


2、cytoplasmic tail『2words』

3、tail gate spreader『3words』

4、series and tail series『4words』

5、By spotting his tail.『4words』

6、He breaks his tail『4words』

7、I wear a pony tail.『5words』

8、dressed {ching yao} tail hair『5words』

9、land received by fee tail.『5words』

10、slide of tail stock bottom『5words』



11、great bustard wing and tail『5words』

12、The tail is not assembled completely.『6words』

13、The dog ran away, wriggling its tail.『7words』

14、Each one splashed its tail even more.『7words』

15、It has a tail like a horse.『7words』

16、This is the tail of a mule.『7words』

17、A kink in the tail is a fault.『8words』

18、Investors' interest in hedging tail risk is growing.『8words』

19、The fox is known by his furred tail.『8words』

20、I want know pneumatic valve and short tail.『8words』

21、The UAV used a tail-pushed, twin tail braced design.『9words』

22、Yet. I got him! No, not his tail! Geez!『9words』

23、Mom, be quick, catch your tail! --- "Pin the tail""『10words』

24、Its tail, however, looks like the tail of a beaver.『10words』

25、Knuckling at fetlocks, ataxia, tail deviation and tail may be flaccid.『11words』

26、Barry had obviously come in on the tail-end of the conversation.『11words』

27、Do so by removing tail risks, and the perception of tail risks.『12words』

28、Now we can see Argus 'eyes on the beautiful tail of the peacock.『13words』

29、Likewise, the animal's tail fin and flipperlike hind limbs suggest an aquatic lifestyle.『13words』

30、Then insert the horizontal tail into the vertical tail slot, and pay attention to the insertion.『16words』



31、So he went out and caught 300 foxes and tied them tail to tail in pairs.『16words』

32、It is as though instead of a dog wagging its tail the tail should wag the dog.『17words』

33、The conventional tail must be at a negative angle of attack, and the Canard tail at a positive angle.『19words』

34、tropical New World lizard with a long tail and large rectangular scales on the belly and a long tail.『19words』

35、The durable semi-enclosed tail rotor gearbox protects the tail rotor gears while at the same time allowing easy inspection.『19words』

36、The tail of—we have an expression, "the tail wagging the dog when it should be the dog wagging the tail".『20words』

37、But they all have one thing in common, a big bushy tail. In fact the entire species in named for it's tail.『22words』

38、Another animal that USES its tail as a "hanger" is the opossum. The opossum also USES its tail to help it climb trees.『23words』

39、Usually swimming in the sea depends on this tail, encountering a powerful enemy tail can also make people faint, so the strength is very strong.『25words』

40、A neighbor suggested that she cut the tail of one horse and that worked great until the other horse got his tail caught in a bush.『26words』



41、The tail end of the previous coil is cropped. The tail end of previous coil and leaving end of next coil is put in the welder and welded.『28words』

42、It pointed mouth big ears, long body, short behind trail a long tail, systemic palm red, black, white tail pointed deafness, tail base has a hole, can emit a pungent odor.『31words』

43、The raised pig is long. If it is found that its tail is slightly flattened, it must cut off its tail with a knife, and a flat tail will attract wolves.『31words』

44、Strike at its head, and you will be attacked by its tail; strike at its tail, and you will be attacked by its head; strike at its middle,and you will be attacked by head and tail Both.『37words』

