

1、Do your feet swell『4words』

2、hydrostatic amplitude of swell『4words』

3、 What a swell idea!『5words』

4、There's a small swell coming.『5words』

5、Diethylenetriamine will swell the resin.『5words』

6、We had a swell time.『5words』

7、You're really a swell girl.『5words』

8、Savings may swell into fortune.『5words』

9、To swell with pride;gloat or exult.『6words』

10、To expand or swell like a pod.『7words』



11、The sprain made my ankle swell up.『7words』

12、His brother is a swell at boxing.『7words』

13、That's gonna swell up like a bitch.『7words』

14、The ranks of the permanently unemployed will swell.『8words』

15、The leg may swell up and be painful.『8words』

16、To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells『9words』

17、The state's unemployment rate is 9.6% and will doubtless swell.『10words』

18、A can of food can swell for two separate reasons.『10words』

19、It absorbs very little moisture and will not shrink or swell.『11words』

20、Railways form sensuous braids that merge and swell through the grid.『11words』

21、Meanwhile, the number of consumers hungry for such gadgets continues to swell.『12words』

22、Both Airbus and Boeing are pushing manufacturing rates skyward as orders continue to swell.『14words』

23、A swell in the sea, Full Moon, like the heart throb of the world.『14words』

24、If spoilage microorganisms produce gas, both ends of the can will bulge outward to give a swell.『17words』

25、Let me swell out the causes ever so ingeniously, they all center in this at last-my vanity was flattered.『19words』

26、plantain of Mediterranean regions whose seeds swell and become gelatinous when moist and are used as a mild laxative.『19words』

27、I hope I can get Bobby back in this sack. He's starting to swell and come apart on me.『19words』

28、He has the computerised graphs to prove it: colourful visuals with circles that swarm, swell and shrink like living creatures.『20words』

29、It has long been a mystery how enough matter can reach these cosmic gluttons to swell them to such large sizes.『21words』

30、Study on smectite content and the indices for discrimination swell potential indicates that smectite content is a principal factor controlling the swell potential.『23words』



31、So spake she, and the horned bull made answer to her again: Take courage, maiden, and dread not the swell of the deep.『23words』

32、It was designed with the ribbed handle and palm swell that converge to a metal pommel for superior grip in close quarters combat.『23words』

33、Tourists in front of me threw burning cigarette butts on the grass, but a small gesture made my heart swell and my mind run wild.『25words』

34、The models are based on usual simulation models for chemically amplified photoresist added with swell model and the model for depth - dependent dissolution rate effect.『26words』

35、Such handsome men, thought Scarlett, with a swell of pride in her heart, as the men called greetings, waved to friends, bent low over the hands of elderly ladies.『29words』

36、To feel forever its soft fall and swell, Awake forever in a sweet unrest, Still, still to hear her tender-taken breath, And so live ever--or else swoon to death.『29words』

37、The structure design and the calculation of the sizes, heating power, linear swell value of hot runner system were discussed in detail. A two-step demoulding mechanism was also introduced.『29words』

38、The catalytic oxidation ability of 13 metal ion-exchanged montmorillonites are investigated in oxidative removal of the sulfides which are the main pollutant in the moult and alkali swell waste water.『30words』

39、This monumental swell of support for the environment has been four years in the making. And it's all building towards one decisive moment in history - the Copenhagen climate summit.『30words』

40、g/kg had evidence inhibited the degree of auricle swell, response of contortion and swell arthrosis of the rat. Conclusion: BTKP has good antiinflammation function and abirritation and has evidence curative effect on rheumatoid arthritis.『34words』



41、Her confinement was due early in the second month after the lunar New Year, and since the beginning of winter she had really begun to swell up. What's more, she liked to stick her belly out to show off her importance.『41words』

42、Fortunately, a young girl's tears aren't yet like the raindrops of autumn or winter.They don't bring destruction and ruin to the face, but are more like the steady rains of early April, which soak and swell the ground, making it muddier.『41words』

43、It is important to have a correct understanding of one's own abilities, so that one does not swell into the sky, or sink into the earth with low self-esteem, or make people laugh because one does not know the height of the earth.『43words』

44、“ABout 12 days after people are infected with the virus, they will get a fever, headache, muscle aches, and Backache; their lymph nodes will swell; and they will feel tired. One to 3 days (or longer) after the fever starts, they will get a rash. "『46words』

