

1、The fish was frying.『4words』

2、Where's the frying pan?『4words』

3、The frying-pan was spitting.『4words』

4、Put the nix on frying.『5words』

5、bacon frying in the pan『5words』

6、He scraped the potatoes before frying.『6words』

7、make a sound like frying fat.『6words』

8、A frying pan has no top.『6words』

9、Bread the pork chops before frying them.『7words』

10、Melt the margarine in a frying pan.『7words』



11、Fish is best battered or breaded just before frying.『9words』

12、The whole town seemed to be frying in oil.『9words』

13、Such cookware is good for deep-frying and slow cooking.『9words』

14、Fry it with some ground beef in a frying pan.『10words』

15、I hate people frying in my kitchen. It's too oily.『10words』

16、Cook with less fat—bake roast or poach foods instead of frying.『11words』

17、Beijing style specializes in sauting, quick-frying, simmering, deep frying, braising and roasting.『12words』

18、Application of filter aid to purify frying oil in fried chicken production『12words』

19、The preparation process comprises soaking, powder rolling, deep frying, cooling and spillage.『12words』

20、Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a large frying pan over medium-high heat.『12words』

21、If thy oblation be from the frying pan, of flour tempered with oil, and without leaven.『16words』

22、We feel free when we escape ,even if it be but from the frying pan to the fire.『18words』

23、A man was sitting reading his papers when his wife hit him round the head with a frying pan.『19words』

24、Put the almonds into the frying pan. Heat on medium for 3 to 5 minutes, stirring often, until golden.『19words』

25、I feel car exhaust, and smoke coming from stir frying vegetables are even more harmful than second hand smoking.『19words』

26、He made a great business of making his coffee in the morning and frying himself a little bacon at night.『20words』

27、The materials Guo has created are much more slippery than Teflon — a common hydrophobic material that often coats nonstick frying pans.『22words』

28、I told you not to use the cooker, yet as soon as my back was turned you were frying eggs and bacon.『22words』

29、Jinan cuisine is adept at deep-frying, grilling, frying and stir-frying while Jiaodong division is famous for cooking seafood with fresh and light taste.『23words』

30、as for cooking, frying with a small amount of oil, deep-frying, and baking seem to be used more while boiling and steaming used less.『24words』



31、The result shows that the steaming method was superior to boiling, and microwave drying method superior to far-infrared drying, heated air drying and oil-frying.『24words』

32、At 7 o'clock the coffee was made and the frying-pan was on the back of the stove, hot and ready to cook the supper.『24words』

33、Rat reached for the frying pan on the counter. This time, he would protect his pie. Rat came out from the counter with the frying pan ready.『27words』

34、Heated in a frying pan, the two unrefined seed oils I tested began to smoke between 375 and 390 degrees, at the upper end of the frying range.『28words』

35、If you don't know the difference between sauteing and searing or fondue and frying then now would be a good time to learn a few common cooking terms.『28words』

36、Methods:HPLC was used to determine the contents of shionone in different slices of prepared RA, including dried RA, steaming RA, stir-frying RA, stir-frying RA with honey, vinegar or wine.『29words』

37、However, quite a lot of fat is used in frying and so eating bread or peas with your fish and chips will help to balance out the fat intake.『29words』

38、Heat up a frying pan with a tablespoon of oil, pour in the beaten eggs and pan fry over the low heat until lightly golden in both sides. Dish off.『30words』

39、The process of frying the breaded aquatic food was simulated, and relativity of quality changes between the palm oil used in frying process and oil in breaded aquatic food were analyzed.『31words』

40、In stir-frying cucumber, lettuce and other vegetables, after washing and cutting, sprinkle a little salt mix, marinate for a few minutes, control the moisture after frying, can keep crisp and tender fresh.『32words』



41、 Everyone is greedy, when the teacher came to see it, he could barely maintain it. As soon as the teacher left, the classroom would be as noisy as a frying pan.『32words』

42、As of July 1999, attention has been paid to the development of animal and vegetable oil refinement, high, medium and low artificial oil for baking, shortening, frying, as well as oil for cookies and confectionery products.『36words』

43、Scarlett could banish heartbreak but not hunger and each morning as she lay half asleep, before memory brought back to her mind war and hunger, she curled drowsily expecting the sweet smells of bacon frying and rolls baking.『38words』

44、 A young man in an apron on the side of the road was sweating and frying fried dough sticks. He carefully wiped off the greasy sweat on his face with his hands and threw it into the oil pan with a brainy hand.『44words』

45、They built a fire against the side of a great log twenty or thirty steps within the sombre depths of the forest, and then cooked some bacon in the frying-pan for supper, and used up half of the corn "pone" stock they had brought.『44words』

