


2、Begin by clicking HERE.『4words』

3、The machine is clicking away.『5words』

4、People keep clicking on them.『5words』

5、Confirm the filter by clicking OK.『6words』

6、Pointing and clicking with a mouse『6words』

7、But who's actually clicking the Donate button?『7words』

8、Accept the default information by clicking Finish.『7words』

9、You can see the trailer clicking here.『7words』

10、Open the simulation snapshot by double-clicking it.『7words』



11、Option to use lightbox when clicking portfolio item.『8words』

12、It's the equivalent of right-clicking a computer mouse.『8words』

13、Save the editor by clicking the diskette icon.『8words』

14、(which already exists in the project) by double-clicking it.『9words』

15、假如学猫叫六次,我只需要通过右击或者,来复制这些就够了,by, right -clicking, or, control - clicking, as, youll, see,我一直这样做,但是现在,出现什么问题了呢?『10words』

16、When the database is populated, you can use the application by clicking Go Trade!.『14words』

17、I communicate and find my way around in the water using clicking sounds and whistles.『15words』

18、Money, and give you a suspected links, let your contribution for the popularity of clicking and.『16words』

19、Add a new datastore by clicking the Add new datastore icon as shown in Figure 6.『16words』

20、The user navigates to those pages by simply clicking on the task in a task list.『16words』

21、You ended up doing the work by tediously working the mouse. Pointing and clicking, pointing and clicking.『17words』

22、You can start Report Studio by double-clicking the Internet Explorer icon on the desktop (upper left corner).『17words』

23、See the horrid conglomeration of haphazard workmanship in its full high-res glory by clicking on the image above.『18words』

24、On the Internet, if your headline doesn't entice me, I'm not clicking and I'm not becoming a customer.『18words』

25、dance and make rhythmic clicking sounds by means of metal plates nailed to the sole of the dance shoes.『19words』

26、Here you can create profiles and initiate a synchronization request with the WebSphere Everyplace Access server by clicking Refresh now.『20words』

27、Now start the rich client version of the sample by clicking the Open button and choosing Order Entry Rich Client Sample.『21words』

28、And you can always change these names later by clicking Control Panel on the Start menu, and clicking the User Accounts icon.『22words』

29、Select the group to be deleted by clicking on the check box located next to the group name and then selecting delete.『22words』

30、You can get to a Place Page by clicking on "more info" in search results, or by clicking "more info" in the mini-bubble.『23words』



31、We still want the act of changing stances to require more consideration than just clicking two buttons to use the ability you want.『23words』

32、First, set a breakpoint at the call to the greet in the main method by double-clicking (not single-clicking like JBuilder) in the left margin.『24words』

33、By clicking the "compare to site average" icon and selecting a comparison metric, you can see which sources outperform and underperform the site average.『24words』

34、If double-clicking is composed of single-clicking twice, it seems logical that the first thing double-clicking should do is the same thing that a single-click does.『25words』

35、Typically, you would test a module by right-clicking the module in the Business Integration view, or by right-clicking the module assembly diagram and selecting test module.『26words』

36、I'm looking for a code to create a button which upon clicking will change the pivot table chart from a bar chart to a line graph.『26words』

37、When in this mode, all the top-level menus in the program and all the items on those menus are active, just as though you were clicking and dragging.『28words』

38、You can zoom out via right-clicking or by pressing the zoom button. You can zoom back in by selecting the area of the map you wish to visit and left-clicking.『30words』

39、Swipe to Inbox, which makes it very easy to access the list of message in portrait mode on the iPad, instead of clicking on a button for a weird pop-up dialog.『31words』

40、After you configure hotkeys for switching desktops, you can create and switch desktops either by clicking on the tray icon to open a desktop preview and switching window, or by using the hotkeys.『33words』



41、By clicking on the crossed sword icon( shown in the below picture), you'll be able to see which attack style you're currently using, a nd you'll be able to switch between the different styles.『34words』

42、By clicking and dragging with the left mouse button, the handles of the grid widget can be translated, rotated and scaled, in order to test how well straight lines in the image have been undistorted.『35words』

43、The act of choosing an object or a control is referred to as selection. This is a simple idiom, typically accomplished by pointing and clicking on the item in question (though there are other keyboard- and button-actuated means of doing this).『41words』

44、You can view the contents of the certificate when you connect by clicking on the padlock symbol on the status bar of your browser. The Issuer field on the certificate should contain a reference to Verisign, the issuer of the 'digital certificate'.『42words』

45、This work can be anything from manually keying values from one window into another, to copying and pasting between applications that don't otherwise speak to each other, to the ubiquitous clicking and pushing and pulling of windows around the screen to access hidden functionality that people use every day to do their job.『53words』

46、To go between scrolling up and scrolling down, a user must transition from the fine motor control required for clicking the up button to the gross motor control needed to move her hand to the bottom of the bar, and back to fine motor control to accurately position the mouse and click the down button.『55words』


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