

1、Don't look wise.『3words』

2、The wise never marry『4words』

3、Honest and wise counsel『4words』

4、acutely insightful and wise.『4words』

5、more nice than wise『4words』

6、They are wise and aware.『5words』

7、He is a wise man.『5words』

8、The wise man replied calmly.『5words』

9、Was it foolish or wise『5words』

10、wise humanity, terribly wise humanity !『6words』



11、A very wise man once said.『6words』

12、With the wise Man, Living's Thinking.『6words』

13、You are very elegant, wise, and compassionate.『7words』

14、One day the wise man was startled.『7words』

15、A wise man wouldn't do like that.『7words』

16、The software product is the mankind's wise crystallize.『8words』

17、The wise man learned a lesson from the children.『9words』

18、Danny is not so wise as he is witty.『9words』

19、He is not wise that is not wise for himself『10words』

20、Ultimate companion earned have you: Yoda, the wise Jedi Master.『10words』

21、Wise men learn more from fools than fools from wise men.『11words』

22、Conservation of everything, so a wise man generally with a fool.『11words』

23、Wise men see clearly, wise men see right, wise men see far.『12words』

24、A fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees.『12words』

25、The Governor is a wise man-a wise man, and a meek and moderate.『13words』

26、This puts Vernon Dursley in sharp contrast to the wise teacher, Albus Dumbledore.『13words』

27、Whenever Joe feels under stress, he would be wise to shift eating habits.『13words』

28、A wise man is called wise, and a wise man can lead by example.『14words』

29、A wise man knows no man by words, nor a wise man by words.『14words』

30、After the incident, we all admire him for his wisdom of being wise and wise.『15words』



31、Here, I would like to encourage you once again to be wise and wise, loving and honest.『17words』

32、The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.『17words』

33、A wise man can see clearly, a wise man can see accurately, a wise man can see far.『18words』

34、It's hard to be a man, harder for the poor, harder for the wise, harder for the wise.『18words』

35、The magi, as yo know , were wise men——wonderfully wise men——who brought gofts to the Babe in the manger.『19words』

36、The fool doth think he s wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool. --William Shakespeare『19words』

37、In the face of such pressures and tactics, my advice is this: a health-wise population fights back street-wise. Educate your citizens.『21words』

38、You're providing the motivation. You'll be wise not to go alone. Join up with a partner who's both wise and lucky.『21words』

39、With calmness and indifference of heart, broad-minded and open-minded, the world is naturally clear and discernible, and the ears and eyes are naturally wise and wise.『26words』

40、A wise man can't, even though he is not wise, he has a strong sense of self-knowledge and a strong criterion for distinguishing right from wrong.『26words』



41、A wise man is a fool before, a fool is wise, and a kind of entanglement can enable me to see that I am wise or foolish.『27words』

42、Let no man deceive himself. If any man thinketh that he is wise among you in this world, let him become a fool, that he may become wise.『28words』

43、Cleverness is the natural enemy of a wise man, a fool speaks with his mouth, a wise man speaks with his head, and a wise man speaks with his heart.『30words』

44、 Nowadays, all people have wise parents, just as a nation has wise masters; if parents are profitable, their magic is clear, and their wise son is appointed, their family will be rich and not fade.『36words』

