1、A human task is deployed.『5words』
2、The application is now deployed.『5words』
3、When it has been deployed?『5words』
4、Luckily, we haven't yet deployed.『5words』
5、It's being fairly widely deployed.『5words』
6、The army deployed to the right.『6words』
7、Not only binary files can be deployed.『7words』
8、Compare and synchronize models to deployed databases.『7words』
9、Only France and Britain deployed attack helicopters.『7words』
10、Contributions are deployed into an SCA domain.『7words』
11、A workflow process is deployed as a service.『8words』
12、Tanks have been deployed all along the front line.『9words』
13、The RAR is now deployed at the cluster level『9words』
14、These are deployed in the target server's lib directory.『9words』
15、DWR is deployed as a servlet within your Web application.『10words』
16、Successful validation doesn't necessarily imply that the deployed MDB will start successfully.『12words』
17、The casual reader is left pondering why it has not already been deployed.『13words』
18、In use since 1993, the B-2 has been deployed to both Iraq and Afghanistan.『14words』
19、This pillar defines the services that the enterprise has deployed, planned and conceptualized as "product offerings".『16words』
20、A deployable EAR file needs to be created and deployed in the target run time environment.『16words』
21、Running while I was deployed also helped me deal with stress and the homesickness of being deployed.『17words』
22、Military globalism refers to long-distance networks in which force, and the threat or promise of force, are deployed.『18words』
23、After the application is deployed, you can view the activation specification from the adapter deployed at the cluster level.『19words』
24、After the application is deployed at the deployment manger level, it will be displayed in the Enterprise Applications view.『19words』
25、This represents a new Navy SATCOM capability that will provide the most advanced communications services available to deployed personnel.『19words』
26、Each WS-BPEL process or mediation flow you deploy will consume CPU capacity on the server where it is deployed.『19words』
27、The dialog box in Figure 12 also provides an Advanced option to configure secure SSH access to the deployed VMs.『20words』
28、The SCID was also deployed during the subjects' annual follow-up assessments to determine whether they were experiencing a major depression.『20words』
29、CMAPS can protect against multiple threats, be rapidly deployed to any airfield, and operate safely in both forward deployed and urban areas.『22words』
30、The WTLS protocol variant can be deployed on lightweight wireless terminals and meet their high-security requirements under future enterprise remote access environments.『22words』
31、The simplest intermediation consists of a single JAX-RPC handler deployed on a single channel or Target service, performing a single SOAP role.『22words』
32、This stops, unloads, and uninstalls the currently deployed module you deployed in Part 1 and starts the new one by outputting the following『23words』
33、Requirement for deployed applications: You cannot begin testing until there is a deployed application with an HTTP interface that can be invoked for testing.『24words』
34、This PTZ can be deployed in a variety of applications the company says due to its intrinsic WDR (wide dynamic range), and auto-defog functions.『24words』
35、Figure 49 shows the deployed applications set consisting of the BPEL process module, mediation module, and the JAX-WS web service applications (client and server).『24words』
36、Two aircraft and the supporting ground infrastructure have been deployed in theatre since 2009, and a further two were deployed to support operations in Libya in early 2011.『28words』
37、The deployment tool in V6 is currently not aware of the target environment in which the applications are deployed, so these applications need to be pre-deployed before installation.『28words』
38、Merging the autogenerated indexes into an already deployed application is also a potentially error-prone process with no indication of error until web application users hit the misconfigured indexes.『28words』
39、The proxy can discover new applications deployed and be able to route to them, and also has the ability to route to generic non-application server HTTP end points.『28words』
40、The application of SDN to deployed routing and signaling protocols and as a viable technology to automate and operate long deployed control plane software is now really gaining traction.『29words』
41、The SNEP terminals are capable of providing global SATCOM OTM communications and when deployed they will interoperate with commercial and military hub terminals employed in various modes of operation.『29words』
42、In this scenario the content repository consists of two parts: a file system, where individual articles are deployed as fragments, and a database, where metadata for each piece of content is deployed.『32words』
43、But only a fraction can be deployed on a prolonged basis because some units are unsuitable for counter-insurgency, while deployed troops need to be rotated periodically to give them time to recover.『32words』
44、The API, blog, and Web bundles deployed for the application must be at version 1.0.0 or later, but the persistence bundle must be a version in the range 1.0.0 up to (but not including) 2.0.0.『35words』
45、In order to evaluate the security of an underwater towed system which is deployed or retracted from the up stabilizer of a submarine, the near wake flow field of the propeller and hull was calculated.『35words』