


2、You're welcome anytime.『3words』

3、You are welcome anytime.『4words』

4、Please call again anytime.『4words』

5、“我觉得用中文说我爱你,太肉麻,所以我只可以说I love you,我是一个*歌手,我唱歌是唱给所有听众听,不会只对着一个人唱!那些记者真是太差,我如果要唱给一个人听,我anytime都可以唱给他听,睡觉前唱给他听,睡醒后唱给他听,用不着开个唱时,只唱给他一个人听,写这些报道的记者,应该shut up!”『4words』

6、I could come here anytime.『5words』

7、I could be killed anytime.『5words』

8、Bring it back anytime, then .『6words』

9、Neighbor: OK, come and visit anytime.『6words』

10、You can be my wingman anytime.『6words』



11、Are you available to God anytime『6words』

12、In life, anytime you win, celebrate.『6words』

13、Ima party all night, all day, anytime.『7words』

14、And those profits may not rebound anytime soon.『8words』

15、And this demand is not going away anytime soon.『9words』

16、It is unlikely that Gattuso will be back anytime soon.『10words』

17、The registered patriarchs can communicate with the teachers online anytime.『10words』

18、Somehow, we must see each other again. Any place, anytime.『10words』

19、I'm not sure bugs will become a popular snack anytime soon.『11words』

20、Basically, anytime a single message is bound for multiple endpoints, this problem occurs.『13words』

21、Be versatile with your appearance, assume a mesmerizing new look anytime you feel like it.『15words』

22、Play against anyone, anywhere, anytime in this free-to-play massively multi-player online (MMO) role-playing game (RPG).『15words』

23、I understand that a branding interaction occurs anytime an Internet user lands on my we ite.『16words』

24、Great to use after a bath to lavishly moisturize or anytime during the day or night.『16words』

25、Google Earth has made the roof the public face of our buildings, accessible to anyone at anytime.『17words』

26、Grant Jim Fermi the privilege to lock the lab anytime he wants so that he can work undisturbed.『18words』

27、In fact, a new prompt appears anytime you do not complete the command line at the previous prompt.『18words』

28、Migrate your Java EE applications to Lotus Expeditor and access your applications anytime, anywhere - with or without network connectivity.『20words』

29、In America, we can criticize the President and government anytime we want. We are free to criticize them anytime, about anything.『21words』

30、Good morning, today I'd like to discuss with you about the secrets of good conversation: that is how to talk to anyone, anytime, anywhere.『24words』



31、We enjoy our delicious food with our family members or friends while feeling the peace and people-loving world by using chopsticks at the table anytime.『25words』

32、There is no chance that will change anytime soon, even if the government creates a better social safety net and successfully encourages greater consumer spending.『25words』

33、People want to share the computing resource and information service anywhere and anytime, so the Pervasive computing is a novel computing model which satisfies this requirement.『26words』

34、The two countries have been trying to negotiate a solution to their decades-old boundary dispute, a process which shows few signs of reaching fruition anytime soon.『26words』

35、你孤单的时候,可以随时给我电话,就算我早已进入梦乡,我还是愿意在任何时候听你诉说任何你想说的事。If you are ever lonely you can call me, anytime, anywhere. Even if I am asleep, I'll always be there to pick up the phone and listen to you.『29words』

36、And anytime there's even the scent of a breach, you have to take on an almost military response to secure it. Because once it goes on YouTube, then — [Laughter].『30words』

37、B: It'll be on Main Street. Just go downtown anytime Wednesday evening starting about 5i00. You'll see booths with things for sale, food stands, musicians playing, dances, all kinds of stuff.『31words』

38、In this paper, we propose an improvement to modify Hwang et al's protocol such that mutual authentication between VLR and MS is ensured at anytime while MS sends an authentication request.『31words』

39、We offer free wifi for all rooms in Galaxy Hotel and Broadway Hotel, as well as all public areas. Guests can enjoy fast Internet access anytime during their stay in our property.『32words』

40、Half a mu of the lotus pond in life, is an open, anytimeanytimeanytime, with the heart, even if the remnant of the lotus, still is a shaft of ink, in the heart comfortable.『35words』



41、Think back a few years -- anytime you wanted to type a letter, create a spreadsheet, edit a photo, or play a game, you had to go to the store, buy the software, and install it on your computer.『39words』

42、“Research has shown female pandas who are pregnant with twins deliver the second cub anytime between 12 minutes and 12 hours after giving Birth to the first, according to the zoo's Web site. Panda cubs can weigh from 4 to 6 ounces at Birth."『44words』

43、The invention of the car is to let me catch up with you quickly. The invention of the clock is to let me have you in minutes. The invention of the mobile phone is to let me tell you anytime and anywhere: think of you.『45words』

44、That piece of Dawa draws out the outline of antique houses, like a freehand ink and wash painting. People walking along the road, such as walking in the picture, can enjoy the charming scenery anytime and anywhere, and feel the intoxicating rhyme at every moment.『45words』

45、Intestines and stomach would be very active if you had too much radishes, in winter's classroom, all kind of fart sounds could be hearted, some of them were long, some of them were short, some of them were cadence, I admired one of my classmates very much, he broke wind at flat B anytime anywhere.『55words』

46、to be whoever you want to be... There's no time limit, start anytime you want... change or stay the same... there aren't any rules... We can make the best or worst of it... I hope you make the best... I hope you see things that startle you. Feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people who have a different point『63words』

