

1、unfrosted light bulbs.『3words』

2、“They're bulbs," answered Martha.『4words』

3、But electric bulbs only.『4words』

4、distilling tube with three bulbs『5words』

5、These bulbs used carbonized cardboard.『5words』

6、Batteries, light bulbs, extension cords.『5words』

7、Campaigns began for the bulbs' preservation.『6words』

8、16 spindle automatic sealer for bulbs『6words』

9、How to light the small bulbs『6words』

10、The new bulbs also last considerably longer.『7words』



11、Conserve energy by using efficient light bulbs.『7words』

12、So, keep installing those energy - efficient light bulbs.『9words』

13、Each of the bulbs has a resistance of120 ohms.『9words』

14、Eureka light bulbs have populated the covers of many books.『10words』

15、And they often bought bulbs in bulk to save money.『10words』

16、There are standard-shaped bulbs, flame-shaped bulbs, colored globe-shaped bulbs, and more.『11words』

17、Trim fennel bulbs. Quarter core and thinly slice the bulbs crosswise .『12words』

18、And suddenly they have become the 21st century equivalent of tulip bulbs.『12words』

19、LEDs have become popular because they have numerous advantages over conventional light bulbs.『13words』

20、Unlike earlier versions, the new LED lamps look more like common light bulbs.『13words』

21、Motion controlled single fixture spotlights are designed for incandescent bulbs and are inexpensive.『13words』

22、Please bring gloves, equipment shelters opened. Off old bulbs and replacement bulbs, installed roof.『14words』

23、Light sources adopt halogen bulbs as four rotators and four flashing bulbs which distributing symmetrically.『15words』

24、The bulbs can be pulled from the ground once their tops have dried and fallen over.『16words』

25、From Tuesday the light bulbs above 75 watts can no longer be produced or imported in the EU.『18words』

26、Light bulb (any standard incandescent bulb with a regular size base will do.. no fluorescent or halogen bulbs).『18words』

27、It may be hard to believe, but in just a few years, incandescent light bulbs will be history.『18words』

28、People were buying and selling Tulip bulbs... complete, mass insanity in Holland, for a couple of years there.『18words』

29、This suggests that 3 bulbs burn longer, that there is an 4 in not being too terrifically bright.『18words』

30、Many residents still use old light bulbs, which consume a lot of electricity but are cheaper than newer bulbs.『19words』



31、Incandescent bulbs may be a bit safer than fluorescent bulbs, which do emit very small amounts of ultraviolet light.『19words』

32、An L Prize contestant is required to submit 2, 000 bulbs, a sample big enough to ensure sufficient bulbs for testing.『21words』

33、Demography also includes the study of non-living objects like light bulbs and taxi cabs and buildings because these are also populations.『21words』

34、The other thing is at home they use my height to change the light bulbs and hang the curtains, things like that.『22words』

35、The new bulbs require less than half the electricity consumed by the conventional bulbs currently used to produce the same amount of light.『23words』

36、Compact florescent bulbs combine these components into the base of the bulb so they can be used almost anywhere an incandescent bulb will fit.『24words』

37、Moreover, the light it generates comes from what is almost a single point, which means that the bulbs can be used in projectors and televisions.『25words』

38、On the island of Kos,people fashion first of the year wreaths of pomegranates,grapes,quinces,garlic bulbs,and plane tree leaves all of which are traditional symbols of abundance.『25words』

39、This paper concerns mainly: 1. From the principle of accelerated reliability test, a practical ageing method of signal lamp bulbs for basic unit use is proposed.『26words』

40、Regarding to the energy saving light bulbs made in China, did Brice say what is the rare material that is used in the production of these bulbs『27words』



41、A pair of left and right indication lamp bulbs (50) are arranged in left and right sides in width direction on upper end of the head light bulb (40).『29words』

42、The light bulb is hot, even low-level light bulbs emit a certain degree of heat. If dozens of light bulbs bake you all the year round, can you stand it?『30words』

43、Anyone who wants to traverse the chamber has to crawl through a tight passage, lighted by a string of dim electric light bulbs, where dirt has been painstakingly cleared away.『30words』

44、Engineers are always plugging away to get better energy efficiency out of our products — like cars that guzzle less gas or light bulbs that burn brighter on fewer watts.『30words』

45、Our factory produces brand special bulbs such as dash- board indicating bulb, licence indicating bulb, braking bulb, steering bulb, in car bulb, sidelamp bulb, parking bulb, backward movement bulb, headlamp bulb, fog lamp bulb, etc.『35words』

