

1、collisionless tearing mode instability『4words』

2、tearing strength by tongue method『5words』

3、A car came tearing along.『5words』

4、Specification for tearing down construction『5words』

5、A noise like tearing up silks『6words』

6、That’s why he’s tearing the house apart.『7words』

7、Her pregnancy was tearing the family apart.『7words』

8、Eagles have sharp beaks for tearing flesh.『7words』

9、testing method for trapezoid tearing strength of geotextiles『8words』

10、Then he went tearing around the house again,『8words』



11、Precracked tearing properties of the biaxial warp-knitted flexible composites『9words』

12、Magnetic reconnection is often triggered by the tearing mode instability.『10words』

13、An old lady cleaner was there, tearing the paper carefully.『10words』

14、The sheep were tearing across the field all bunched up together.『11words』

15、Here is a network I am constantly setting up and tearing down.『12words』

16、Time has buried many corpses of youth, trampling memories of heart-tearing and lung-tearing.『13words』

17、Setting up the track takes six weeks; tearing it down requires another three.『13words』

18、Watching US missiles tearing apart their country,Iraqis have spent their days in tears.『13words』

19、By tearing off a calendar page each day, the user is actually mowing the lawn.『15words』

20、The lubricated performance with brilliance, has reduced the unusual wearing and tearing of the high-power engine.『16words』

21、The behemoth's eyes were gazing sidelong at him; they glistened darkly, almost as if they were tearing.『17words』

22、There are certain relations between the shape of lacrimal punctum, age and tearing while gender is unrelated to tearing.『19words』

23、A series of small linearly spaced holes or cuts on a form to facilitate tearing along a desired line.『19words』

24、Every lovelorn episode is like a drug addiction episode, cramps biting the bone, tearing the heart and tearing the lung.『20words』

25、However, if the yarns are packed too tightly, the fabric will have reduced tearing strength, abrasion resistance and wrinkle recovery.『20words』

26、The stall that we bought our mulled wine from was completely crushed. People were tearing off wooden panels to get out.『21words』

27、A word of your sorry, with only a little strength, but, to him, what is a long experience of heart-tearing and lung-tearing『22words』

28、The steel plate 'performance in the lamellar tearing resistance aspect can be assessed by reduction in area when doing tension test of through-thickness.『23words』

29、The light rubber plastic foam material has the characteristics of high tensile strength, high tearing strength, good rebound resilience and low compression set.『23words』

30、Then some measures for preventing lamellar tearing were proposed from the aspects of steel material selection, joint detail design, fabrication and welding process.『23words』



31、A novel small power inverter-fed induction-motor drive is present, concerning the fast wearing and tearing of the train fan motor and low life of it.『25words』

32、S:Oh,John,I envy you so much.J:You envy me?S:Your mind,it's so placid,stright-forword,barely used.Mine's like an engine,racing out of control.A rocket,tearing itself to pieces,trapped on the launch pad.夏:噢,约翰,我真嫉妒你。约:你嫉妒我?夏:你的头脑,简单平和,基本不转,而我的就像个引擎,不受控制地转个没完,就像一枚火箭被卡在了发*台上,快被自己炸成碎片了。『25words』

33、In the later Spring and autumn Period (770-476 B.C.) and the Warring States Period (475-221B.C.), when kingdoms were tearing China apart, the art of calligraphy was also in disarray.『29words』

34、You're dripping like a saturated sunrise你就像出旭初升般娇艳欲滴You're spilling like an overflowing sink你就像满溢的池水般*四溢You're ripped at every edge but you're a masterpiece你或许曾被伤害过但你依然是最好的自己And now you're tearing through the pages and the ink所以现在是时候翻掉这页过往 书写新的未来『29words』

35、“Makinen hit what appeared to be oil on the road, his car losing all traction and slamming into a concrete Barrier, tearing the right rear wheel almost completely off his Mitsubishi Lancer."『32words』

36、But during those one or two days, whenever he was with her, he'd either be afraid of suddenly tearing a hole in his sock or worried a button somewhere would come loose.『32words』

37、Edge tearing resistance: Resistance of paper to develop an edge tear.It is a property required for certain type of paper to serve a specific purpose, such as bank-note, etc. Also called Tearing resistance.『33words』

38、The hard brown beetles kept thudding against the dull light, and whenever Michaelis heard a car go tearing along the road outside it sounded to him like the car that hadn't stopped a few hours before.『36words』

39、Living is like tearing through a museum. Not until later do you really start absorbing what you saw, thinking about it, looking it up in a book, and remembering - because you can't take it in all at once.(生活就像匆匆在博物馆绕一圈,要过一阵子你才开始吸收你的所见,然后思考它们,看书了解它们,再记住它们——因为你不能一下子全部消化。)『39words』

40、Lonely heart, under the pressure of life, helpless feelings, bear the humble beginning, every kind of listening, there is always a word of uneasiness, every belief, there is always a kind of heart-tearing, in exchange for the wisdom of others.『40words』



41、I don't know how long after that, there was no cry of heart-tearing and lung-tearing in the room, no sound of horrifying and terrible howling, only the heavy gasp of the woman and the muffled hum that she could no longer utter.『42words』

42、Mourning is not greater than death, tearing the night, Bai Hao Xuan embraced Xiao Bai hated the day and knelt in front of his wife without saying a word, leaving the wind, rain, rage, lightning, thunder and thunder outside the window indifferent.『42words』

43、With these cries, numbers of the women, lashed into blind frenzy, whirled about, striking and tearing at their own friends until they dropped into a passionate swoon, and were only saved by the men belonging to them from being trampled under foot.『42words』

44、A person, a past, the beginning of a period of life, how many things, but the fate of life, how many things, but the end of life, the beginning and humility, tearing heart and lungs and forgetting, just a reading and illusion of life.『44words』

45、I miss you so much, I have no chance to change my life, the last parting, a good-bye in my life, the love of tearing my heart and lungs, the dim heart of a person, the old life of the scenery, regret the scattering of the destiny.『47words』

