

1、oppositely equal ranges『3words』

2、Supports Zipcode numerical ranges.『4words』

3、The giraffe ranges in Africa.『5words』

4、The gun ranges 3 miles.『5words』

5、Personas explore ranges of behavior『5words』

6、There are three basic salary ranges.『6words』

7、The class caters for all ability ranges.『7words』

8、Classically there are two distinct energy ranges.『7words』

9、Control charts for medians and for ranges『7words』

10、Cuscuta SPP have wide ranges of host.『7words』



11、The vertical axis ranges from strategic to tactical.『8words』

12、ranges from Central America to southeastern United States.『8words』

13、Middle tones( Mid tones): Tonal ranges between highlights and shadows.『10words』

14、The exhibition spans nearly half a century and ranges widely.『10words』

15、The background ranges from 255 (white) to 137 (light gray).『10words』

16、As he tells this story, Mr Kaplan ranges widely around Europe.『11words』

17、The set of options ranges from inter process communication to peer-to-peer networking.『12words』

18、Lush, tropical terrain in some parts and wind swept, barren ranges in other areas.『14words』

19、Take note of the default values and ranges, as they are different than before.『14words』

20、You can type: help cmdline-ranges in any Vim session to learn more about this facility.『15words』

21、The utility model discloses an automatic gas interrupter, which belongs to the accessory device for gas ranges.『17words』

22、However, only certain ranges of addresses in this range are unreserved and available for sending multicast messages.『17words』

23、If you so will, I will love you unrelentingly, just like those boundless, unbroken mountain ranges and valleys!『18words』

24、Yet many of these works are engrossing because they show the microscopic nuances of human dynamics within these limited ranges.『20words』

25、Most breakouts from trading ranges are false breakouts - fishing expeditions by the pros gunning for stops at common levels.『20words』

26、The geography of India is extremely diverse, with landscape ranging from snow-capped mountain ranges to deserts, plains, hills and plateaus.『20words』

27、You can explicitly search for a known hash value with point ranges, in other words ranges with identical start and stop keys.『22words』

28、The reforming scheme of ranges is put forward after conversion into natural gas on the basis of reforming experiment of domestic LPG ranges.『23words』

29、The input voltage ranges of sampling channels can be set up by programme to match it with output voltage ranges of various instruments.『23words』

30、A series of mountain ranges of extreme western North America extending from southeast Alaska to Baja California along the coastline of the Pacific Ocean.『24words』



31、In testing, the client generates a pseudo-random series of requests with the query ranges adjusted to cover some portion of the total set of earthquakes.『25words』

32、We discussed the relations between the cross-sections in tree level (and one-loop corrected cross sections) and center-mass energy in the luminosity measuring ranges of GLC.『25words』

33、The suitable ranges of each ecological factor for growth are the same as for the spores release, while the optimum ranges of them show obvious distinction.『26words』

34、Because of this dramatic situation, compensation ranges are set to increase for all cases, ranging from injuries with minimal or no sensorial hearing loss to total deafness.『27words』

35、The dry mountain ranges of the western United States contain rocks dating back 440 to 510 million years, to the Ordovician period, and teeming with evidence of tropical marine life.『30words』

36、The result shows that measurement standard error reaches minimum 0.027 for most milk sample and satisfies the national criterion of protein detection when dilution ratio ranges from 6.2 to 7.4.『30words』

37、Because products must accommodate ranges of user behavior, attitudes and aptitudes, designers must identify a persona set associated with any given product. Multiple personas carve up ranges of behavior into discrete clusters.『32words』

38、Geographically, it is a land of extremes; fertile coastal plains, glaciated high mountain ranges, deep sinuous fiords surrounded by ancient forests, and volcanic plateaux complete with geysers, boiling mud pools and thermal springs.『33words』

39、A one-way toll collection arrangement is adopted for the TMCA. Vehicles travelling on the Lantau Link will be charged twice the single journey toll when they return from Lantau Island. The double toll ranges from $20 to $80.『38words』

40、Praise bestowed on the Kremlin leader ranges from young judoist Putin fighting "like a snow leopard" to many years later his being visibly moved when decorated war veterans in the Kremlin stood up in salute as he entered the hall.『40words』



41、Type series: The range of type sizes on one typeface design. For metal, it ranges from 6 pt, up to 72pt. For computer typesetting system, the size may range from 4, pt, to more than 576 pt, depending on the program.『41words』

42、Conclusion As long as the residual acoustic hearing covers the pitch range of the speaker, low frequency information restored by HA can greatly assist CI users in Chinese speech recognition in speech-shaped noise, no matter their frequecy ranges overlap or not.『41words』

43、The toll ranges from $20 to $80. Adjoining a viewing platform and visitor centre on the Lantau Link, an open-air car park is provided on the Tsing Yi side of the Link with more than 100 parking spaces. Parking fees range from $15 to $50 an hour.『47words』

44、In order to grasp Zn and Cu nutriture of children in Guangzhou. values of Zn and Cu in whole blood of355 primary and secondary school children were determined and normal ranges of the elements were studied. The values of Zn in whole blood of the children presented skew distribution.『49words』

