

1、bank's saft custody『3words』

2、preventive custody [detention]『3words』

3、legal custody of child『4words』

4、to take into custody; to detain『6words』

5、The thief was taken into custody.『6words』

6、legal custody of property of a bedtor『7words』

7、Parents have the custody of young children.『7words』

8、40 of them are in Lebanese police custody.『8words』

9、Carter was remanded in custody for seven days.『8words』

10、A proposal for custody and a time-sharing plan.『8words』



11、The suspect was kept in custody for a week.『9words』

12、Its family jurisdiction involves divorce, custody and adoption matters.『9words』

13、administrate strictly; establish good custody order and guarantee custody safety;『10words』

14、They are expected to be kept in custody for several days.『11words』

15、89 - Japanese law doesn't recognize the custody rights of foreign parents.『12words』

16、to take into custody; to put under arrest; to coop sb. up『12words』

17、Media coverage of his brother being taken into custody further agitated the hostage-taker.『13words』

18、Yesterday, a mother won the custody contest and won custody of her twin daughters.『14words』

19、Earlier this year she lost custody of her children because of her mental state.『14words』

20、Combine harvester is a complex agricultural machinery with high-tech, its maintenance and custody is particularly important.『16words』

21、Acting sale of securities; Acting debt servicing, dividends payable; Securities generation custody, authentication, the Acting registered accounts.『17words』

22、Some problems of China's current custody system have been exposed by the clearance of overtime custody in China.『18words』

23、He has been in custody since the outburst on December 14 last year during a Bush news conference.『18words』

24、He had a gun, and they took him into custody. And I think he got 28 years in prison.『19words』

25、A former army soldier is in custody in the US and he has pleaded not guilty to similar charges.『19words』

26、Minors in custody or serving a custodial sentence who have not completed compulsory education must undertake compulsory education whilst in custody.『21words』

27、While one parent obtains custody, the visitation rights shall be given to the non-custodial parent to continue relationship with the child.『21words』

28、Objective to analyze the condition of personnels' depression and anxiety in custody center, in order to provide scientific basis for custody work.『22words』

29、Medical tests showed that the child wasn't the Twiggs' own daughter, but Kimberly was, thus sparking a custody battle with Robert Mays.『22words』

30、In 1990, the country's laws were revised so that women could keep custody of their children after a divorce and inherit property.『22words』



31、As the most sternest and the most widely applicable measures of the custody, the pending custody in China has many problems in practice.『23words』

32、The 12 dead include one suspect, a soldier. Two other soldiers were taken into custody, according to Gary Tallman, a spokesman at the Pentagon.『24words』

33、Kimberly has been the object of an angry custody battle between the man who raised her and her biological parents, with whom she has never lived.『26words』

34、If the applicant fails to file an action within 15 days after the people's court takes measures for custody of property, the people's court shall lift the custody.『28words』

35、In Ibtisam Mara'ana's “Three Times Divorced”, Khitam, a mother of six from Gaza who has fled the home of her abusive husband, an Israeli-Arab, battles for custody of her children.『30words』

36、Upon delivery to us of your Baggage which you wish to check we will take custody of and issue a Baggage Identification Tag for each piece of your Checked Baggage.『30words』

37、The Merchant shall be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Carrier's Container while it is in the Merchant's custody or the custody of anyone acting on the Merchant's behalf.『31words』

38、The Aries II, which had made an emergency landing on Hainan Island, was returned to the USN in a disassembled state on 3 July 2001 after three months in Chinese custody.『31words』

39、The punishment of criminals in China is carried out strictly according to the law, from the day they are taken into custody to the day of their release at the end of their sentence.『34words』

40、The domestic custodian shall open settlement account for overseas use of foreign exchange insurance funds and securities custody account at the overseas escrow agent for fund settlement and securities custody with overseas securities registration and settlement institutions.『37words』



41、His faction of the Palestinian Liberation Front operated out of Tunisia until the cruise ship attack, then relocated to Iraq. U.S. officials say Abbas died of heart disease on March 10 while in U.S. custody in Iraq.『37words』

42、In the afternoon as Jou-chia was about to leave, Second Daughter-in-law, her face wreathed with smiles, said, "Don't go.Why not stay here tonight?-Third Sister, let's take custody of her-Eldest Brother, only you can take her back home!『37words』

43、he term of criminal detention is counted as commencing on the date the judgment begins to be executed; where custody has been employed before the judgment, the term is to be shortened by one day for each day spent in custody.『41words』

44、The term of fixed-term imprisonment is counted as commencing on the date the judgment begins to be executed; where custody has been employed before the judgment begins to be executed, the term is to be shortened by one day for each day spent in custody.『45words』

45、The allegation that in China some citizens are sent to labor camps without trial or sent away in some form of exile within the country is a distortion of the system whereby prisons and reform-through-labor institutions in China take criminals into custody; it is a groundless fabrication.『47words』

