


2、well cookedcooked well.『3words』

3、a ready-cooked dinner『3words』

4、double-cooked shark's fin『3words』

5、Stop eating cooked food『4words』

6、She cooked the meal.『4words』

7、Eggwhite gels when cooked.『4words』

8、The supper is well cooked.『5words』

9、So who cooked for you?『5words』

10、Twice cooked spicy pork slices『5words』



11、I've never cooked for myself!『5words』

12、Mary cooked and cleaned for them.『6words』

13、The chicken was only half cooked.『6words』

14、It is cooked in the kitchen.『6words』

15、It's about time his goose was cooked.『7words』

16、Twice cooked fat pork in hot sauce『7words』

17、Then they discovered fire and started eating cooked food.『9words』

18、This method has major advantages over cooked food distribution.『9words』

19、Ripeness: Caramel, candy, honey, jam, marmalade, treacle, cooked, baked, stewed.『10words』

20、The cooked food is usually eaten with a dipping sauce.『10words』

21、A small ball of ground meat variously seasoned and cooked.『10words』

22、That night they cooked fish, cooked potatoes, drank coffee, drank whiskey,『11words』

23、The movement championed a return to healthy, nutritious home-grown, home-cooked food.『11words』

24、I cooked T-bone steak on our electric barbecue, which was delicious!『11words』

25、Some of us cooked rice, some cooked dishes, and some cooked soup.『12words』

26、Cooked ham Sandwich accompanied by lettuces, tomato, pickles, Onions, cooked ham, cheddar cheese.『13words』

27、One family generally dines on Chinese takeout while their neighbors eat home-cooked meatloaf.『13words』

28、It's prepared in four simultaneously operating galleys, where dishes can be cooked in five-minute ovens.『15words』

29、Just to make him stop crying, I cooked an egg, but unfortunately, it was overcooked.『15words』

30、Twice-cooked pork dishes in Sichuan folk tradition, also known as pot boil the meat, twice-cooked pork.『16words』



31、First, born cooked not dozen, here the so-called born cooked, the original is born CARDS and cooked.『17words』

32、If the thin skin dumplings easy broken, if the skin thick dumpling stuffing cooked skin not cooked.『17words』

33、You’re better off eating fries cooked in beef tallow or duck fat than fries cooked in vegetable oils.『18words』

34、A little salmon in a jar cooked next to last night's dirty dishes doesn't sound all that appetizing.『18words』

35、Mediterranean vegetables and pasta cooked in a delicious wine, cream and ratatouille sauce, topped with melted Mozzarella cheese.『18words』

36、Thanks to the invention of fire, human beings could taste the deliciousness of cooked food for thousands of years.『19words』

37、In modern society, food is sprayed with pesticides, preserved in sugary syrups and cooked with an entire symphony of additives.『20words』

38、When they got home, Jane cooked their dinner in the microwave oven and without realizing it, cooked her fiance's wallet as well.『22words』

39、Dishes cooked with LAKONIA Extra Virgin Olive Oil are not greasy at all compared to those cooked with peanut oil, corn oil or canola oil.『25words』

40、The invention discloses an instant, convenient and easy-taking cooked cake. The cake is made from cooked cakes in vacuum packaging or vacuum blow-up packaging, cooked vegetables and ham.『28words』



41、My darling, look! I have cooked some delicacies for you: pig's ear cooked with five spice, pig's feet braised in soy sauce, bean curd in spicy sauce and preserved eggs!『30words』

42、Tangyuan do a good job, put it in the roller cooked in boiling water, the water-sugar, cooked with water even after Tangyuan installed in the bowl to enjoy, do not have a taste.『33words』

43、Central American twining plant with edible roots and pods; large tubers are eaten raw or cooked especially when young and young pods must be thoroughly cooked; pods and seeds also yield rotenone and oils.『34words』

44、When the rice dumplings are cooked, I can't wait to open the leaves of the rice dumplings, poke two chopsticks into the well-cooked rice dumplings, dip them in white sugar and eat slowly enough.『34words』

45、In Guangzhou an ordinary chicken may be the principal ingredient of scores of universally admired dishes such as steamed chicken, plain cooked chicken, lard-cooked chicken, braised rooster and hen, crisp-skin roast chicken, Hainan-style chicken and so on.『37words』

