

1、He shoots; he scores『4words』

2、Operatic music, singers, scores『4words』

3、apparatus for flashing scores『4words』

4、operatic music, singers, scores,arias『4words』

5、Which institutions accept IELTS scores『5words』

6、Our scores are now even.『5words』

7、Original scores weren't common then.『5words』

8、She scores goals with remarkable consistency.『6words』

9、What if Jack scores a touchdown?『6words』

10、He had mentored scores of younger doctors.『7words』



11、Kansas scores. and they lead by two!『7words』

12、Here is a histogram of the scores.『7words』

13、It got low scores in language and writing.『8words』

14、I: What scores did you get at college?『8words』

15、The heavy rains and flooding killed scores of livestock.『9words』

16、If the server wins a rally, he scores a point.『10words』

17、He gets promoted even though his scores are below average.『10words』

18、The ASCOT scores were quite nearly the outcomes of the patients.『11words』

19、Results: The ESS scores and ADL scores were significantly increased after treatment.『12words』

20、Football Live Scores thief procedures, various leagues automatically updated, real-time live scores.『12words』

21、However, there were no significant changes in gustatory test scores following surgery.『12words』

22、Under Vaillant, the researchers compared the men's mental-health scores with their boyhood-activity scores.『13words』

23、The neurologic impairment scores of treatment group were lower than that of control group.『14words』

24、Results: There was a negative correlation between the scores of SWLS and the scores of SCL-90.『16words』

25、Test scores at Parkway Heights Middle School have been very low for the last seven years.『16words』

26、Those with high perfectionism scores had a 26-percent lower risk of death than those with low scores.『17words』

27、Treatment with Gn-RHa reduced the scores more efficiently but after 24 weeks post-treatment a relapse of symptoms occurred.『18words』

28、The screen blinked on and off with the message, "Your scores are being tabulated by the computer, please wait."『19words』

29、The existing researches are based the expert scores. Since the subjectivity of expert scores, the resulting ranking is not satisfying.『20words』

30、BCPT could increase body weight, sweet water wastage and the crossing scores and rearing scores of the depression model rats.『20words』



31、T-scores and MI-scores are calculated to measure the collocational strength of patterns and Determiner collocations are ranked by collocational strength.『20words』

32、Typical measures of "geekiness" like LSAT scores and undergraduate grade point averages were not reliable indicators of later lawyering abilities.『20words』

33、Methods: the latent variable scores theory of confirmatory factor analysis was discussed and latent variable scores were estimated with LISREL program.『21words』

34、Conclusions - Relative changes in serial NIHSS scores can serve as a simple clinical indicator of arterial status after intravenous thrombolysis.『21words』

35、You can get video annotations of the event that you're reading about You can get the latest sports scores etcetera .『21words』

36、The AIS employs more than 100 sports scientists and doctors, and collaborates with scores of others in universities and research centres.『21words』

37、This kind of method is easy to command. General-ly, after learning for three months a person's average scores can reach 180 scores.『22words』

38、We sort items in the auction format based on 'time: ending soonest' and DSR scores (items demoted if any DSR is lower than 4.4).『24words』

39、Z-scores take into account the differences in score between each school in that column and the spread of scores between the top and bottom school.『25words』

40、Using the software, students with higher verbal scores reading the same page made, on average, 16 errors, compared with 17 errors for students with lower scores.『26words』



41、However, what my parents and school are concerned about is my scores, which means everything will be OK due to high scores, so they care little about my mental or spiritual growth.『32words』

42、Although Yang did not actually get the best scores on every single test, it was his high scores on the psychological tests that finally won him his position as China's first astronaut.『32words』

43、The middle school students of Zang nationality have higher scores in sub-scale of expressiveness, cohesion, moral-religious emphasis, organization and family control, but have lower scores in sub-scale of independence than those of Han nationality.『34words』

44、Results The undergraduates who took part in the postgraduates examination had lower scores of privateness (N) and higher scores in dominance (E), liveliness (F), rule-consciousness (G), sensitivity (I) and abstractedness (M) as well as success in major.『37words』


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