

1、sidewalk superintendent『2words』

2、Mosaic a sidewalk.『3words』

3、sidewalk fire chief『3words』

4、This sidewalk is wide.『4words』

5、Let's ride on the sidewalk.『5words』

6、She could see the sidewalk.『5words』

7、Be careful! Use the sidewalk.『5words』

8、a sidewalk fruit stand;sidewalk chalk artists.『6words』

9、On the sidewalk she looks around.『6words』

10、You walk down the sidewalk together.『6words』



11、The workmen were cementing the sidewalk.『6words』

12、Draw on the sidewalk with sidewalk chalk.『7words』

13、rolled down the sidewalk on their scooters.『7words』

14、Garage floor may be icy use sidewalk『7words』

15、Kessler sat on a split chair on the sidewalk.『9words』

16、You've come to expect Sunday morning sidewalk vomit dodging.『9words』

17、Look v See: ‘Two blondes strolled down the sidewalk.『9words』

18、And of course sidewalk cafes, like this one, are everywhere.『10words』

19、The sidewalk was hosed every day to keep it clean.『10words』

20、The steep sidewalk was too narrow for them to walk abreast.『11words』

21、Strong hands turned him round and pushed him on to the sidewalk.『12words』

22、The driveway led to the sidewalk, and the sidewalk led to the world.『13words』

23、“I wish people would not throw orange peel on the sidewalk," said the son.『14words』

24、You can hardly find a piece of garbage or a cigarette butt on the sidewalk.『15words』

25、It is best described as a moving sidewalk that looks like an escalator without steps.『15words』

26、In many neighborhoods, someone forgot to plan for that basic building block of livable cities, the sidewalk.『17words』

27、People may nap in department stores, cafes, restaurants or even a snug spot on a busy city sidewalk.『18words』

28、The hurrying lines pushed her back onto the packed sidewalk and she smelled the reek of cheap corn whisky.『19words』

29、Zhu hopes that his sidewalk store, which sells on average 60 books a day, will rekindle interest in reading.『19words』

30、She also says there is no reason why a man should walk on the outside of a woman on the sidewalk.『21words』



31、On the first of April, it may be a good idea to look the other way if you see a purse lying on the sidewalk.『25words』

32、Just plop a few vials on the lawn and some on the sidewalk, wait an hour, and then ship your samples back to the scientists.『25words』

33、There's a hammock they lounge on, a spot to jump rope, a place to play in the sprinkler, and an area to write with sidewalk chalk.『26words』

34、A small ramp built into the curb of a sidewalk to ease passage to the street, especially for bicyclists, pedestrians with baby carriages, and physically disabled people.『27words』

35、The stately buildings seen across the street in this photo were once the homes of wealthy burghers, but now lend their medieval flavor to hotels, restaurants, and sidewalk cafes.『29words』

36、But he's not dabbling in the trade in the shops and boutiques - he's digging around in the sidewalk cracks for fractures and splinters of the precious metals and gems.『30words』

37、Wearing heels also creates the threat of getting a heel caught in a sidewalk crack or a sewer-grate and being thrown to the ground—possibly breaking a nose, back, or neck.『30words』

38、If neighbors are strangers to one another, they are less likely to sweep the sidewalk of an elderly couple living next door or keep an eye out for young trouble makers.『31words』

39、The way you move is like a full on rainstorm你的一举一动都如暴风雨般让我刻骨铭心And I'm a house of cards而我就像纸牌搭起的房子脆弱,轻易被攻陷Drop everything now不顾一切Meet me in the pouring rain与我相约在倾盆大雨中Kiss me on the sidewalk在街边忘情拥吻Take away the pain带走所有的痛楚Cause' I see sparks fly whenever you smile因为我看见,你的微笑如*花飞舞般灿烂『36words』

40、Walking along the streets of Athens, we saw a lot of people pulling a long red line on the sidewalk. Locals told us that this is to prepare for the Olympic Games to renovate the sidewalk bricks.『37words』



41、Japan gives us the first impression that it's lush everywhere. Most of the isolation zones in the middle of the road are made up of well-trimmed tree walls, and there are many towering trees beside the sidewalk.『37words』

42、After a while, the husband gets irritated by the ticking of the stick of the blind man as he taps it on the sidewalk, and says to him, "Why don't you put a piece of rubber at the end of your stick?"『42words』

43、Even the trees on the sidewalk on both sides of the road, not long ago, stood bare in the cold wind, and now they are also blooming tender buds, dressed in green clothes, happily facing the pedestrians, pouring out a strong spring breath.『43words』

44、Because of you ,I never stray too far from the sidewalk因为你,我从不离开正途太远Because of you I learned to play on the safe side so I don t get hurt因为你,我学会为了不让自己受伤而在安全地带流连Because of you I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me 因为你,我发现很难相信自己甚至身边的人Because of you I am afraid因为你,我很害怕『48words』

45、Everyone's lives are like a very long sidewalk. Some are well paved. Others, like mine, have cracks, banana skins and cigarette butts. Your sidewalk is like mine but probably not as many cracks. Hopefully, one day our sidewalks will meet and we can share a can of condensed milk.『49words』

