


2、Are you the youngest『4words』

3、Is this your youngest brother?『5words』

4、She dotes on her youngest son.『6words』

5、She coddled her youngest son madly.『6words』

6、Parents usually favour their youngest child.『6words』

7、Kennedy was the youngest man elected President;『7words』

8、Unfortunately, her youngest son Timothy is sick.『7words』

9、Their youngest son, Doug, is president of Amway.『8words』

10、Edward was the youngest of the Kennedy brothers.『8words』



11、The youngest couldn't fly back without her fairy clothes.『9words』

12、But the youngest daughter was a naughty little girl.『9words』

13、Even our youngest students can compose comments on a blog.『10words』

14、The oldest patron is80 years old and the youngest at age7.『11words』

15、He was the youngest son of the youngest grand uncle of Ari.『12words』

16、Fu Mingxia has become China's youngest Olympic gold medalist here in Barcelona.『12words』

17、1996-2004 Scored aged 17 on debut at Wimbledon, to become the club's youngest scorer.『14words』

18、The world's youngest billionaire, Dustin Moskovitz, was Mark Zuckerberg's Harvard roommate and Facebook's third employee.『15words』

19、After only a year in the sports club, the youngest player was elected to the committee.『16words』

20、8-year-old Kevin is the youngest child and is fighting with his brothers, sisters and his cousins.『16words』

21、“I am ever as young or as old as the youngest and the oldest of this village."我是永远和这村里最年轻的人一样年轻,最年老的人一样年老。『17words』

22、I, however, learned from it that I was the youngest son of youngest son for five generations back.『18words』

23、They alighted on the floor, quite unashamed of themselves, and the youngest one had already forgotten his home.『18words』

24、At age 29, Mr Fink was the youngest person ever to become a managing director of First Boston.『18words』

25、The youngest, Jonathan, 15, is now in a juvenile boot camp after running into trouble with the law.『18words』

26、Then one Saturday morning my attention was drawn to the odd goings-on of our two youngest sons .『18words』

27、Bragg is not only the youngest physics laureate, he is also the youngest laureate in any Nobel prize area.『19words』

28、China's Fu Mingxia, 13, won the women's platform diving gold, becoming the second-youngest person to win an individual gold medal.『20words』

29、And in some careers, like psychology, there were more who were youngest, perhaps because youngest children are more attuned to relationships in their environment.『24words』

30、The Beckham's youngest child Harper, who is four, looks set to inherit her mother Victoria's age-defying complexion as she remains wrinkle-free into middle age.『24words』



31、The youngest killer in history Jon Venables has been given a luxury prison cell fitted out with widescreen TV, video games, guitar and gym equipment.『25words』

32、“What about that time you forgot to pick me up at school because you were trying to beat Zoe's high score?" asked Clementine, my youngest daughter.『26words』

33、Hoping to make the NAACP relevant to that new generation is Benjamin Todd Jealous, a 36-year-old Californian who is the youngest chief executive in the NAACP's history.『27words』

34、It took two years to negotiate the Milleys' Differentiated homework Plan, which ensures their youngest two children will never have to do homework again at their current school.『28words』

35、You know, I think my youngest daughter was born with honey in her mouth! She can sweet-talk me into doing just about anything she wants me to do.『28words』

36、The company has recently extended child-care leave to two years from one, and it exempts women from having to work overtime until their youngest child enters elementary school.『28words』

37、An old custom in certain English boroughs whereby the right to inherit an estate intestate went to the youngest son or, in default of issue, to the youngest brother.『29words』

38、Yet here we stand: Facebook is one of the most valuable websites on the Internet, Zuckerberg is one of the world’s youngest billionaires, and MySpace… let’s not pick on them.『30words』

39、Ozzie Nelson's youngest son, Rick, who pursued a career in country rock music after the show ended, was a trendsetter, sinking into debt in the early 1980s after an expensive divorce.『31words』

40、And we said, We cannot go down: if our youngest brother be with us, then will we go down: for we may not see the man's face, except our youngest brother be with us.『34words』



41、At the end of one hundred years a prince named Jojo (who was the youngest son of a youngest son and so had no gold or jewels or property to speak of) came into the woods.『36words』

42、A man shall see, where there is a house full of children, one or two of the eldest respected, and the youngest made wantons; but in the midst, some that are as it were forgotten, who many times, nevertheless, prove the best.『42words』

43、But because of his love for the dead queen, and because Hu Hai is his youngest son and the only son left by the queen, he has an unreasonable love and preference for Hu Hai. He is not willing to stand for Hu Hai.『44words』

44、The soldier, who had watched everything, tarried no longer, put on his little cloak, and went down last with the youngest. Half-way down the steps, he just trod a little on her dress; she was terrified at that, and cried out, "What is that? who is pulling my dress?"『49words』

