

1、Taxis are exempt.『3words』

2、exempt from customs duty『4words』

3、Be exempt from rentals『4words』

4、tax - exempt bonds.『4words』

5、Why should fashion be exempt『5words』

6、Sale of VAT exempt goods;『5words』

7、A concerned party is exempt from responsibility.『7words』

8、I'm exempt from paying tuition this term.『7words』

9、China is not exempt from this problem.『7words』

10、Some students are exempt from certain exams.『7words』



11、Thirteen states exempt clothing from sales tax.『7words』

12、Are you exempt from checking? This way, please.『8words』

13、Be exempt from industrial and commercial consolidated tax『8words』

14、FASHION affects all human activities, and science is not exempt.『10words』

15、Second, reduce or exempt the debts of least developed countries.『10words』

16、Farmers and herdsmen are exempt from agricultural and livestock taxes;『10words』

17、Be exempt from customs duties, value-added tax and consumption tax『10words』

18、That hair comes off abruptly is trouble nature disease exempt from service portent.『13words』

19、“Special use" can not become the reason that exempt from state compensational obligations.『13words』

20、As a non - profit - making organization, we are exempt from tax .『14words』

21、Persons exempt from jury duty;income exempt from taxation;a beauty somehow exempt from the aging process.『15words』

22、Families whose incomes fall below the poverty line will be exempt from the reinforcement fees.『15words』

23、country is exempt. International policy coordination is needed and made easier by the obvious commonality of interests.『17words』

24、12. Non-exempt direct payments which are based on factors other than price shall be measured using budgetary outlays.『18words』

25、We never can expect to be exempt, as to our many children, from the afflictions of other parents.『18words』

26、The investors are exempt from tax in the first few years and may export the entire crop back home.『19words』

27、Perhaps more important, the risk committees will recommend which derivatives should be handled through clearinghouses, and which should be exempt.『20words』

28、Their interest income is except from federal income taxation. The interest income also is exempt from state and local taxation in the issuing state.『24words』

29、Article 71 Imports by a joint venture of the following materials shall be exempt from Customs duty and from the industrial and commercial consolidated tax:『25words』

30、(c) Members shall only exempt both public authorities and officials from liability to appropriate remedial measures where actions are taken or intended in good faith.『25words』



31、The state shall exempt disabled students who accept compulsory education from tuition and reduce sundry fees or exempt them from such fees according to actual situations.『26words』

32、The current living space per capita plus 50 percent more as reasonable improvement demand, could be considered reasonable and be exempt from the house property tax.『26words』

33、Such foods are currently exempt from nutrition labeling, and will remain exempt when the trans fat rule is effective, unless a nutrient content claim is made about the product.『29words』

34、“In addition, such enterprises are exempt from enterprise income tax in the first two profit-making years and allowed a 50 percent reduction in the third through the fifth years."『29words』

35、The Department for Education's guidance says schools can charge only for board and lodging if the trip is part of the syllabus, and that students receiving government aid are exempt from these costs.『33words』

36、He receives next TMI Corporation to grind in the hotel line, all room are exempt, he letter firmly he formerly the mouth, and guaranteed no longer the commit to make exactly the difference suddenly.『34words』

37、In 1990, after examining cases to be prosecuted or exempt from prosecution, which were referred to them by investigating organs, the procuratorial organs at various levels in the country decided to exempt 3,507 people from prosecution.『36words』

38、Zhu pledged that China will implement its commitment to reduce or exempt part of Africa's debt owed to China and urged main creditor states and institutions to take concrete steps towards the solving of Africa's debt issue.『37words』

39、“Under the new tax system, approved Sinoforeign joint funded banks and foreign banks established in special economic zones and Pudong New area in Shanghai are exempt from business tax for five years, beginning from the day they open for business."『40words』

40、At that time, both inside and outside the court were full of joy, and the whole country was ordered to reduce taxes and exempt sentences. Moreover, the special envoy notified the king of Korea who had friendly relations with the dynasty.『41words』



41、Article12 Where State security requires, a State security organ may, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State, request such inspecting organs as the Customs and the frontier inspection stations to exempt the personnel, materials and equipment concerned from inspection.『41words』

42、She herself was not exempt from internal emotion, and without having done anything wrong, yet fully comprehended that Luigi was right in reproaching her. Why, she did not know, but yet she did not the less feel that these reproaches were merited.『42words』

43、The old Palais would still be standing with its great Hall, and I could say to the reader "Go and see for yourself," and we should both be exempt of the necessity, I of writing, he of reading this description, such as it is.『44words』

44、In the early years of the founding of the People's Republic of China, when the capital and the provinces were sparsely populated and economically disrupted, the rulers had to take some measures to reduce or exempt taxes and to encourage the population to cultivate in this area.『47words』

