

1、Jonathan was stunned.『3words』

2、The blow stunned him.『4words』

3、The princesses were stunned.『4words』

4、The lawyer was stunned.『4words』

5、Katherine Solomon sounded stunned.『4words』

6、The precipitous gorge stunned us.『5words』

7、Prosecutor Drew Robinson was stunned.『5words』

8、Murdoch appeared stunned but unharmed.『5words』

9、My husband and I were stunned.『6words』

10、“We were absolutely stunned," Gharib says.『6words』



11、Mrs. Ching was stunned by this news.『7words』

12、My reaction was stunned disbelief; anger, too.『7words』

13、The researchers were stunned with the results.『7words』

14、The fast-paced action of Riverdance stunned audiences,『7words』

15、After all the answers flowed, everyone was stunned.『8words』

16、He's stunned by today's resignation of his longtime ally.『9words』

17、All Europe was stunned by the news from Poltava.『9words』

18、I am stunned some of the condescending attitudes I've seen.『10words』

19、the knowledge brought neither joy nor excitement, only a stunned immobility.『11words』

20、The Marionette, on hearing this sentence passed upon him, was thoroughly stunned.『12words』

21、The company stunned the technology world by increasing its offer price to $26.『13words』

22、Even Massa looks briefly stunned by his own fervour so soon after the coma.『14words』

23、The combination of her golden skin, golden hair and theyards of gold lace -- I was stunned.『17words』

24、I knew he was a great slasher and a good shooter, but his passing ability stunned me.『17words』

25、Before the eyes of the stunned, thrilled audience, photographs came to life and moved across a flat screen.『18words』

26、First a beefy kangaroo stunned Australia, and now an equally muscly giraffe has been spotted in South Africa.『18words』

27、He was stunned, wondering how he could provoke such a bad person or what he had done wrong.『18words』

28、Glyph of Crusader strike - your Crusader strike deals 20% more damage when your targe is incapacitated or stunned.『19words』

29、 This caution is not useless, because some passages are so bizarre that sometimes they are stunned and stunned to interrupt their work.『23words』

30、When asked how they had cracked the code ahead of an array of highly accomplished rival investigators, he said something that stunned me.『23words』



31、After a burst of excitement, the two team leaders were stunned by the stone again, thinking about the origin and purpose of the stone.『24words』

32、People are stunned by the high-rise building, always like to pursue the external image of high into the clouds, but neglect the down-to-earth pragmatism.『24words』

33、Audiences in the autumn of l951 were stunned to see such a different person, barely recognizing the actress that played Scarlett so exquisitely a decade earlier.『26words』

34、He was stunned last week to receive a letter from his former neighbors accusing him of "damaging" their land and threatening to take him to court.『26words』

35、Around him were a dozen Elites who, confronted by the sight of a lone Spartan engaging two Hunters in hand-to-hand combat, were momentarily too stunned to act.『27words』

36、In addition, it is likely that small live animals in the advected water might be killed or stunned by thermal and/or chemical shock, thereby contributing to the food supply of vents.『31words』

37、After Guo Nan was reincarnated, he really had a big appetite. He devoured food and whales, and people came and went back and forth in the hall, stunned by not stopping serving vegetables and withdrawing dishes.『36words』

38、If the suddenness of her calamity, and the whirling wheels of the time, had stunned the Doctor's daughter into awaiting the result in idle despair, it would but have been with her as it was with many.『37words』

39、 The Tao'an State broke down and died. There was no end to it. It wore its hair and went into the mountains. The Qiu was a savage. Therefore, the old view, such as poison beasts, stunned and afraid to connect.『41words』

40、Ma 81 not only pretended to be stunned in front of the girl, but also informed the girl that Tiewa was his biological son and the result of his excitement when he was young. Ma 81's actions frightened the girl away.『41words』



41、“ Still, I dare say it will be all right on the night, " which triumph of hope over not only experience but plain hard fact so stunned Miss Pemberton that she said no more and took her place in the front row of seats.『45words』

42、an amazed audience gave the magician a standing ovation; I stood enthralled, astonished by the vastness and majesty of the cathedral; astounded viewers wept at the pictures from the Oklahoma City bombing; stood in stunned silence; stunned scientists found not one but at least three viruses.『46words』

43、“If he's as much stunned with the lick and fuddled with the rum as he had the look of being, he won't think of the knife till he's gone so far he'll be afraid to come back after it to such a place by himself -- chicken-heart!"『47words』

44、The wind gradually stopped, but the willow dances did not stop, you came, in the background of the willow dances, the banished fairy came to me, looked at the willow that had not stopped. I was stunned, or was it so indecisive, or hesitated, it was timid, and I could not be the same again, and can not no longer be the same. Gene『64words』

