

1、They planted peach trees.『4words』

2、He planted the flag.『4words』

3、I planted some flowers.『4words』

4、I planted a rose garden.『5words』

5、Then he planted some rice.『5words』

6、I planted a wheat seed.『5words』

7、These trees are machine planted.『5words』

8、We planted green beans and tomatoes.『6words』

9、He planted bamboo about his house.『6words』

10、We planted trees about the house.『6words』



11、The garden was planted with Chinese roses.『7words』

12、Barley is planted widely in this area.『7words』

13、Along the streets trees and flowers were planted.『8words』

14、Saw the flower field planted with lavender, faint too!『9words』

15、They planted many flowers, such as roses, sunflowers, etc.『9words』

16、I almost didn't from three rounds car planted down.『9words』

17、 He rammed down the soil round the newly planted bush.『11words』

18、He planted more mangroves so they could be used to feed livestock.『12words』

19、An area planted with pine trees or related conifers, especially for botanical study.『13words』

20、No wheat can be planted in paddy fields, no rice can be planted in dry fields.『16words』

21、The nickel concentration of vegetables planted in the open field was significantly higher than those planted in greenhouse.『18words』

22、The deep, brown topsoil of the North China Plain is planted with wheat, corn, millet, sorghum and cotton.『18words』

23、On the ridge near the creek, several bamboo whips were planted and several peach and pear trees were planted.『19words』

24、An outdoor area behind the building's point is named Memory Orchard and planted WTH apple, pear and plum trees.『19words』

25、The seed vigor of 18 spring-planted peanuts varieties and their corresponding autumn-planted peanuts varieties stored in room temperature were investigated.『20words』

26、Since 2001, the International Aquatic plant Layout Contest (IAPLC) has been the largest planted aquarium design competition in the world.『20words』

27、Cassie knew clearly which bean she would choose for the competition, for her family had planted a special "family bean".『20words』

28、In contrast, during the squat type of exercise, the foot is firmly planted on the floor and does not move.『20words』

29、On fertile land, some planted locust trees, some planted green seedlings, and some planted pepper, intercropping and interplanting, which is a major feature.『23words』

30、Religious festivals had to be held at the right time of year, crops needed to be planted at the right time as well.『23words』



31、 Peach willow is planted densely under the city, and around the lakeside, famous flowers and fruits are also planted to linger with it.『24words』

32、Around the big tree, there are more than a dozen bamboos planted, and in front of the east house there is a peach tree planted.『25words』

33、It is because one is planted in soil that is prepared to receive the seed and the other is planted in soil that is not prepared.『26words』

34、In the past to write, flowers floating flowers, mostly to see clumps, trees at, or city parks and a variety of flowers planted along the street.『26words』

35、The stabilization pond-plant bed composite system was used for treatment of farmland irrigation and drainage water, in the plant bed, Zizania caduciflora and Phragites austrails were planted.『27words』

36、The hometown of childhood is like the Daming Lake in Liu You's Travel Notes of the Old Man, where willows are planted and poplars are planted in every household.『29words』

37、On the right side of the road, as on the left, poplars are planted in belts and trees of different sizes are planted to make full use of the sunshine.『30words』

38、 As a result, most of the woods on the vast beach were destroyed. Grassland and shrubs were burnt down. In some places, land was planted and fruit trees were planted.『31words』

39、“and if it is planted will it do well? will it not become quite dry at the touch of the east wind, drying up in the bed where it was planted?"『31words』

40、 As a result, most of the woods on the vast beach were destroyed. Grassland and shrubs were burnt down. In some places, land was planted and fruit trees were planted.『31words』



41、The south side of the balcony is planted with vines, branches and leaves around the railings; the north side is planted with apple trees, whenever the apple blossoms, the fragrance is intoxicating.『32words』

42、The road down the mountain is a winding sandstone road. Unlike the road up the mountain, trees are planted on both sides. Bamboo is planted on both sides of the road down the mountain.『34words』

43、The Duke of Ai asked Zaiwo about sacred temple grounds. Zaiwo said, "The Xia emperor planted them with pines; the Xiang people planted them with cypress and the Zhou people planted them with chestnut, thinking to cause people to be in awe of these tree『45words』

44、The Duke of Ai asked Zaiwo about sacred temple grounds. Zaiwo said, "The Xia emperor planted them with pines; the Xiang people planted them with cypress and the Zhou people planted them with chestnut, thinking to cause people to be in awe of these tree『45words』

45、Mortiment pine was planted by the Qin Dynasty in front of Taochuan Palace. It is said that Mortiment pine was planted by the Qin Dynasty to fly up in the daytime for Qu Tong. The pine is now planted in the Ming Dynasty. It is more than 30 meters high, with a flat top and tens of square feet of shade.『61words』

