal concern is my family's welfare.『7words』

15、non-residential welfare facilities and school building programme『7words』

16、Personal welfare is closely related to social welfare.『8words』

17、The government is going to trim welfare programs.『8words』

18、ABolish the welfare-oriented distribution (allocation) of public housing『8words』

19、The use scheme of statutory welfare reserve and welfare funds.『10words』

20、Minimum salary RMB10,000 per month, welfare package to be negotiated.『10words』

21、The welfare state ACTS as a duffer against extreme poverty.『10words』

22、Concentrated establishments include social welfare homes, old-age homes, sanitariums, and children's welfare homes.『13words』

23、The Shanghai World Expo-themed welfare lottery will sell at prices varying from RMB5-20.『13words』

24、The welfare of the community is the same as the welfare of its members.『14words』

25、From the early 1960s, local authorities were required to plan health and welfare services.『14words』

26、Other people think of not only their own welfare but also the welfare of others.『15words』

27、 The welfare of the individual is bound up with the welfare of the community.『15words』

28、the welfare of the individual is bound up with the welfare of the community ,个人福利同社会的福利密切相关。『15words』

29、Indeed, for Whigs the concept of government promoting the general welfare went beyond the economy.『15words』

30、In the past four years, welfare rolls in Athens County have been cut in half.『15words』



31、In the future, they will improve our health care, social welfare and standard of living.『15words』

32、The Shanghai children's welfare home is a social welfare charity institution directed by the Shanghai Municipal Government.『17words』

33、The Police Welfare Fund has been the major source of finance for all welfare activities within the Force.『18words』

34、The company's statutory common welfare fund is used for the collective welfare of the company's staff and workers.『18words』

35、In recent years, many children's welfare institutions have raised funds to have restorative operations for disabled children in welfare institutions.『20words』

36、-- Individuals are becoming ever more enthusiastic about running children's welfare homes and non-governmental welfare homes are on the increase.『20words』

37、President Clinton signed into law welfare reform, so people actually have to look for a job before being eligible for welfare.『21words』

38、Article76 The State shall develop social welfare undertakings, construct public welfare facilities, and provide labourers with conditions for taking rest, recuperation and rehabilitation.『23words』

39、While still in its early stages, welfare reform has already been judged a great success in many states—at least in getting people off welfare.『24words』

40、Other public and welfare undertakings in society that aim to promote social development and progress. IV.Other public welfare undertakings promoting social development and progress.『24words』



41、The old-age welfare service system should be based on the family supply, supported by the community welfare service and supplemented by the social welfare organizations.『25words』

42、She dedicated all her energy to the emancipation of the Chinese nation and the social welfare enterprise of China and integrated social welfare thought with welfare service.『27words』

43、They include social welfare institutions run by civil affairs departments, children's welfare institu tions social welfare institutions for mental patients, and collective? owned old people's homes in tual areas.『29words』

44、Article36 Hong Kong residents shall have the right to social welfare in accordance with law. The welfare benefits and retirement security of the labour force shall be protected by law.『30words』

45、Article 10 the rewards and welfare funds drawn by the joint venture from the profits must be used as rewards and collective welfare and shall not be diverted to other USES.『31words』

46、Since 1980, the UK has introduced the most radical state welfare reforms in Europe - despite having less of a problem over an ageing population and a smaller welfare state than most European countries.『34words』

