


2、testing naive mice『3words』

3、persons naive to marijuana『4words』

4、全世界的女人的择偶标准都一样,赚钱才是王道。 Too young,too naive的瘦肉以为没有面包就可以有纯真的爱情,但很少有人会看到真相,就是,有了真正的爱情,才能共同创造出更多的面包。『4words』

5、Not experienced or worldly; naive.『5words』

6、Nayef thinks they're all naive.『5words』

7、 He derides her naive attitude.『6words』

8、How naive these imaginings sound now.『6words』

9、Their approach to life is refreshingly naive.『7words』

10、At first those great expectations looked naive.『7words』



11、But sometimes cynicism can be deeply naive.『7words』

12、Faded pastel charms of the naive music.『7words』

13、The naive initial data format has some problems.『8words』

14、Wordless purity naive, often can move more than speak.『9words』

15、No-follow tags are the bane of naive link builders.『9words』

16、However over time, we realized that we were naive.『9words』

17、I believe we would be naive to think they cannot.『10words』

18、She's so pure and naive that to me she's redolent of angel.『12words』

19、He has berated those who fail to see the danger as hopelessly naive.『13words』

20、Ago is a naive girl, but it has now become a mature woman, strong-minded.『14words』

21、What a naive Bermila is! She always looks sweet and pure in front of adults.『15words』

22、Environmentalists offer theirs, which too often amount to naive wish lists that could weaken American's growth.『16words』

23、Sometimes,you are not happy if you see through everything.It's better to be naive and inattentive.~~~很多时候,看的太透反而不快乐 ,倒不如幼稚的没心没肺。『16words』

24、“High cold to strangers, is to see the idiot brother, is to love the naive people"“高冷是给陌生人看的,傻逼是给兄弟看的,幼稚是给喜欢的人看的.”『16words』

25、A naive little girl, carefree growth, her favorite is to run freely in the mountains and forests!『17words』

26、Boys tend to be naive and arrogant, while girls are less naive and some of them are mature.『18words』

27、Some researches show that category structure or category representation is affected profoundly by prior knowledge and naive theory.『18words』

28、She's perceptive about herself and naive about everything else, a combination that leads to a predicable amount of trouble.『19words』

29、Some people think that the world is too peaceful to worry about. This is really a naive and naive idea.『20words』

30、Both Tim and Chris had been out there long enough that any naive desire to chase adrenaline was long gone.『20words』



31、“I train pull your peach son, blare -" flying a naive laughter, my mouth can't help but become warped up.『20words』

32、According to the result of experiments, combining odds ratio feature sub-set selection method with naive Bayesian method has wonderful classification precision.『21words』

33、If naive users are part of the target market for a domain-specific product, care must be taken to support domain-naive behaviors. Environmental considerations『23words』

34、The attribution of one's own attitudes, feelings, or desires to someone or something as a naive or unconscious defense against anxiety or guilt.『23words』

35、Listing 2's implementation runs in o (n) time. I won't prove this, but the running time of Listing 1's naive, recursive implementation is exponential in n.『26words』

36、We are not naive. We know at times there are going to be protectionist measures, but this has nothing really to do with China's bidding law.『26words』

37、Thus you shall do on the seventh day of the month for everyone who goes astray or is naive; so you shall make atonement for the house.『27words』

38、In the Line of Beauty, Aids becomes part of a bigger picture and of that arc from naive romance at the beginning to a more disillusioned and even tragic ending.『30words』

39、It's difficult to say whether we were naive in defence because many players came back from international games and when you play away from home it's very difficult to measure.『30words』

40、There is no problem with a naive man and a naive person. There is no problem with mature people and mature people. Mature people and naive people have more problems together.『31words』



41、Irritable people are very sensitive, sensitive people are very strong, strong people are very stubborn, stubborn people are very simple, simple people are very naivenaive people are short of heart.『31words』

42、The poor grades of school children are also frequently linked to the time spent on social networking sites, but it would be naive to believe there are no other contributing factors.『31words』

43、The original naive implementation used the modulus (%) operator, which is wildly inefficient, to check every number from 2 up to the target number itself to determine if it is a factor.『32words』

44、With these changes,the political psychology of the leaders of our country is getting some active features such as tendency of systematic order,rationality and maturity. Meanwhile,there also are some unhealthy political psychological features such as indifference,naive and "rent seeking" thinking.『39words』

45、At this moment the young eagle spots a half-grown white dog emerging on the distant grassy slope, leaping and jumping, now rolling on the 'ground, now turning round to bite its tail, as it roves forward recklessly. The white dog looks naive and innocent.『44words』

46、People do things to know: low profile elegant side, high key to do excellent work, easy to be easy to be safe, carefully done to be safe, a person confused and free from worry, work smart, well deserved, do the best to do nothing regret, do people naive can be friends, do things at the top, like water natural, like mountains, th『62words』

