

1、Impressionist style.『2words』

2、cognitive learning style『3words』

3、cossack style suede jacket『4words』

4、american and European style『4words』

5、Unknown or conflicting style.『4words』

6、SOA is architectural style.『4words』

7、That is progress, Iraqi-style.『4words』

8、Her Highness arrived in style.『5words』

9、I like the hair style.『5words』

10、DII (weakly typed) style invocation.『5words』



11、Cowardice is not my style.『5words』

12、Susan: Is black in style also?『6words』

13、The building retains the baroque style.『6words』

14、EBNF-style description of floating point number.『6words』

15、Each with different text color and style.『7words』

16、You look perfect in that hair style.『7words』

17、What's your favorite?Sichuan style food or Shanghai style『8words』

18、To vitalize Wuhan-style culture, strategic consideration is indispensable.『8words』

19、Type: Chinese style, European style, fashion style, casual style.『9words』

20、Computer aided study on serious style and humourous style『9words』

21、Poetry, each literary style, have their own unique style.『9words』

22、Product style recognition and design based on style module『9words』

23、All three candidates preach a peculiarly American style of patriotism.『10words』

24、To apply a style, click a style in the Style box.『11words』

25、Let us take a group of cat-style, Bubulcus style, tiger style of practice.『13words』

26、This is more akin to a document-style SOAP message than an RPC-style message.『13words』

27、To readers, this flush left style looks more contemporary than the indented paragraph style.『14words』

28、The evolutions of the society changing and practice style affect the transformation of cogitate style.『15words』

29、Transaction style: With this style, master data is consistent, accurate and complete at all times.『15words』

30、To apply a style to all paragraphs having another style, click Replace on the Edit menu『16words』



31、It can be mainly classified into: traditionary style, modern style, post-modern style, naturalistic style and mixed style.『17words』

32、If fat people, the best choice is the wild style, minimalist style of European and American style there.『18words』

33、For each of these elements, it determines the associated style and looks up that style in the style map.『19words』

34、His preference of bold and unstrained style and lucid and elegant style shows his personal style of unrestrained frivolousness.『19words』

35、Flat style, factitious style, soft style and working team have become the fundamental trend for the change of the modern enterprises org.『22words』

36、So, we should stress on the dialectical relationship between the freedom of style and rules of style in the evolution of style.『22words』

37、Flat style, factitious style, soft style and working team have become the fundamental trend for the change of the modern enterprise's organizational framework.『23words』

38、Class only - the name of the style class for which you want style properties defined for every element specified with that style class.『24words』

39、Strengthening and improving construction of Partys work style is centred in "the Three-style construction" including style of thought, style of work and style of life.『25words』

40、Living as a person, living, living stylestylestyle. All these are outward appearances, and the essence is the connotation, the texture and the essence.『25words』



41、The policy of governing the party strictly must be carried out in the construction of the party's ideological style, studying style, leading style, working style and living style.『28words』

42、It is essential to strengthen in an all-round way the development of the Party's ideological style, study style , work style , leadership style and the cadres' life style.『29words』

43、The forms and structures of ancient Chinese wooden furniture can be classified into six types: Board style, Instep style, Standing leg style, Pedestal style, Kunmen style, and Tray style.『29words』

44、Ancient poem developed for years and had its own trend: first turned class and plain style into fixed style, and then turned fixed style into loose style into loose style, finally linked up with the new poem.『37words』

45、Greek architecture can be grouped into three styles: the Doric style which is also called the masculine style ; the Ionic style which is also called the feminine style ; and a later style that is called the Corinthian style .『41words』

