

1、renew one's annual subscription『4words』

2、renew a contract [lease]『4words』

3、To renew,dropping the old『4words』

4、revise or renew one's assessment.『5words』

5、I must renew the book.『5words』

6、Can I renew these books?『5words』

7、renew a contract;renew a magazine subscription.『6words』

8、renew a request, complaint, criticism, protest『6words』

9、Don't automatically renew annual travel insurance.『6words』

10、We must continually renew this promise.『6words』



11、He forgot to renew his club subscription .『8words』

12、To renew the agent's X.509 certificates, do the following.『9words』

13、Old love but in shapes that renew and renew forever.『10words』

14、There's nothing to renew. Your contract already belongs to me.『10words』

15、We have to renew our efforts to attract young players.『10words』

16、If initial credentials expire, DB2 will not automatically renew them.『10words』

17、My membership card is expired. I need to renew it.『10words』

18、Click the Renew button to renew the enterprise server licensor certificate:『11words』

19、Those who refuse to obey might not have their leases renew.『11words』

20、Listing 18 shows the command to renew the ca's X.509 certificates.『11words』

21、Then the person who requested it won't be able to renew it.『12words』

22、We 'd like to renew our agency agreement for another two year .『13words』

23、Where,When as death shall all the world subdue,our love shall alive,and later life renew.虽然死神会把整个世界征服,我们的爱依然不死,且焕发着勃勃生机。『14words』

24、Thank you for hard work! We must always change, renew, rejuvenate ourselves. otherwise we harden.『15words』

25、Listing 20 shows the two commands you can use to renew the failover server's X.509 certificates.『16words』

26、The X.509 certificates have expiration dates so you should be sure to renew them before they expire.『17words』

27、If the contract expires and the two parties do not renew it, the contract will be terminated naturally.『18words』

28、License renew application is the application for manufacturing license renew when the valid period of the original one expires.『19words』

29、No, I repeat again, that nothing shall induce me to renew attempts evidently at variance with the Almighty's pleasure."『19words』

30、So we must renew urban land basic standard price accordingly based on the development of land price in market.『19words』



31、Only after repair the renal structure, the renal function can rebuild and renew, and the clinical symptoms only can getting better.『21words』

32、Your cloud space for failing to renew the losses caused by the user's responsibility to contact us as soon as possible renewals!『22words』

33、This week the United Nations Security Council is set to renew the mandate of its peacekeeping mission in Haiti for an eighth year.『23words』

34、Hippophae rhamnoide is a nicer shrub species for plantation becoming savageness. This population could renew very well in Hilly-gully region of Loess plateau.『23words』

35、We wish to remind you that we too look forward to being acknowledged by you all, and to renew contact with you all dear friends.『25words』

36、Take the necessary time in your own life to dream your dreams and renew your energy, so you'll be ready to face each new day. 从你的生活中多抽出点时间去梦想,重振你的精力,你会完全准备好又去迎接新的一天。『26words』

37、These labels encourage style-conscious consumers to see clothes as disposable—meant to last only a wash or two (although they don't advertise that), and to renew their wardrobe every few weeks.『30words』

38、a replaceable 400 Series stainless steel wear ring shall be provided on the impeller inlet to reduce the effects of abrasive wear and provide the ability to renew the running clearance.『31words』

39、Originally planned to find a bar tonight to renew the previous suspicions, but only a bucket of instant noodles left hand, a bottle of beer right-hand gray slipped back to the hostel.『32words』

40、Reduced severe water and soil erosion for forest and renew forest vegetation as quick aspossible is the basis that control the water and soil erosion and the sand blown by wind hurt.『32words』



41、“This seemed to renew the general interest in the closed door, and many gazed in that direction. They looked at it as dumb brutes look, as dogs paw and whine and study the knob."『34words』

42、When my wife was very ill she told me that she would be happy if I had the luck to find a man, because I was gay in my teenage years and she thought I would like to renew that experience.『41words』

43、This method is also called haircutting and medullary washing. It is easy to change tendons and tendons or get rid of fetuses and bones. It can remove old ones and renew them, and rebirth the skin sacs of the acquired body.『41words』

44、The coming of the Spring Festival means that spring will come, and Vientiane will revive and renew its vegetation. People have long looked forward to the spring blossom days after they have spent the cold winter of ice, snow and withered vegetation.『42words』


上一篇:focus on造句,用focus on怎么造句子(44句)